1. 1 Grouting of 2 skid-mounted ARIEL compressors with Chockfast Red & Red SG
2. 2 Set up
3. 3 Anchor calculations Before grouting the achorbols following data need to be checked or re-calculated:
Required Bolt Force (kN)
Bolt size
Bolt length
Planned torque (Nm)
4. 4 Preparation & grouting of the anchors
5. 5 Install expansion joint rubber Expansion joints create restricted areas in order to limit the flow of the grout
Potlife (temperature) versus flowdistance will indicate the placement of the expansion joints
To avoid shrinkage-cracks after the heatsink, joints are placed as a rule every 75-100 cm
6. 6 Install shuttering
7. 7 Some technical data - for 1 skid Total area to be grouted 9800 x 3430 mm
Clearance 50 mm
pouring hight (overpour) 80 mm
Total quantity of Chockfast Red 54 units
Anchordata (mms):
18 pcs
M 30 x 3.5 class 8.8 L= 500
F= 200 kN
Pocket ?200 x 200 x 375
L stretch 140
L grout 300
Actual elongation ? l 0.242
Torque 1200 Nm
8. 8 Grouting the skid under the compressor The segment under the compressor could be reached properly by using several spiro tubes of 125 with funnels, this enabled us to pour from the inside as well.
9. 9 Grouting the skid under the e-motor In contrast with the compressor part
the area under the E-motor could not be reached (no man-holes were available in the skid)
Consequently all grout had to pass through a slot of 50 x 1000 mm.
consequently Chockfast Red SG was applied
10. 10 Reduction on material use Tight shuttering close to the contour of the skid avoided unnecessary coverage of floor
11. 11 Pictures of end result
12. 12