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Lecture 20 (Engineer) Light-matter interaction in cavities and other photonic structures

Lecture 20 (Engineer) Light-matter interaction in cavities and other photonic structures. Reminder: Lecture notes taker : Mikhail Special seminar in BRK for next Monday 4/14 lecture HWK 5 will be posted today, due 4/28 Monday class Paper due Wed 4/30 class

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Lecture 20 (Engineer) Light-matter interaction in cavities and other photonic structures

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lecture 20(Engineer) Light-matter interaction in cavities and other photonic structures Reminder: Lecture notes taker: Mikhail Special seminar in BRK for next Monday 4/14 lecture HWK 5 will be posted today, due 4/28 Monday class Paper due Wed 4/30 class Final exam plan: self-made 1 eq. sheet permitted Please fill out course evaluation

  2. Course Outline Part 1: basic review: Optics+Quantum; Part 2: Basic Light-matter interaction; laser; Part 3: Quantum Optics of photons Part 4: More advanced light-matter interaction Part 5: Quantum information/photonics/ applications Subject to change; Check updates on course web/wiki

  3. Today’s Plan FQ Student presentation: Roman

  4. Review: spontaneous emission (in “free” space) (fermi Golden rule) Agree with Einstein coeff. • Spontaneous emission: • Stimulated emission by vac. E field! • Related to vac. photon DOS Can engineer this (by cavity or other photonic nanostructure)

  5. Review: optical cavity Finesse (R1~R2~R~1) Resonance (frequency =2c/)

  6. Atom-Cavity coupling “2 coupled (damped) oscillators” (reversible) (irreversible)

  7. Weak coupling regime (perturbation/fermi golden rule):Purcell effect far off-resonant:g0 resonant Purcell factor

  8. http://www.solvayinstitutes.be/Activities/Chairs/LeconsHaroche/Solvay_1.pdfhttp://www.solvayinstitutes.be/Activities/Chairs/LeconsHaroche/Solvay_1.pdf

  9. Experimental demo Purcell Effect (semiconductor microcavity)

  10. Strong coupling regime If 2~A21

  11. Strong coupling: cavity QED ---Jaynes-Cummings Model |e> |g>  N atoms:

  12. Recall (strongly-driven) Rabi dressed states Coupled oscillator (Mollow triplet) atom E&M wave (Rabi) atom Cavity

  13. Experimental demo strong coupling/cQED (vacuum Rabi splitting) See also: “vacuum induced transparency (VIT)” Vuletic’11 Probe?

  14. 2D materials?

  15. Applications & Beyond cavities Single photon/atom QI processor Engineer DOS thus emission via photonic nanosturctures (subwavelength), photononic crystals/bandgap metamaterials… low threshold lasers, photovoltaic…

  16. Next Lectures • Monday: Seminar in BRK • Wed 4/23:excitons/color centers?

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