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Discipline of English and Creative Writing. Pre-enrolment talk. Discipline of English & Creative Writing. People to remember… Dr Kerrie LeLievre : Discipline Course Advisor Napier 717 8313 5659 kerrie.lelievre@ adelaide.edu.au
Discipline of English and Creative Writing Pre-enrolment talk
Discipline of English & Creative Writing People to remember… • DrKerrie LeLievre: Discipline Course Advisor • Napier 717 • 8313 5659 • kerrie.lelievre@adelaide.edu.au • Professor Amanda Nettelbeck: Head of Discipline (semester 2, 2013) • Napier 609 • 8313 5621 • amanda.nettelbeck@adelaide.edu.au University of Adelaide
What is English at University about? • In English Studies you will engage with cultural production in different forms (eg fiction and stories, poetry, films). • English Studies assumes that forms of cultural production both reflect and help to shape social forms and identities, and that the analysis of narrative is therefore a necessary component of understanding our social contexts and practices. University of Adelaide
What will studying English give you? • Skills of critical thinking and interpretation; • Enhanced communication and independent research skills (the most marketable skills you can develop); • Career versatility: degrees in English are particularly well suited for the creative industries and new media, journalism, public policy, advertising, business, publishing, and teaching. University of Adelaide
Studying English: what to expect • 3 scheduled contact hours per week for each course, but assume considerably more in reading and individual study. • Class focus on individual texts change regularly and familiarity with the work is assumed, so start reading early. • Be prepared to ask for help. We don’t read essay drafts, but we are available for other academic support and assistance. 1. Your tutor 2. Your course convenor 3. Dr Kerrie LeLievre(course advisor) University of Adelaide
English major/minor structure • How many units do you need to complete an English Major? • 24 (8 courses x 3 units) • How many units do you need to complete an English Minor? • - 18 (6 courses x 3 units) • Can you construct an English Major from First Year courses alone? • No. You can only count 2 courses from First Year towards your Major (6 units). • Can you construct an English Major from Advanced courses alone? • Yes. You can complete a Major with 8 Advanced courses (24 units). University of Adelaide
Discipline of English & Creative Writing • The Discipline houses 2 Majors, in English and in Creative Writing. You can cross-list up to 2 courses from each into the other Major.
Where to find out about courses • If you already know the title of a course you want to study, check Course Planner for course descriptions and class times • If you want to know about English course offerings, text lists, or contact the convenor, check the English and Creative Writing Discipline website: • http://www.hss.adelaide.edu.au/english/ug/ University of Adelaide
First year courses offered in 2014 Semester 1 • Ideas of the Real (ENGL 1101) • Strongly recommended for ALL students, including Creative Writing students • Summer / Winter School • Academic English 1 (ENGL 1110) • Semester 2 • Shakespeare (ENGL 1107) • Film Studies (ENGL 1105) • Creative Writing: The Essentials (CRWR 1101) • Remember that only two first year subjects can count towards a Major sequence in English and/or Creative Writing. • Remember too when considering your first year study plan that you must include the first year core course ARTS 1007 The Enquiring Mind: Arts of Engagement. University of Adelaide
Ideas of the Real (ENGL 1101) Convenor: Dr Mandy Treagus mandy.treagus@adelaide.edu.au This course introduces students to a range of texts written in English during the 19th and 20th centuries. Each text illustrates different understandings of what constitutes 'the real' and what literary techniques represent it. The course examines a variety of genres including fiction, short fiction and poetry. Students are introduced to a range of interpretive practices, and the course is designed to increase their skills in critical reading, analysis, writing and research.
Semester 1: Ideas of the Real: set texts Peter Carey, selected short stories Charles Dickens, Great Expectations Henry James, The Turn of the Screw Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway Thomas Pynchon, The Crying of Lot 49 Carol Ann Duffy, Rapture (poetry)
Semester 2: Shakespeare (ENGL 1107) Convenor:Dr Lucy Potter lucy.potter@adelaide.edu.au This course will look closely at four Shakespeare plays, one each from the major genres of tragedy, comedy, history, and romance. ...Topics covered will include character, form, spectacle, theme, sources, the original conditions of production, and the reproduction of Shakespeare's plays in a contemporary context. Students will be introduced to a range of critical approaches to Shakespeare's plays, and be encouraged to reflect on questions of canonicity, cultural value and authority, and the politics of production and reproduction. Film and TV adaptations of the plays may be used to enhance discussion and reflection. The course is suitable for students with little or no prior knowledge of Shakespeare and also for those wishing to become more familiar with the playwright's work.
Shakespeare: Set Texts Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Ed. Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen. RSC edition. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2008. — Othello. Ed. Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen. RSC edition. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2009. — The Winter’s Tale. Ed. Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen. RSC edition. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2009. — King Henry V. Ed. Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen. RSC edition. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2010. The New Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare. Ed. Margreta de Grazia and Stanley Wells. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Semester 2: Film Studies (ENGL 1105) Convenor: Dr Phillip Butterss philip.butterss@adelaide.edu.au Film Studies provides an introduction to the analysis of narrative films. The course explores a range of aspects of film, including origins, techniques, industry, genre, narrative, and audience. The course examines examples from various film industries, including Australia, America (Hollywood) and other international cinemas, from the 1920s to the 2010.
Film Studies Set Texts: TBA Films (to be confirmed): The Cabinet of Dr Caligari Third Man Rear Window Chinatown Breathless Chicago Mad Max 2 Once Were Warriors Thelma and Louise
Academic English (ENGL 1110): Summer and Winter School only Convenor: Dr Kerrie Le Lievre Kerrie.lelievre@adelaide.edu.au Students undertaking this course will develop their skills in reading, writing, and speaking English in an intensive study situation. They will read selected English literary texts (or extracts from them), learn skills for understanding these texts, and develop written and spoken responses to them. The selected texts will be appropriate for both students whose first language is not English and for native speakers of English. Students will develop transferable skills in critical thinking, research, the evaluation of secondary sources, and the planning and drafting of academic essays. • Set text: Kane, Thomas. The New Oxford Guide to Writing. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.
Professional English ESL (ENGL 1104): semesters 1 and 2 *This course is only for students whose first language is not Englishand it is NOT eligible for the English Major* • Convenor:Dr Kerrie Lelievre Kerrie.lelievre@adelaide.edu.au Professional English (ESL) is a practical course for students who are still developing fluency in written and spoken English, and who wish to improve their expression in the context of business communications. The course is designed for students whose first language is not English. Common business documents are studied, as well as grammar, syntax and style. Note: Not available to students who have completed Year 12 English Studies or Year 12 English Communications or equivalent (even if you studied the ESL option)
Advanced courses on rotation (2014-15) 2014 Semester 1: • Australian Classics • Modernisms • Hollywood or Bust! • Old Texts Made New • Haunted Histories Semester 2: • Rhapsody and Revolution • Self Writing • Workplace Writing • Renaissance Writing • Body, Culture, Text 2015 (provisional) • Contemporary Australian Culture • Literature and Society in Victorian Britain • Adaptation • The Question of Postmodernism • Tragedy • The Sixties • Gothic • Icons of Decadence • Workplace Writing University of Adelaide
Where to go for more information: http://hss.adelaide.edu.au/english/ug/ University of Adelaide
Finally, studying English is good for your brain… It’s official!From The Advertiser (Saturday, January 19, 2013, p. 50): • ‘reading challenging works … provides a “rocket boost” to the brain’ • ‘trying to understand complex language by poets triggers self-reflection’ Any questions? University of Adelaide