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Cake, Cake, and More Cake

Cake, Cake, and More Cake. By Ian Bircak and William Shuford. The Plot.

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Cake, Cake, and More Cake

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cake, Cake, and More Cake By Ian Bircak and William Shuford

  2. The Plot • Ian went to a cheesecake factory. He bought 542.3pounds of cake, which costed $ 495.23 dollars. William came two hours later and bought 689.66 pounds for $516.98. They came in a week later together and bought 999.99 pounds for $777.77. How much money did they spend and how many pounds they bought all together?

  3. How do you do it? • First, you can choose on to money or pounds. We will start with pounds. We add 542.3 and 689.66 pounds to get 1231.96. Then add it onto 999.99 to get 2231.95 pounds • Now the money. We add $495.23 and $516.98 to get $1012.21. Then add it to $777.77 to get $1789.98 • YAAAAAAAY!!!

  4. THE FINAL RESULT IS……. • 2231.95 pounds • $1789.98 dollars

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