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Location and General Features of the Heart

Location and General Features of the Heart. By: Samantha Peterson Laura Soehngen BJ Dean Zach Palesch. Four Chambers. Left and Right Atrium- upper and receiving chambers Left and Right Ventricles- lower and pumping chambers Atrium means “entrance hall” in Latin

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Location and General Features of the Heart

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Location and General Features of the Heart By: Samantha Peterson Laura Soehngen BJ Dean Zach Palesch

  2. Four Chambers • Left and Right Atrium- upper and receiving chambers • Left and Right Ventricles- lower and pumping chambers • Atrium means “entrance hall” in Latin • Ventricle means “little belly” in Latin

  3. http://inspirations786.wordpress.com/2011/11/15/four-chambers-of-heart-islamic-polygamy-of-up-to-four-wives-and-miracle-of-allah/http://inspirations786.wordpress.com/2011/11/15/four-chambers-of-heart-islamic-polygamy-of-up-to-four-wives-and-miracle-of-allah/

  4. Layers of Heart Wall • Endocardium- smooth thin layer of cells that helps to reduce friction caused by blood that is constantly moving through chambers • Pericardium- A sac that fits loosely over the heart • Myocardium- muscular wall constantly active and needs a generous supply of oxygen and energy from blood

  5. http://paramedicine101.blogspot.com/2009/08/basic-cardiology-part-i.htmlhttp://paramedicine101.blogspot.com/2009/08/basic-cardiology-part-i.html

  6. Inner Anatomy http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/life/human-biology/heart2.htm

  7. Outer Anatomy SUPERIOR VENA CAVA AORTA PULMONARY TRUNK RIGHT ATRIUM PULMONARY VEINS LEFT ATRIUM RIGHT VENTRICLE LEFT VENTRICLE http://quizlet.com/2507160/external-heart-anatomy-pics-flash-cards/

  8. Valves of the Heart • There are 4 valves of the heart • Tricuspid valve: right side, 3 cusps • Mitral valve: 2 cusps • Pulmonary valve: between Right ventricle and pulmonary artery, opens as Right ventricle contracts and forces blood out to the lungs • Aortic valve: between the Left ventricle and the aorta , opens as Left ventricle contracts and forces blood out to the body

  9. Heart valves open • Cusps forced apart by pressure of blood pumped by ventricle • Heart valve closed • Pressure causes the cusps to close and seal preventing reverse blood flow

  10. Bibliography • The Circulatory System by Regina Avraham • The Human Body by Steve Parker

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