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Biotechnological Research on Endophytic Microbes from a tea Plant and the Parasitic Plant

This research focuses on the symbiotic relationship between endophytic microbes and tea plants, specifically studying the production of bioactive compounds. The study was conducted at the Research Center for Green Science, Fukuyama University, and the Research Centre for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in West Java, Indonesia.

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Biotechnological Research on Endophytic Microbes from a tea Plant and the Parasitic Plant

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Biotechnological Research on Endophytic Microbes from a tea Plant and the Parasitic Plant Partomuan Simanjuntak Research Center for Green Science Fukuyama University Research Centre for Biotehnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)

  2. Collected at the Puncak area, West Java, Indonesia

  3. tea plant

  4. endophytic fungus tea plant

  5. biotransformed product (6) 500.00 absorbance (+)-catechin (1) 0.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 time (min)

  6. 500.00 biotransformed product (7, 39%) absorbance (-)-epicatechin (2, 2.4%) 0.00 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 time (min)

  7. 200.00 biotransformed product (7, 53%) absorbance (-)-ECG (4) (-)-epicatechin (2, 13%) 0.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 0.00 10.00 time (min)

  8. 200.00 biotransformed product (8, 43%) (-)-epigallocatechin (3, 19%) absorbance (-)-EGCG (5) 0.00 40.00 20.00 30.00 0.00 10.00 time (min)

  9. Collected at the Puncak area, West Java, Indonesia

  10. (+)-catechin

  11. Separation

  12. Fungus H, a new fungus, Phomopsis sp.

  13. (+)-catechin

  14. Law of Applied Microbiology • - The microorganism is always right, • your friend and sensitive partner • - They are no stupid microorganism • - Microorganisms can (will) do anything • - Microorganism are smarter, wiser, more • energetic than chemist, microbiologist, etc • - If you take of your (microbial) friends, they • will take care of your future • (and you will live happily everyafter) • Law of Applied Microbiology • - The microorganism is always right, • your friend and sensitive partner • - They are no stupid microorganism • - Microorganisms can (will) do anything • - Microorganism are smarter, wiser, more • energetic than chemist, microbiologist, etc • - If you take of your (microbial) friends, they • will take care of your future • (and you will live happily everyafter) (D. Parlman, 1979)

  15. The Puncak area, West Java, Indonesia

  16. ありがとう ございます Terima Kasih

  17. Symbiosis relationship between plant and endophytic microbes Microbes which associates with living tissue of the plant. The type of interaction between endophyte and its host plant usually mutualism symbiosis. The plant providing nutrients for microbe, while the microbe transform and produce bioactive compounds

  18. LIPI Chemical compounds of mahkota dewa, Phaleria macrocarpa Bioactive compound

  19. Produksi mikroba endofit C. aeruginosa (Jepang) Produksi mikroba endofit C. domestica/C.longa (Indonesia)

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