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Professional Performance Process

Professional Performance Process. OPD 862 – Continuous Improvement through Observations and Reflective Conferences Our Journey Continues! 21 st Century Supervision and Evaluation. Welcome and Introductions. Today’s Outcomes. Participants will:

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Professional Performance Process

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  1. Professional Performance Process OPD 862 – Continuous Improvement through Observations and Reflective Conferences Our Journey Continues! 21st Century Supervision and Evaluation

  2. Welcome and Introductions

  3. Today’s Outcomes Participants will: • Practice a classroom observation using the PPP-4 Observation Report form. • Understand the role of artifacts in reflective conferences. • Review and practice using the 3 Cs and giving growth-producing feedback.

  4. Implementing the PPPDoing It Effectively • What is the shift from the current model? • How do we continue to make student learning central to all thing we do?

  5. Article by Kim Marshall “What’s a Principal to Do? When You Can’t Do It All, What are the Highest-Leverage Activities?”

  6. Interim Assessments with Follow-up When teacher teams look at high-quality assessments of student learning…, the professional conversation shifts from how good their lessons were…to whether students actually learned…Principals can spark (these conversations) by having teachers give…assessments, scheduling time for teams to meet immediately afterward…having honest conversations about what’s working and what isn’t, and following up to make their teaching even better. What’s a Principal To Do? Marshall (2006)

  7. Unit Planning When teachers work together to plan multi-week curriculum units, working backwards from state standards, “big ideas,” and unit assessments, the result is more thoughtful instruction, deeper student understanding, and yes, better standardized test scores. But…most teachers plan instruction forward, one day or week at a time, and write their unit tests and final exams just before students take them. Principals can counteract this natural tendency by providing the training, support, and time for teacher teams to plan units collaboratively… What’s a Principal To Do? Marshall (2006)

  8. Seeing the Standards Outside the Classroom Collaborative Teams in PLCs at Work Embed Collaboration (Video) Collaborative Teams in Professional Learning Communities at Work Learning by Doing – Professional Development Video Set

  9. Frequent Informal ObservationsWith Follow-up Reflective Conference Conventional, pre-announced teacher evaluation visits and lengthy write-ups often miss the point and contribute little to improving teaching and learning…A much better use of a principal’s time is making a few brief classroom visits a day and being sure to catch each teacher within 24 hours for a candid conversation about what was happening, what each “snapshot” says about pedagogy and student learning, and how things are going in general. What’s a Principal To Do? Marshall (2006)

  10. Role of Artifacts in Reflective Conferences • Enriches the conversation • Shows the impact on student learning • Focuses the dialogue • Are already embedded in teaching • Lesson Plans • School Fusion Website • Log of Professional Development Activities

  11. Knowledge of Students Knowledge of Content Planning, Delivery, & Assessment of Instruction Safe, Effective Learning Environment Communication and Collaboration Professionalism Professional Educator Performance Standards

  12. Paradigm Shift From Teacher Teaching to Student Learning (Video - Observation)

  13. PPP-4 Professional Educator OBSERVATION REPORT During an observation notes may be taken on any or all of the following areas. Check all standards that apply. ____ Knowledge of Students ____ Safe, Effective Learning Environment ____ Knowledge of Content ____ Communication and Collaboration ____ Planning, Delivery, and Assessment of Instruction ____ Professionalism Context (grade level, subject, class demographics, setting, Standards of Learning addressed): Significant Observations: Feedback/Next Steps:

  14. 1. Following video, at your tables discuss the student learning that took place. 2. Look at Professional Educator Performance Standards. Discuss which standard may be considered an area of strength for this educator. Discuss which standard may be the biggest area for improvement. Add comments to your Observation Report Form (PPP-4) What do you want to know more about? What questions do you want to ask the teacher at a follow-up conference? What would you ask the teacher to bring to the conference? Table Discussion

  15. Communication is Key Coaching, Collaborating, and Consulting Growth-Producing Feedback (Responder System)

  16. Feedback…

  17. What is Growth-Producing Feedback? Feedback is information about how we did in light of what we attempted. Intent vs. effect. Actual vs. ideal performance. The best feedback is highly specific, descriptive of what we did and did not do in light of standards, and occurs in both a timely and ongoing way. Think of the best feedback systems: computer games, your shower faucets, or testing the meal as you cook. Or recall how the music or tennis coach provides a steady flow of feedback to show you how your actions cause this or that result. What feedback most certainly isn’t is praise and blame or mere encouragement. -Grant Wiggins

  18. Your classroom seemed very disorganized. It is difficult to learn in that type of setting. What are you going to do about it? • Yes • No

  19. The results of the quiz you gave when I was in your classroom showed 95% mastery. I noticed 8 out of 10 questions were at the recall level. What are your next steps to raise the level of rigor? • Yes • No

  20. I’ve done a grade distribution for your department, and I want to share the results with you. Are you aware that you have the highest percentage of A’s and B’s in your department? • Yes • No

  21. Boy, were you “on” during yesterday’s lesson. Nothing succeeds like success. Keep up the great work with differentiating your lessons! • Yes • No

  22. Coaching…

  23. Coaching • The professional educator is talking, the educational leader is prompting and listening. • The professional educator is the primary source of information and analysis. • The educational leader… • paraphrases • inquires to increase knowledge • broadens perspectives • clarifies issues • prompts • Coaching is the default stance • Effective educational leaders… • use coaching to begin and end conversations • cannot coach something out of someone that is not within them

  24. Collaborating…

  25. Collaborating The educational leader and professional educator are talking with each other, respecting what each shares. • The educational leader and professional educator co-develop ideas • Situations are co-analyzed using work products and other data • Clarification of the problem • Inclusive pronouns, such as us, our, and we • Respect and a collegial relationship

  26. Consulting…

  27. Consulting • The educational leader is talking, the professional educator is listening. • The educational leader…. • Supplies solutions • Thinks aloud about cause-and effect relationships • Makes connections to principles of practice • Provides essential information about: • learning and learners • curriculum and content • policies • standards • effective practices that are immediately useful and build capacity over time

  28. Reflective Conference Following Informal Observation(Role Play) • Choose a partner • Person wearing most black is administrator • Administrator begins conference with a “coaching” question or stem • Teacher will respond appropriately • Administrator will use a “collaborating” question or stem and the “consulting”

  29. Discussion Following Role Play • Where was the focus of the conversation? • How did your conversation differ from others you have had? • What was the impact of the conversation? • Coaching, collaborating, consulting • Growth-producing feedback • What artifacts were discussed? • How would this all be documented?

  30. Wouldn’t Life Be Perfect If…

  31. Your Next Steps • What essential knowledge and skills do staff members need to participate in PPP? • What will you do next with your faculty to help them be ready for the PPP next year?

  32. Thank you for a great day! Please complete feedback forms and leave them on your tables.

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