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This study involves participants being randomly allocated into two groups, where they will watch an advertisement on smoking and measure their heart rate. They will then complete handouts and participate in focus groups to gather quantitative and qualitative data on smoking and binge drinking.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. INDIVIDUAL INVESTIGATION 2019 12 Psychology

  2. Instructions to participants…. • Students are not to talk at all during the data collection. • You will be randomly allocated into one of two groups. • Odd ID numbers = one group • Even ID numbers = one group • Both groups will receive handouts to complete when instructed. Do not start filling in the handouts without permission. • Both groups will also be shown a separate advertisement on smoking. Whilst the odd number group watches their advertisement, the even number group must leave the room, and vice versa.

  3. Odd numbered group • Those of you in the odd numbered group, please spread yourselves around the room. Have with you a watch/timer, a pen, a ruler and your handouts. • Even numbered group, please leave the room and go to the area Mrs Codrington instructs.

  4. Odd Numbered Group - Data Collection • You will now be shown an advertisement on smoking. It will last approximately 20 seconds. • Once the advertisement is finished, you will be instructed to measure your heart rate using your watch/timer. You will be measuring your heart rate for 60 seconds. Mrs Codrington will time you. • You may measure your heart rate from your wrist or your neck – up to you. • Once the 60 seconds is up, record your b.p.m where instructed on handout three.

  5. Odd Numbered Group - Data Collection • Now that you have completed the b.p.m on handout 3, please continue to complete the rest of the handouts 3, 4, 5. • You will need to use a ruler to put a number to your scales that you have indicated on handout 3. • Complete the handouts in silence. If you finish, I will collect your handouts from you. • If you have any questions, please put your hand up. • These handouts will make up the quantitative data for the individual investigation.

  6. Even numbered group • Those of you in the even numbered group, please spread yourselves around the room. Have with you a watch/timer, a pen, a ruler and your handouts. • Odd numbered group, please leave the room and go to the area Mrs Codrington instructs.

  7. Even Numbered Group - Data Collection • You will now be shown an advertisement on smoking. It will last approximately 20 seconds. • Once the advertisement is finished, you will be instructed to measure your heart rate using your watch/timer. You will be measuring your heart rate for 60 seconds. Mrs Codrington will time you. • You may measure your heart rate from your wrist or your neck – up to you. • Once the 60 seconds is up, record your b.p.m where instructed on handout three.

  8. Even Numbered Group - Data Collection • Now that you have completed the b.p.m on handout 3, please continue to complete the rest of the handouts 3, 4, 5 & 6. • You will need to use a ruler to put a number to your scales that you have indicated on handout 3. • Complete the handouts in silence. If you finish, I will collect your handouts from you. • If you have any questions, please put your hand up. • These handouts will make up the quantitative data for the individual investigation.

  9. Focus Groups • Each group needs to assign a scribe and a facilitator. The scribe types all the responses from the group members and the facilitator makes sure each person contributes to the discussion. • Groups will respond to and answer 3 questions relating to smoking and binge drinking. You should be aiming for at least one page of responses per question. • I will be checking in on each group throughout the time allocation. Any questions or issues, come and see me. • Total time allocation: 45 minutes

  10. Focus Groups • Once finished, scribes email me the focus group responses immediately. • These focus group responses will make up the qualitative data for the individual investigation.

  11. Debriefing • Thank you very much for your participation in this Persuasion study. • If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email or come see me. • The data will be made available to you a.s.a.p. with full confidentiality guidelines adhered to. • I will be following the same procedure with the other class. Please do not tell them about the data collection today. • Does any one have any questions?

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