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November 15 th , 2006 Meeting Global warming is the greatest challenge facing our generation. Solving it is our greatest opportunity. Climate Change Means: Introduction to HEAT Higher temperatures
Global warming is the greatest challenge facing our generation. Solving it is our greatest opportunity.
Climate Change Means: Introduction to HEAT • Higher temperatures More Intense, More Frequent, and Longer Lasting Heat Waves in the 21st Century. Gerald A. Meehl and Claudia Tebaldi. Science 13 August 2004. • Longer droughts “Drought Could Double By End of Century, Met Office Hadley Centre research shows.”Eleanor Burke. Journal of Hydrometeorology, forthcoming. • Hotter oceans Penetration of Human-Induced Warming into the World's Oceans.Tim Barnett, et al. Science 8 July 2005. • Melting ice caps Threatened Loss of Greenland Ice-Sheet. Jonathan Gregory, et al. Nature 8 April 2004. • Rapid sea level rise Paleoclimatic Evidence for Future Ice-Sheet Instability and Rapid Sea-Level Rise. Jonathan Overpeck, et al. Science 24 March 2006.
Introduction to HEAT Effects will be: • More powerful, destructive hurricanes Impact of CO2-Induced Warming on Simulated Hurricane Intensity and Precipitation.Thomas Knutson and Robert Tuleya. Journal of Climate 15 September 2004. • Harm to agriculture and economies Climate Change and the Global Harvest: Potential Impacts of the Greenhouse Effect on Agriculture. Cynthia Rosenzweig and Daniel Hillel. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics January 1998. • Flooding of coastlines and coastal cities Coastal Megacities and Climate Change.Robert J. Nicholls. GeoJournal 21 November 2004. • Worst impacts on poor communities and • developing countries Climate change impacts greatest on developing countries. International Institute for Sustainable Development. December 2005. Climate change may hurt Asian economies. Forthcoming, Ben Preston, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. Reported by AP 9 October 2006.
Global Warming:Not Just An Environmental Problem Introduction to HEAT • Economic Collapse (Stern Report) • Political Instability (Pentagon Report) • Social & Moral Concerns • Global Poverty, Inequality, and Future Generations
A note of urgency: Introduction to the Campus Climate Challenge “We have at most ten years—not ten years to decide upon action, but ten years to alter fundamentally the trajectory of global greenhouse emissions. If instead we follow an energy-intensive path of squeezing liquid fuels from tar sands, shale oil, and heavy oil, and do so without capturing and sequestering CO2 emissions, climate disasters will become unavoidable.” - James Hansen, Director NASA Goddard Institute for Space Science The New York Review of Books, July 13, 2006
This challenge is an enormous opportunity. Introduction to the Campus Climate Challenge • Solve global warming • Energy independence • A stronger clean energy economy • Cleaner air and healthier communities • Efficiency saves money
The Solutions Introduction to HEAT • Solutions can be as simple as: Buildings designed to use 30% as much electricity. Cleaner, more efficient vehicles for school fleets. Lightbulbs that use 33% as much electricity as normal bulbs. … but we need to make this happen.
The revolution starts on campus. Introduction to HEAT Students at 345+ colleges and high schools are already part of the Campus Climate Challenge, campaigning to make their schools leaders in solving global warming.
We are a big dealHigher Education in the US Large Emissions Reductions 4,100 Colleges and Universities ~5.7% Nationwide Electricity Use Centers of Technological and Policy Innovation Important local and regional economic drivers Model behavior for other large institutions Training Ground for Next Generation of Leaders ~18 Million undergrad and grad students Most sought after consumer demographic in America Hubs of Grassroots Organizing Hundreds of active campus groups Local focus with national coordinating capacity
No institutions in modern society are better equipped to catalyze the necessary transition to a sustainable world than universities. They have access to the leaders of tomorrow and the leaders of today. They have buying and investment power. They are widely respected. Consequentially what they do matters to the wider public.” ~ David Orr, Author
Introduction to HEAT • We can show the public what is possible.Every time we convince a school to go 100% carbon-neutral, we push the envelope. We want this to happen in more places than ever. • We can educate our generation about global warming solutions. Even if every campus in the country cut its global warming pollution to zero tomorrow, it wouldn’t be enough to stop climate change. We have to make sure all of our peers know about climate change, how to stop it, and that we must stop it. Current as of 10/25/06
Momentum is building… Introduction to HEAT September 2006 – California will reduce carbon emissions 25% by 2020 October 2006 – NYU goes 100% renewable with the largest purchase of wind energy by any college. Wells Fargo Bank buys 550 million kilowatt-hours of wind energy, largest ever corporate purchase. The College of the Atlantic commits to net-zero global warming pollution. …Who’s next?
Johns Hopkins Is Next! Introduction to HEAT • Carbon Neutrality • Stronger sustainability community • Sustainability Department/Academics • Get other JHU divisions involved
What’s included in carbon neutral? • Energy: use renewable or offset the carbon • Electricity 100% renewable • Other (steam/chilled H2O plants) on site generation • Transportation: switch to biodiesel • Procurement: • recycled products, equipment, cleaning supplies • Buildings: materials used, LEED certification • Food: go local • Waste/recycling: recycling saves energy and resources
Other thoughts • Need to create a policy that allows for creativity in implementation • Set deadlines for milestones and ensure a method of accountability (annual report) • Invest a certain amount of the endowment in promoting renewable energy
We need your help now! • Prepare “outreach guide” by this weekend • Recruit student groups to join HEAT • Priority groups: • Are there any computer/internet related groups that can make us a website? • Business/econ groups/class raps to do preliminary economic cost/benefit analysis? • What are the procedures for adopting a policy at JHU? Who do we need to talk to? • Collect samples of typical: • Hopkins policies • Carbon neutral policies from other schools • More specific (renewable energy, transportation, etc) policies from other schools • Work with Davis to find other local digester projects we might invest in • Find out what our endowment invests in and how to require it to invest in renewables • Research ways that other schools are funding their sustainable policies • How to add a small student fee for implementing the policy? • Plan a kickoff week before finals (?)
Clips • UK video http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2368316387401999915&q=%22global+warming%22+OR+%22climate+change%22+solution+duration%3Ashort • Student actionhttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3046476940208589614&q=%22climate+change%22+OR+%22global+warming%22+duration%3Ashort • Train http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6711057794678829652&q=%22global+warming%22+OR+%22climate+change%22 • Statshttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6605106801079957394&q=%22global+warming%22+OR+%22climate+change%22 • Leohttp://www.leonardodicaprio.org/whatsimportant/globalwarming_movie01.htm