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Southern New Hampshire University MS-TEFL Program EFL-537 CALL

Southern New Hampshire University MS-TEFL Program EFL-537 CALL Instructor: Lyra Riabov Student: Chin-Chi, Hsu February 26, 2004 CALL Lesson Plan Outline: 1. Description of Class 2. Materials 3. Objectives 4. Potential problems 5. Evaluation Integrated Lesson Plan

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Southern New Hampshire University MS-TEFL Program EFL-537 CALL

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  1. Southern New Hampshire UniversityMS-TEFL ProgramEFL-537 CALL Instructor: Lyra Riabov Student: Chin-Chi, Hsu February 26, 2004 Vicki 02/26/2004

  2. CALL Lesson Plan • Outline: 1. Description of Class 2. Materials 3. Objectives 4. Potential problems 5. Evaluation Vicki 02/26/2004

  3. Integrated Lesson Plan • Integrated language, technology and business education • Since students are from different countries, and most of them focus on getting an MBA degree; the topic will be “International Business: Assessing whether or not to invest in a foreign country.” • Using cooperative learning strategy Vicki 02/26/2004

  4. Description of Class • ESL high intermediate students • Age group: adults, preparing for college • Class size: 12 • Class time: 9 hours, once a week, and 3 hours with a 15-min break each time • Previous computer work: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, WWW, Search engine Vicki 02/26/2004

  5. Materials • Computer lab with the Internet access • Software: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Inspiration • Printer, Projector for PPT presentation Vicki 02/26/2004

  6. Language Objectives • Reading-skimming and scanning for useful information • Writing-final paper answering a comprehensive question • Listening & speaking-since we use cooperative learning, students have to share information and learn together. Communication is important in this project Vicki 02/26/2004

  7. Computer Literacy Objectives • Use a search engine • Use a new software to help with brainstorming and outlining • Use PPT to enhance presentation skills • E-mail assignments as attachments Vicki 02/26/2004

  8. Procedure • Week 1 • Class 1 Explain what the students are going to do for this cooperative learning project-” International Business,” and their final individual writing for the part they are responsible for Assign students into groups and give them choices of tasks Vicki 02/26/2004

  9. Procedure (Cont.) • Class 1 (Cont.) • Topics: for each group1. Cellphone market in South Korea2. University in Malaysia3. Tourism industry in Morocco • Subtitles: for each member1. Country background and project boundary definition 2. Country risk assessment 3. Competitive structure of industry in the country 4. Strategy Vicki 02/26/2004

  10. Procedure (Cont.) • Class 1 (Cont.) Go to the computer lab to find out the information the students needand print out information if they want, ex. Cellphone market in South Korea: Nokia, motorola, Samsung, Panasonic and Sony Ericsson Vicki 02/26/2004

  11. Procedure (Cont.) • Class 2 Introduce software-Inspiration to students Learning by practicing Students will learn to use Inspiration to help with brainstorming for their projects Vicki 02/26/2004

  12. Procedure (Cont.) • Week 2 • Class 1-2 Groups work on assigned projects; each student should take responsibility for a part of their projects Outlining their projects by using Inspiration. Search information if needed Groups should submit their outline through email and continue working on their project presentation Vicki 02/26/2004

  13. Vicki 02/26/2004

  14. Vicki 02/26/2004

  15. Procedure (Cont.) • Week 3 Students’ PPT presentationsEveryone should present a part of the project, so that the instructor can listen to everyone After this presentation, students have to submit their Word documents for their parts and answer a question: “Should they invest in the foreign country?” Students will be emailing all of this to the teacher before the next class. Vicki 02/26/2004

  16. Potential Problems • Limited software at school • Limited access to the Internet • Students might be afraid of the complexity and amount of work, so working with students step-by-step is very important. Vicki 02/26/2004

  17. Evaluation of Students’ Learning • Peer evaluationDo they learn about their project from each of their group members? • GradingGroup: project outline, PPT presentationIndividual: PPT presentation, report on project, answer the question by using all information from groups Vicki 02/26/2004

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