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Observing Molecules in the EoR

Observing Molecules in the EoR. Pierre Cox IRAM Grenoble, France. The spectrum of a ULIRG: a `field guide’. Non-thermal radio Thermal dust - Dominated luminosity - Hotter in AGN - Mid-IR spectral features (missing in AGN) Molecular and atomic lines - mm CO/HCN

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Observing Molecules in the EoR

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  1. Observing Molecules in the EoR Pierre Cox IRAM Grenoble, France SKA Workshop, Paris

  2. The spectrum of a ULIRG: a `field guide’ • Non-thermal radio • Thermal dust • - Dominated luminosity • - Hotter in AGN • - Mid-IR spectral features • (missing in AGN) • Molecular and atomic lines • - mm CO/HCN • - far-IR: C/N/O • - mid-IR: C-C/C=C/H2 • Luminosities involved: 3x1011 <L/Lsun< 1014 From Blain (2003) SKA Workshop, Paris

  3. SKA Workshop, Paris

  4. CO LVG solution: Disk radius: 1 kpc excellent agreement with lens models ! log(n(H2)) = 4.2 cm-3 Tkin = 30 K M(H2) = 8 1010 M L’CO(1-0) = 4.4 1010 K km/s pc2 Xco = 1.8 M/ K km/s pc2 LVG solution Cloverleaf Weiss et al. (2005)

  5. Subarcsecond Imaging Results • < 0.5” (4 kpc)  Compact sources • Scaled-up versions and more gas-rich of the local ULIRG population • Central densities and potential well depths comparable to those of elliptical galaxies or massive bulges • Fulfill the criteria of maximal starbursts: initial gas reservoir 1010-11 Msun is converted to stars on a timescale ~3-10 tdynor a few 108 yr Tacconi, Neri, Chapmanm Genzel et al. (2006) SKA Workshop, Paris

  6. J1148+5251 - The Most Distant QSO at z=6.42 Observing First Light at Radio Wavelengths Gunn Peterson trough Fan et al. 2003; White et al. 2003 z-band (Keck – Djorgovski et al.) • z=6.42; age~870 Myr • one of the first luminous sources • MBH ~ 1-5 x 109 Msun (Willot et al. 2003) • Mdust ~ 108 Msun(Bertoldi et al. 2003) Dust continuum at 1.2 mm SKA Workshop, Paris

  7. CO(3-2) 46.6149 GHz PdBI continuum VLA Walter et al. 2003 Bertoldi et al. 2003 SKA Workshop, Paris

  8. Mass: • MH2 = 2 x 1010 Msun • Mdyn = 3 x 109 sin-2(i) Msun • Mass in C and O: ~3x107 Msun CO excitation in J1148+5251 (filled circles), compared to NGC 253 (dashed) LVG Model: Tkin= 100K, nH2=7x104 cm-3 Bertoldi et al. (2003) SKA Workshop, Paris

  9. Resolving the CO emission in J1148+5251 VLA A+B + C array; res.: 0.15” (~1 kpc) • Two sources separated by 0.3” (1.7 kpc at z=6.4) containing each 5 x 109 Msun • Not likely to be amplified • If gravitationally bound, MDyn=4.5x1010 Msun CO 3-2 at 45GHz 1” • Early enrichment of heavy elements (z_sf > 8) • Integration times: hours to days on HLIRGs Walter et al. 2004 SKA Workshop, Paris

  10. [[CII] 158 microns and [CI] emission lines in J1148+5251 at z=6.42Probing the physics of a PDR at the end of the re-ionisation epoch CO(7-6) CII CI(1-0) SKA Workshop, Paris

  11. Other High Density Tracer: HCN, HNC and HCO+ APM08279+5255 (z=3.91) HCO+(5-4) HNC(5-4) HNC(5-4) & CN(5-4) L’(HCO+) = 4 x 1010K/(km/s pc2) HCO+(5-4)/HCN(5-4) ~ 1 HNC(5-4)/HCN(5-4) ~ 0.9 Wagg et al. 2005; Burillo et al. 2006; Guelin, Salome et al. 2006 SKA Workshop, Paris

  12. ALMA/EVLA/GBT Redshift coverage for CO Epoch of Reionization VLA CO(3-2), PdBI CO 6-5, 7-6 in J1148+5251 @ z=6.42 Other lines: HCN, HCO+, CI, CII, H2O SKA Workshop, Paris

  13. SKA and CO M 82 SKA Workshop, Paris

  14. SKA and ALMA: Optimal CO searches • SKA/ALMA – comparable speed at 22 GHz, SKA clearly faster at 43 GHz (FoV, fractional bandwidth, sensitivity) • SKA/ALMA – complementary: high vs. low order transitions SKA Workshop, Paris

  15. Complementarity: Line sensitivity z=5 SFR=10M_sun/yr High order, C+… Low order transitions SKA Workshop, Paris

  16. Radio studies of the first luminous objects RadioContinuum studies of star forming galaxies 1e13 L_sun 1e12 L_sun 1e11 L_sun CO (+other molecules) at z>4 VLA:3s in 3 hrs for L_FIR = 1e13 M_sun (‘HLIRG’) SKA (20 – 40 GHz): 3s in 3hrs for L_FIR =1e11 M_sun (‘LIRG’) SKA Workshop, Paris

  17. Complementarity: continuum sensitivity AGN, star formation dust Stars, ionized gas SKA Workshop, Paris

  18. SKA into the EoR: Low Order Molecular Lines, Star Formation 1148+5651: Hyperluminous IR galaxies • Detect low order CO emission in seconds, including imaging on subkpc scales. • Detect high dipole moment molecules (HCO+, HCN…) in minutes (critical densities > 1e5 cm^-3). • Image non-thermal emission associated with star formation and/or AGN at mas resolution. Studying 1st galaxies • Detect ‘normal’ (eg. Ly a), star forming galaxies, like M51, at z>6, in few hours • Determine redshifts directly from molecular lines z=6.55 SFR>10 M_sun/yr SKA Workshop, Paris

  19. The Future (is now): Probing the EoR! • Study physics of the first luminous sources • This can only be done at near-IR to radio wavelengths • Currently limited to ‘pathological’ systems (HLIRGs) • SKA and ALMA 10-100 more sensitive which is critical for the study of ‘normal’ galaxies z=6.4 SKA Workshop, Paris

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