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“Even the wisest mind has something yet to learn”. George Santayana. “ Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Agriculture in the Alps-Danube-Adriatic–Region ” (Acronym: LifeADA ) 544595-TEMPUS-1-2013-1HR-TEMPUS-JPHES Kick off meeting Zagreb, 27 th and 28 th February,2014.
“Even the wisest mind has something yet to learn” George Santayana
“Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Agriculture in the Alps-Danube-Adriatic–Region” (Acronym: LifeADA)544595-TEMPUS-1-2013-1HR-TEMPUS-JPHESKick off meetingZagreb, 27th and 28th February,2014 “PAST AND ON-GOING ACTIVITIES IN LIFELONG LEARNING at the Agricultural University of Tirana” Agricultural University of Tirana Perparim LAZE
Short profile of the Agricultural University of Tirana is a unique centre of its own kind in providing under-graduate and graduate education, as well as scientific research, training and extension services in the fields of agriculture and food. • The number of students enrolled at AUT with reference to the academic year 2012-2013 reached a peak of some 15007 students
Bologna Process and the Bologna Declaration • AUT has been at the forefront of the implementation of the Bologna Process and the Bologna Declaration. • Currently, AUT has implemented 54 programs of study in the areas of agricultural engineering, agro-environment engineering, economics and agribusiness, agro engineering, forest engineering, wood processing, and veterinary medicine. • From these study programs; -13 programs are in the first cycle -21 are second-cycle programs (Master programs) -20 programs are third cycle (Doctorates programs )
AUT has been part of many TEMPUS projects which have played a crucial role in the implementation of Lifelong Learning activities. • These projects have enabled the university to undertake challenges towards modernization and make stable steps towards amelioration: • Assessing institutional situation to identifying issues, developing action plans and implementing changes. • Supporting the curricula reform to achieve a unified curricula complying with Bologna criteria in an attempt to improve its performance and respond to the employment needs of the labour market • Encouraging cooperation and partnership between regional and European institutions in exchanging experiences and training activities. • Implementing a bank of key performance indicators that have assisted AUT in the task of designing a quality framework for lifelong learning within the institution.
The National Center of Agricultural Training In support of and in accordance with the objectives of the TEMPUS Project UM-JEP 17083-2002, the Academic Senate of AUT, with Decision Nr.8 dated 29.01.04, approved the establishment of the NATIONAL CENTER OF AGRICULTURAL TRAINING (NCAT). The Direction and Coordination of the NCAT activity is accomplished by virtue of a board with 11 members: •Agricultural University of Tirana 7 members • Ministry of Agriculture and Food 1 member • Albanian Agribussiness Council 1 member • Albanian FarmersUnion 1 member • Ministry of Education and Science 1 member
NCAT ACtivity The Activity of the NCAT is oriented in two directions: a. Training courses • Long-term courses (up to 1 year) • Mid-term courses (3-6 months) • Short-term courses (15-30 days) • Shorter-term courses (3-5 days) • Extension service b. Research projects
The main Services offered by ncat In the field of Agronomy Technical assistance in the sector of seed production; short-term, mid-term and long-term training for specialists and farmers engaged in seed production; implementation of modern technology in the discipline of plant cultivation. In the field of Horticulture and Plant Protection Projectsregarding the integrated management of agricultural plants; Projects and technical assistance regarding new technologyapplied to fruticulture; Projects and technical assistance in the field of post-harvesttechnologyapplied to horticultural products(fruit, vegetables, flowers). In the field of Agri-food technology Technicalassistance in the designing and establishment of processingunits for wine, alcoholicbeverages, fruit and vegetables, cannedgoods, olive oil, etc.
In the field of Agro-Environment and Ecology • Thorough soil and plant tests with respective interpretations; Consultancy regarding land use and protection; Consultancy regarding fertilizer use; Organizing training courses for specialists and farmers in regards to the study and management of soil and water. In the field of Farm Management and Agribusiness • How to develop a business plan in: productionand services; How to develop a microcredit plan; Making decisions: “How much should you produce?"; "How much should you sell?"; “What price should you offer?“ In the field of Forestry • Diversity of consultancy services; Research Studies and projects; Expertise, consultancy and technical assistance; Practical training courses and qualifications.
NCAT fulfills all training needs in the field of agriculture and food: • The NCAT composes a detailed training program in the aforementioned field. • It programs, organizes and carries out all activities relating to research projects. The program plan is presented to the Academic Senate and the Rector of the University for approval annually during the month of September. • In collaboration with the deans from each faculty the NCAT organizes and contributes extensively in the recruitment process of the academic staff, which will then carry out its academic and professional activity at this center. • In addition to the members from AUT, the NCAT academic staff is also composed of researchers from Agricultural Research Institutions, MAF and several private and public entities.
TEMPUS project 158777: “Western Balkan Rural Extension Network through Curriculum Reform – WBREN” Results achieved: • Establish 1-year, ECTS compliant Specialization in Rural Development (SRD) programme at partner HEIs. A detailed curriculum has been agreed, based on four core modules. • Each WB partner university is using this curriculum as a basis for proposing new postgraduate programmes, appropriate to their institution and national higher education laws and approval processes for recognition. • In AUTthe curriculum has been incorporated into a new Professional Master in Sustainable Rural and Environmental Development which is currently running since October 2011.
Create and deliver non-formal, modular based RD training programmes. Training needs have been identified and list of courses to be developed and delivered. • Establish a Centre for Rural Extension (CRE) at lead HEIs in MK, AL, B&H, and RS which supports the SRD programme and outreach activities. Work on establishing centres is ongoing. Centres in B&H (at UBL) and AL (AUT) are in operation. • Increase regional cooperation in rural development through creating WB Rural Extension Network. • The various activities, meetings and workshops have already increased cooperation within and between the four participating countries; the consortium itself forms an initial core of the WBREN and the network has been extended through participation in the WBREN conference.
158875-TEMPUS-IT-JPCR: “International joint Master degree in Plant Medicine ( IPM)2010-2013” Objectives of the project Specifically, it consists of a curriculum restructuring, development and implementation in the West Balkan countries in order to: • Create a Joint Master Degree in Plant Medicine, as a regional network, and • Apply improvements and modernizations of teaching using new web technologies.
Results of the project • Preparation and harmonization of the didactic materials • Training activities in Albania and in the partner countries • Approval of the master program from the university (AUT)and the Council of Minister • Initiation of the program, the first students • Lectures in the new modules • Mutual agreement among universities and sustainability of the IPM course
530243-TEMPUS “Developing Third Mission Activities in Albanian Universities”DEVELOPING THIRD MISSION ACTIVITIES IN the Agricultural University of Tirana Identifying the main types of U3M activities developed in the Agricultural University of Tirana (technology transfer & innovation, continuing education and social engagement). • Continuing education is the main U3M activity developed and provided by the academic staff of the University. • University staff is also involved in contract research and consultancy activities in the agricultural and food sector as individuals or as members of organizations (mostly NGOs) carrying out such activities for the public or other organizations. • The Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness has evolved to the organization establishment and operation of the Institute of Economic Studies and Knowledge Transfer.
Different types of U3M activities have evolved in number and intensity • AUT is facing a higher demand for U3M activities, especially for continuing training. Besides educational activity, AUT promotes some other activities related to the U3M in order to increase its role in agriculture and the economy. • Development of new techniques and technologies applied to plant and animal production, environmental protection strategies and transferring knowledge to end user. • Increase of public and government awareness regarding the role of the university as a social engagement center. • Provide of some government investments to university infrastructure in order to facilitate cultural and sport activities.
Albanian Gene-Bank • The Albanian Gene-Bank and the Plant Genetic Resources (PGR) network in Albania is established in order to reinforce the long term conservation of plant genetic resources and promote the utilisation activities. • Since 2006 the Albanian Gene-Bank has been a part of the Agricultural University of Tirana. • Albanian Gene-Bank is the only centre in Albania for ex situ conservation of plant genetic resources. Its operations are regulated in accordance with international standards and supported by the South East European Development Network (SEED Net). • The main partners of the national PGR network are: Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT), all the Agricultural Technology Transfer Centres (ATTC-s) and other stakeholders.
Veterinary Management ~The School of Higher Education • In order to help the successful integration of youth into the labour market , in 2011 the School of Higher Education in Veterinary Management is established as an under graduation Institution part of AUT. • Its main activity is to provide an educational programme over a period of two years. The programme aims to support mature students from the local community who generally do not work and could not pursue a university career. • Successful completion of this programme permits admission to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the AUT; granted that the student possesses the required formal qualifications.