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Understanding the Low SES School Communities National Partnership Presentation for School Communities A joint initiative of the Australian and NSW Governments. NSW Department of Education & Training NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way www.det.nsw.edu.au.
Understanding the Low SES School Communities National PartnershipPresentation for School Communities A joint initiative of the Australian and NSW Governments NSW Department of Education & Training NSW Public Schools – Leading the Way www.det.nsw.edu.au
Education National Partnerships Teacher Quality Low SES School Communities Literacy and Numeracy www.nationalpartnerships.nsw.edu.au
Low SES School Communities National Partnership The aims of the Low SES School Communities National Partnership are to: • transform the way that schooling takes place in participating schools and to address the complex and interconnected challenges facing students in disadvantaged communities • improve the educational outcomes of students, including literacy and numeracy outcomes, in targeted schools as well as to improve students’ transition rates to further education and employment.
What are the links to the other National Partnerships? Teacher Quality National Partnership There is compelling evidence that high quality teaching is the most effective method of improving results for students in low SES school communities. This is why the Low SES School Communities National Partnership mandates reforms drawn from the Teacher Quality National Partnership. Specific related initiatives include: • Highly Accomplished Teachers (HATs) • Paraprofessionals • Centres for excellence
What are the links to the other National Partnerships? Literacy and Numeracy National Partnership In recognition of the aim to improve literacy and numeracy results, schools will be able to implement evidence-based reforms, such as specific literacy and numeracy interventions, from the Literacy and Numeracy National Partnership. The Information Package for the Literacy and Numeracy National Partnership along with associated resources can be found at http://www.curriculumsupport.education.nsw.gov.au/national/index.htm
A focus on Aboriginal Education All of the partnerships and in particular the Low SES School Communities National Partnership include specific reforms and strategies to accelerate progress in: • improving outcomes for Aboriginal students • increasing the number of Aboriginal teachers and Aboriginal school leaders • strengthening sustainable partnerships between schools and their local Aboriginal communities.
Low SES School Communities National Partnership in NSW • More than 550 government schools in NSW • Four rounds of schools with commencement dates staggered between 2009 and 2012 • 7 years in total implementation • Identified schools will be funded for a period of 4 years
Two methods of identification • A list created by the Australian Government to a national methodology. The methodology was based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD), constructed from the 2006 Census. • Additional Government schools using State based criteria
Low SES School Communities National Partnership in DET • 18,300 Aboriginal students, representing 46.6% per cent of the total Aboriginal students in government schools in New South Wales • 69% primary schools, 18 % secondary, 8% central schools, 5% Schools for Specific Purposes (SSPs) • Enrolments in these schools are divided into 55% primary, 39% secondary schools, 5% central schools and 1% in SSPs • 21% of the schools are ‘small’ schools with an enrolment of less than 52 • 6% of schools are considered remote or very remote • 68% of all government schools participating in this National Partnership also receive Priority Schools Programs resources.
Key messages Innovation not compensation – transform schooling High expectations of significant and sustainable improvements in student learning outcomes – lasting value Build capacity Change outcomes not experiences Maximise the use of the school’s total resource and where appropriate the total resource available across a community of schools. Summarised from Professor Richard Teese, The University of Melbourne, Address at the NSW DET Low SES Symposium May 2009
Priorities To improve outcomes for students, the absolute priority in this National Partnership will be on steps that directly lift the availability of high quality teaching. While schools have the flexibility to try new and innovative approaches, and to engage closely with their community, this should be done within a framework where teacher quality interventions are the building-blocks for reform in each school.
Mandatory actions To ensure that resources are directed to the highest priority teacher quality reforms, schools are required to, as a first priority, undertake the following two mandatory elements within the school plan: Actions to improve the availability of high quality teaching. These actions connect to Low SES Reform 1 Professional development for school executives and teachers to help them use and analyse data to cater to student needs. These actions connect to Low SES Reform 4 Aspects of these elements are also reflected in Reforms 2 and 5.
Six Reforms Schools should ensure that the mandatory elements are evident in the school plan along with strategies to address each of the following six Low SES School Communities Reforms
Reform 1 Incentives to attract high-performing teachers and principals Options are aimed at both attracting and retaining high quality staff and improving the capacity of existing staff. Sample strategies: Highly Accomplished Teachers (HATs), mentoring programs for Principals, cross sectoral professional networks, site-based professional learning, working with academic partners
Reform 2 Adoption of best-practice performance measurement and staffing arrangements that articulate a clear role for principals These reforms acknowledge the role of school leadership from school executives to teachers. Sample strategies: experienced teachers and mentors supporting early career teachers, shared executive across sites eg. middle years.
Reform 3 3. School operational arrangements that encourage innovation and flexibility The success of the Partnership will rely on the ability of schools to put in place clear strategies that will have a direct impact on student outcomes. These reforms promote innovation in school organisation. Sample strategies: employ paraprofessional staff, flexible organisation practices including timetabling and extended school hours, working in local communities of schools, expanding curriculum using technology, teaching teams working across schools with Aboriginal, ESL and refugee students, shared timetables
Reform 4 Provision of innovative and tailored learning opportunities Identifying and targeting specific student needs will be essential if schools are to make measurable improvements. The ability to use student assessment and other data to identify individual, class and school needs will be critical to the success of the reforms. Sample strategies: implement evidence-based and focused interventions, transition plans for students, individualised learning plans for particular students, Personalised Learning Plans for Aboriginal students, professional development for school executives and teachers on data analysis
Reform 5 5.Strengthen school accountability Transparent planning and reporting mechanisms that clearly outline the goals to be achieved, the strategies to be implemented and the methods to be used for assessing outcomes against the plan. Sample strategies: interviews with the whole school community, strengthened assessment of teachers and school leaders, develop teams across sites to evaluate outcomes of school plans, external evaluation, case studies of students and cohorts, publicly available annual reports
Reform 6 6. External partnerships with parents, other schools, businesses and communities and the provision of access to extended services (including through brokering arrangements) This reform direction will strengthen schools’ ability to address identified needs through ongoing engagement with the broader community. Sample strategies: extension of schools as community centres, parents participate in school planning, workshops with parents to help children with learning, transition programs, partnerships with key community organisations eg. AECG, transition to school programs, allied health services, employment of partnership officers to build parent and community partnerships
Implementation In implementing the Reforms, schools will focus on: • identifying the outcomes that need to be achieved in each school • putting in place new strategies that can effect measurable change, with teacher quality, improvement in student outcomes and strengthened community engagement as the priorities • identifying and addressing individual needs of students • accountability for achieving improvement in student outcomes with transparent planning and reporting • ongoing evaluation to refine implementation.
How do schools get started? Conduct a situational analysis Participate in joint planning Revise School Plan School Education Director approves revised School Plan
Support for schools Advice for schools is located at www.lowsesschools.nsw.edu.au
Support for schools Regular newsletter will be available at www.lowsesschools.nsw.edu.au