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ACT Prep Vocbulary. Keeler, Wartick, and Wexler. 1. Abeyance : She petitioned the king to terminate the abeyance in her favor. Cajole: You can easily cajole a small child with candies or toys .
ACT Prep Vocbulary Keeler, Wartick, and Wexler
1 • Abeyance : She petitioned the king to terminate the abeyance in her favor. • Cajole: You can easily cajole a small child with candies or toys. • Beacon: At regular intervals we could see the flashing beacons on the ground that showed us the way to the border. • Delineate: Like most terms applied to jazz music, hard bop does not define a precisely delineated genre. • Eclectic: This double issue has a somewhat eclectic mix of articles on a range of different topics.
Definitions • Abeyance: temporary suspension • Cajole: to coax with flattery and insincere talk • Beacon: any light for warning or guiding • Delineate: to describe: to depict in words • Eclectic: selecting from various systems, doctrines, or sources
2 • Fallacious: Fallacious reasoning needs to be exposed and rebutted. • Gamut: The film contains footage of the whole gamut of royal navy ships of the time. • Historicity: For these three reasons, the accuracy of the burial story supports the historicity of the empty tomb. • Idiosyncrasy: The hunter proved interesting company talking about the idiosyncrasies of canyon life. • Jaunty: The song is slightly out of place, but quite jaunty and cheeky; it only lasts for 1:27, so it doesn't grate.
Definitions • Fallacious: misleading or deceptive • Gamut: the entire range or extent of anything • Historicity: authenticity • Idiosyncrasy: personal peculiarity or mannerism • Jaunty: carefree; perky
3 • Lament: His amiable personality acquired him a large circle of friends, who deeply lament his death. • Malfeasance: The malfeasance he committed was proven true by the court. • Noisome: Mrs. Meyer’s classroom was noisome after a class period with 28 freshmen. • Occult: He who studies the occult, studies all the deepest mysteries of existence and nature. • Peccadillo: I was very ashamed of this little peccadillo of mine; I didn’t mean to lie to my teacher.
Definitions • Lament: to mourn or grieve • Malfeasance: wrongdoing or misconduct • Noisome: having a bad odor; foul-smelling • Occult: secret; mysterious • Peccadillo: minor or petty sin; slight fault
4 • Querulous: Her querulous tone suggested her dismay with the assignment. • Reciprocate: •He frequently came in contact with his employer and entertained for him strong friendship and deep respect, which was fully reciprocated by his boss. • Servile: Though he is not servile or mercenary, he is the victim of poverty. • Tenet: Peter Abelard leads his teacher to the verge of a nervous breakdown with his philosophical tenets. • Volatile: Sadly the modern game has higher stakes than the past which in turn has made the game more volatile.
Definitions • Querulous: full of complaint; peevish • Reciprocate: to cause to move alternately back and forth • Servile: humbly yielding or submissive; of a slave or slaves • Tenet: principle, doctrine, or believe held as truth • Volatile: flying or able to fly