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Begin Your Own ePortfolio Website

Begin Your Own ePortfolio Website. Created by Kelly Richards ISLT 9471 Instructional Systems Design University of Missouri Summer Semester 2009. Objective.

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Begin Your Own ePortfolio Website

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  1. Begin Your Own ePortfolio Website Created by Kelly Richards ISLT 9471 Instructional Systems Design University of Missouri Summer Semester 2009

  2. Objective Given log-in information and access to SchoolPage, the learner will be able to produce an initial ePortfolio webpage to serve as the main location for adding a sample artifact.* *Please note, prior knowledge of ePortfolio and the District’s Strategic Objectives is necessary.

  3. Have you ever… • wanted to create a website to share information? • created documents that you would like to share? • had students who wanted to display their art work or assignments? • used a portfolio as an assessment tool? Activate Prior Learning

  4. ePortfolio will allow you to do all of that and more! Get ready to learn the basics of creating your own ePortfolio website. You will be able to use this information to teach your students how to add artifacts to their webpages! This PowerPoint is designed to be presented as learners are completing the steps. Intermissions should be taken as necessary.

  5. Do have your log-in information ready? • Access SchoolPage by going to: http://www.schools.manatee.k12.fl.us/Welcome/ • Click on, Begin Using SchoolPage • Enter your user name and password • Click, Login Demonstration/Application

  6. You should now see this page:Click on, Create Sites below

  7. Now, add a Site Title, Folder Title, and choose your group Site Title: eportfolio0910 (example) This will appear on most websites in a small font next to the page name. Folder Title: eportfolio0910 (example) This is the folder where your site will reside on the SchoolPage server. Group: 801richardsgroup (this is an example, and should be designated by an administrator) Then click, save

  8. Select a theme Choose: eFolio (3 themes) You will then see three choices Choose this one.

  9. Add a page • Type a title for your page • Click on this choice below ePortolio

  10. You will now see your ePortfolio home page Type your name in the blank. From this page, you can add your artifacts. You may temporarily minimize your web browser at this time.

  11. Strategic Objectives of Manatee County When adding an actual artifact, you will choose which Strategic Objective your artifact will be placed under. Your ePortfolio reflection for your artifact should be written to pertain to that particular S.O. For now, we are going to practice creating and uploading a pretend artifact.

  12. To practice creating a “pretend” artifact… • Open Microsoft Word (or a similar word processing document) • Type your name and the date • Save your file as “pretend_goal.doc” to your desktop • Exit Microsoft Word

  13. Adding your artifact • Maximize your web browser so that you are once again looking at your ePortfolio homepage • The graphic below represents the “goal setting” strategic objective

  14. Adding your artifact continued… • Under the “goal setting” graphic, there is a box • In the link text box, type the name of your document followed by the date • Click, User Files • Click, select • Upload file • Title • Choose file • Click, upload • Click, save • Click, continue…

  15. Your file should be successfully uploaded! Congratulations! You have completed the steps needed to accomplish the objective.

  16. Discussion • In what ways is this information useful for incorporating ePortfolio in the classroom? • Can this procedure be altered if necessary? • What is the most difficult part of this process?

  17. What now? • You will soon be integrating ePortfolio into your classroom environment. • Use this PowerPoint as a reference when needed. • A follow-up discussion meeting will take place in 2 weeks, to address comments, concerns, and needs. • Please bring your laptop and be prepared to share an artifact that you have added to your ePortfolio page. • Remember, you are creating your page to serve as an example as you teach your students how to create their pages.

  18. Good luck as you begin the ePortfolio journey! It is sure to be a rewarding experience!

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