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Stress induced instabilities in material science and biology. C. Misbah, CNRS and Univ. J. Fourier Grenoble I. Los Angeles October. 2005. Uniaxial stress. Biaxial stress. Questions. Melt, vapor. 1) Front growth or recession?. Solid. 2) Planar front stable?. Solid. 3) Ultimate stage?.
Stress induced instabilities in material science and biology C. Misbah, CNRS and Univ. J. Fourier Grenoble I Los Angeles October. 2005 IPAM Oct. 2005
Uniaxial stress Biaxial stress IPAM Oct. 2005
Questions Melt, vapor 1) Front growth or recession? Solid 2) Planar front stable? Solid 3) Ultimate stage? IPAM Oct. 2005
time Coarsening or fixed ? Stranski-Krastanov? Size selection? Perpetual coarsening? IPAM Oct. 2005
ATG Intability (Asaro-Tiller,1972 -Grinfeld, 1986) Quantum dots formation pyramid-shaped quantum dots grown from indium, gallium, and arsenic. Each dot is about 20 nanometers wide and 8 nanometers in height. IPAM Oct. 2005
Swelling or shrinkage of gels Clamped at bottom Gel swelling T. Tanaka, H. Tanaka, Kawasaki, Sekimoto, Onuki IPAM Oct. 2005
Misbah C., Renard F., Gratier J.P., Kassner K., Geoph. Res. Lett., 31, L6618 (2004). J. Schmittbuhl, F. Renard, J. P. Gratier, and R. Toussaint Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 238501 (2004) IPAM Oct. 2005
Misbah C., Renard F., Gratier J.P., Kassner K., Geoph. Res. Lett., 31, L6618 (2004). J. Schmittbuhl, F. Renard, J. P. Gratier, and R. Toussaint Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 238501 (2004) IPAM Oct. 2005
Stylolithes formation (ex:limestone, queensland, Australia) dissolution Stress- induced corrugation IPAM Oct. 2005
ATG instability comes to life! Actin-assisted cell motility IPAM Oct. 2005
L. A. Cameron et al., PNAS, 96, 4908 (1999). J. van der Gucht et al. PNAS, 102, 7847 (2005) IPAM Oct. 2005
Actin Polymerization at bead/layer interface P. Peyla, C. Misbah, preprint (2005) IPAM Oct. 2005
Physical picture of the instability solid IPAM Oct. 2005
Physical picture of the instability solid Instability unavoidable IPAM Oct. 2005
Typical lengthscales of the pattern Strain due to protuberance Strain energy gain Surface energy loss IPAM Oct. 2005
For For IPAM Oct. 2005
Yang and Srolovitz (1993) Kassner and Misbah (1994) Spencer Meiron (steady-states, 1994) IPAM Oct. 2005
Surface tension effect Stress effect Close to a crack Sound speed, finite interface width IPAM Oct. 2005
Simple ansatz Cycloid (Chui,Gao, 1993) Double cycloid (conformal mapping, Kassner, Misbah, 2001) , derivation of groove velocities Multicycloids (Kohlert, Kassner, Misbah, 2003) (good agreement with numerics with few modes) IPAM Oct. 2005
Phase-field approach: singularity? IPAM Oct. 2005
Phase field models Sharp interface Diffuse interface IPAM Oct. 2005
Reference state Reference state 1 : stress=0 when strain=0 Ref. state 2: Zero strain is no stress free IPAM Oct. 2005
If equilibrium: If ref. state: strain is zero when when stress is BC: For z=0 There is no stress a all! Because IPAM Oct. 2005
If equilibrium: If ref. state: strain is zero when when stress is BC: Plays the role of a unixial stress IPAM Oct. 2005
Viewed as the work of external force Gas (liq., vac.) Diffuse Solid IPAM Oct. 2005
gas solid IPAM Oct. 2005
Sharp interface limit, asymptotics Is a Singular perturbation IPAM Oct. 2005
Outer solution (regular) Inner solution (singular) Matching inner-outer solutions IPAM Oct. 2005
+ Lamé Outer solutions: Inner solutions: (1) Zeroth order: (at all orders) And BC (2) First order: IPAM Oct. 2005
Main Results 1) Increase of the amplitude without bound 2) Phase-field supresses finite time singularity 3) Perpetual coarsening 4) A finite interface width « Yield stress » 5) Final groove velocity IPAM Oct. 2005
1D dynamics Stress accumulation in the grooves, fracture? IPAM Oct. 2005
Coarsening Mass flux IPAM Oct. 2005
Coarsening Mass flux If non conserved: Exceptions in 1d with no noise! IPAM Oct. 2005
Contact coalescence Volume variation ~ surface IPAM Oct. 2005
Coarsening dominated by elasticity conserved nonconserved (cycloids show driving force independent of R) In progress Agreement with the experiment of Koehn et al.,Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta, 2004 IPAM Oct. 2005
Heteroepitaxy IPAM Oct. 2005
Partial relaxation Stressed film Oswald ripening? Narrow size observed InGaAs/GaAs, InAs/inP, InAS/InGaAs, …... IPAM Oct. 2005
Monoatomic films substrate Elastic monopoles =step energy/elastic energy coverage Marchenko-Parshin (1980) and Marchenko 1992 Alerhand et al. 1989. IPAM Oct. 2005
(Tersoff, Villain, Müller, Kern….) Coasening should be inevitable! Gain in elastic energy and in surface energy IPAM Oct. 2005
Open questions 1) In the pure thermodynamical limit, does coarsening persist? 2) Is it thermodynamical or kinetical? In the first case which ingredients would supress coarsening? Coarsening is subtle (Politi, Misbah, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2004) 3) In Dynamical simulations: coarsening stops or slowed down? 4) Some systems QD form under compression but not under tension! 5) Cell motility: bead-gel friction decisive? IPAM Oct. 2005