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Our 50 States: North Carolina

Our 50 States: North Carolina. Ryan 04/05/13. Symbols of North Carolina: The state bird is: Cardinal (Northern The state flower is: Carolina Lily The state mammal is: Gray Squirrel. State Flag.

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Our 50 States: North Carolina

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Our 50 States: North Carolina Ryan 04/05/13

  2. Symbols of North Carolina:The state bird is: Cardinal (NorthernThe state flower is: Carolina LilyThe state mammal is: Gray Squirrel

  3. State Flag I can see a star in between N.C. On the bottom of the flag it says APRIL 12 1776 and the flag colors are red bluewhite

  4. State Nickname The tar heel state. I thing it is called the tar heel state because there are a lot of tar heel.

  5. Statehood The statehood is Nov 21, 1789 and it is the 12th state

  6. New River State Park Places To VisitIt would be fun to visti New River State Park.

  7. Famous People • Braxton Bragg he was a sold Andrew Johnson was a U.S president

  8. Thanks for visiting the great state of… NORTH CAROLINA

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