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Minnesota Student Survey Trends Over the Years 1992 – 2007. Purpose of the MSS. Data for program planning and evaluation and to meet federal requirements Address relevant issues confronting students Mark trends over time – conducted every 3 years since 1989
Purpose of the MSS • Data for program planning and evaluation and to meet federal requirements • Address relevant issues confronting students • Mark trends over time – conducted every 3 years since 1989 • Involve schools statewide and provide data for local use
Survey Coordination and Administration • Population-based student survey for grades 6, 9, 12 • 2 versions of the survey • Paper-pencil bubble survey • Brief – one class period • Uniform instructions, checklist provided – schools administer the survey
2007 MSS Coordination • Partnership of 4 state agencies: Education, Health, Human Services, and Public Safety • Question changes and additions in 2007 based on federal reporting requirements and constituent input • Data use agreement needed when requesting data sets
Participation in the 2007 MSS • Non-Traditional Learning Settings: Statewide numbers of MSS participants in grades 7-12 Alternative Schools/ Area Learning Centers: 2,847 Juvenile Correctional Facilities: 587
MSS 2007 Data Tables • State, county and non-traditional learning settings tables may be found at: • www.education.state.mn.us • www.health.state.mn.us/divs/chs/mss/ • www.dhs.state.mn.us/id_007196 • www.dps.state.mn.us/ojp • Tables are organized by subject area rather than by the order that questions appeared in the survey
MSS 2007 Reports The following additional reports will be released in 2008: • Students in Non-Traditional Learning Settings (ALCs and JCFs) • Protective and Risk Factor Associations • Race and Ethnicity Tables • Snapshots on Minnesota Youth
Availability of MSS Data • State and county* level tables are on the web and are available to anyone • State agencies do not provide district level results to others without the district’s permission • *Counties with only one participating school district do not have their results posted on the web
Availability of MSS Data • Additional data runs available but not on an unlimited basis • MSS data sets available to agencies for their own analysis • Data use agreement must be put in place before data sets are provided
Participation in the 2007 MSS • District participation rate: • In 2007, 309 out of 338 public school districts participated statewide (91%) • District participation over time: 1992: 99% 1995: 92% 1998: 92% 2001: 91% 2004: 88% 2007: 91%
Participation in the 2007 MSS • Student participation rates: - Statewide, the 2007 MSS data represent these percentages of regular public school students: # students • 6th grade: 81% 49,081 • 9th grade: 76% 50,713 • 12th grade: 58% 36,755
Participation in the 2007 MSS • Reasons for non-participation within participating districts • Voluntary survey – student chose not to participate • Parents didn’t allow • Student was out of school on that day or at that time • Drop out
Trends Data • Trends data include only school districts that participated all 6 times since 1992 • School district data for the 1992 – 2007 trend analysis represent 85% of all of the students surveyed during the six administrations of the survey • Sample weighting procedure adjusts for differences in participation rates across districts
Topics in the Trend Report • Academic and School Connectedness • Perceptions of School Safety • Violent and Anti-Social Behaviors • Mental Health • Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs • Other Health Behaviors • Sexual Behaviors • Families
Skipped school one or more times in the past 30 days because felt unsafe at or on the way to school
A student pushed, shoved or grabbed you on school property in the past 12 months
Was offered, sold or given an illegal drug on school property in past 12 months
Carried weapon (gun/other weapon) on school property one or more days in past 30 days
Hit or beat up another person one or more times in the past year
Damaged or destroyed property one or more times in the past year
Felt sad all or most of the time in the past month (All students)
Felt sad all or most of the time in the past month (6th Grade only)
Felt sad all or most of the time in the past month (12th Grade only)
Felt sad all or most of the time in the past month (9th Grade only)
Felt discouraged or hopeless (extremely so or quite a bit) in a past month (All Students)
Felt discouraged or hopeless (extremely so or quite a bit) in a past month (6th Grade Only)
Felt discouraged or hopeless (extremely so or quite a bit) in a past month (12th Grade Only)
Felt discouraged or hopeless (extremely so or quite a bit) in a past month (9th Grade Only)
Percent of students using chemical substances one or more time in the past year (2007 trend data file)
Binge Drinking (5 or more drinks in a row) in past 2 weeks by grade & gender
Reported smoking a half pack or more per day in past 30 days