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Religion and Politics

Religion and Politics

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Religion and Politics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Religion and Politics Many issues today on various levels involve politics and religion. Many believe that if a subject is addressed in the pulpit that has political implication, one is necessarily mixing politics and religion. There are presently two powerful movements in America: The Politically Correct and Religious Right Movements.

  2. Religion and Politics Slavery. A.Col. 3: 22, 23, 4: 1, I Cor. 7: 20-24.

  3. Religion and Politics Warfare. A. Jas. 4: 1, 2, 2 Tim. 2: 4, I I I Tim. 5: 8.

  4. Religion and Politics Church/State. A. Rom. 13: 1-7.

  5. Religion and Politics Role of Women. A. Eph. 5: 22, 23, I Pet. 3: 3-6, Tit. 2: 4, 5.

  6. Religion and Politics The matter of children. A. Eph. 6: 1, 2, 4, Prov. 29: 15.

  7. Religion and Politics Abortion. A. Luke 1: 41, Ex. 21: 22-25.

  8. Religion and Politics Gay marriage. A. Gen. 2: 18, 21-25, Rom. 1: 24-27.

  9. Religion and Politics War on drugs. A. Prov. 23: 31.

  10. Religion and Politics Lottery. A. Eph. 4: 28.

  11. Religion and Politics Death penalty. A. Rom. 13: 2-4, Gen. 9: 6.

  12. Religion and Politics Euthanasia. A. Rom. 13: 9.

  13. Religion and Politics New World Order. A. I Tim. 2: 1, 2.

  14. Religion and Politics Conclusion: Just to mention political matters that are relevant to the cause of Christ is not necessarily “preaching politics” (Matt. 2). Examples of a religious political agenda would be cases of the “Religious Right.” When the gospel is applicably preached, the home, school, the work place, and government will often be referenced.

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