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Barometer lab . By : Micaela Palacios, Viviana Villacreses , Paola Cobos. Problem Statement. How can a barometer be used to detect changes in air pressure?. Background. 1. Altitude is greater at the top of the mountains , A
Barometer lab By: Micaela Palacios, Viviana Villacreses, Paola Cobos
ProblemStatement • How can a barometer be used to detect changes in air pressure?
Background • 1. Altitudeisgreater at the top of themountains, A • 2. Air pressureisgreater at point of the sea level, B • 3. Density of the air isgreater at point sea level, B • 4. A cubic meter of air has lessmass at point A • 5. Thepercentage of oxygen in the air at point A ispercent • 6. Threeproperties of air: • Density, pressure and mass • 7. Air pressuredoesntcrush my deskbecausethemolecules in air push in alldirections • 8. Thetwounits of air pressurethat are used in weatherreports are: inches of mercury, pressure in milibars • 9. Air pressure: theresult of a weight of a column of air pushingdownonanarea
Background • 10. Altitude: thedistanceabove sea level • 11. Aneroidbarometer: instrumentthatmeasureschanges in air pressurewithoutusing a liquid • 12. Barometer: isanyinstrumentthatmeasureschanges in air pressure • 13. Density: theamount of mass in a unitvolume of a substance • 14. Mercury barometer.: instrumentthatmeasureschanges in air presureusingliwuidmercury • 15. Pressure: force per unitarea
Variables • The days is the independent variable and the air pressure is the dependent variable. In other words, the air pressure changes depending on the and the location of the air. One controlled variable is our bedroom.
Hypothesis • Ifwemeasurethe air pressureonedaythenitwouldbedifferent, higherorlowerfromthenextdaybecausethe air pressurechangesfromthedensity and thepressure of the air of eachday.
Data Analysis • 2. From the graph, what can you conclude about changes in air pressure? • The changes in the air pressure don’t jump, they change very little. If the nail is pointing up it means that there is going to be rain and if its down it means that it can be a clear day • 3. How many data points were you able to collect? Do you think this is enough data to make conclusions about air pressure and weather changes? • Seven data points and I think it is enough to make a data conclusion because I took the temperature of an entire week and I saw how it affected the weather • 4. Why was it important to record observations about the weather conditions? Because then I could see what it was related and how did it affect the air pressure to the weather conditions 5. Was your data reliable? Explain why or why not. • Yes for me it was reliable because I took it with a barometer and I tried to be very specific
Data analysis • 6. Was your data accurate? Explain why or why not. Yes it was accurate I saw it when it explained the weather. • 7. What change in atmospheric conditions must occur to cause the free end of the straw to rise? What change must occur for it to fall? If the straw rises it means that there is a heavy air pressure. If the straw falls it means that there isn't that much air pressure falling down to the balloon. 8. According to your observations, what kind of weather is usually associated with high air pressure? With low air pressure? With high pressure it means that the weather, the day should be clear and if it has low pressure then it means that a storm is approaching. 9. If your balloon had a tiny hole in it, what would happen to the accuracy of your barometer? (1 mark)yes because the air would get into the jar and the air pressure would be lost, so it wouldn't push as hard as it should be and the accuracy would be lost too. 10. What effect, if any, would a great temperature change have on the accuracy of your barometer? Explain. • Itwouldaffectitbecausethenitwouldbehardtoseetherealationshipbetweenthetwo datas and theaccuracywouldbealsolost.
Conclusion • Conclusion • Our hypothesis was able to be proven because with the results you could se how the air pressure changes every day and the relationship with the weather. When you see our results we are able to see the relationship between the air pressure and the weather. The data is consistent and there aren't no jumps from one number to another so we can say they are reliable. One source of error might be recording the exact hour for the seven days. It was hard because sometimes we weren't able to do it at the exact hour from the day before. We can solve this by making the next time in hours that we know we are going to be able to record. The other source of error might have been that when we made the ruler into the cardboard the lines weren´t really good traced. We can solve this by printing a ruler from the internet that we know its accurate.