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Mathematics Education Centre

Mathematics Education Centre. Two projects for enhancing provision of statistics support Alun Owen. TWO PROJECTS. statstutor Statistics support for distance learners or students studying off-campus using Elluminate (briefly!). statstutor AIMS.

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Mathematics Education Centre

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mathematics Education Centre Two projects for enhancing provision of statistics support Alun Owen

  2. TWO PROJECTS • statstutor • Statistics support for distance learners or students studying off-campus using Elluminate (briefly!)

  3. statstutor AIMS • Online resource for statistics • Enhance drop-in support and consultancy appointments • Potential to provide alternative to drop-in support or consultancy if not available • For undergraduates and postgraduates • Make use of existing resources

  4. statstutorCONTENTS • Topic-based resources • using STEPS Glossary as a basis • Case studies • using RSS CSE materials as a basis

  5. mathcentre http://www.mathcentre.ac.uk/students.php

  6. mathtutor http://www.mathtutor.ac.uk

  7. STEPS GLOSSARY http://www.stats.gla.ac.uk/steps/glossary



  10. RSS CSE CASE STUDIES From Minitab

  11. LIVESCRIBE http://www.livescribe.com/smartpen/index.html

  12. HELP! Want to get involved?

  13. STATISTICS SUPPORT USING ELLUMINATE • Elluminate is a virtual environment for teaching and learning • www.elluminate.com/products/live • Open University adopted this as their main on-line learning tool (Tim Lowe et al MSOR 2009) • sigma CETL trialling this to provide a Statistics Advisory Service to distance learners and those studying off-campus

  14. STATISTICS SUPPORT USING ELLUMINATE • Used for one to one help • Ensures statistics consultancy appointments available to all students • Sessions longer to begin with due to set-up • Can share applications such as SPSS, Minitab • So far experience has been very positive • This service to become a core part of the statistics support provision at Loughborough University

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