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LMS RFP (Learning Management System)

LMS RFP (Learning Management System) . The LMS Research Team Center for Instructional Technology December, 2011. Purpose of Presentation. Inform Academic Council of RFP preparation process Share general findings List next steps. Why an LMS search?. Blackboard for 13 years

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LMS RFP (Learning Management System)

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  1. LMS RFP(Learning Management System) The LMS Research Team Center for Instructional Technology December, 2011

  2. Purpose of Presentation • Inform Academic Council of RFP preparation process • Share general findings • List next steps

  3. Why an LMS search? • Blackboard for 13 years • $ increased 150% in 10 years • Bb sold to another company • Dramatic changes in LMS environment • Bb losing market share

  4. Not necessarily replacing Blackboard

  5. Who is involved? • CIT staff • Librarians • IT leadership • Procurement Officer • Faculty (official RFP committee) • Faculty focus groups • Student focus groups

  6. How are we doing it? • Studying LMS “world” • Analyzing local system data • Soliciting input from faculty and students • Reviewing other LMS RFPs • Recording data on http://sites.jmu.edu/lms

  7. What are we finding? • LMS environment complex • Local vs. Hosted/Cloud • Open source vs. Commercial • Paid Support vs. Internal Support • Consortialvs. Non-Consortial • One Contract vs. Multiple Contracts

  8. What are we finding? • LMS environment complex • Local vs. Hosted/Cloud • Open source vs. Commercial • Paid Support vs. Internal Support • Consortialvs. Non-Consortial • One Contract vs. Multiple Contracts

  9. What are we finding? • Blackboard heavily used on campus • Currently, 75% of all courses have an active Blackboard site • 85% of faculty use Bb • 99% of all students use Blackboard • Satisfied with upgrade

  10. Faculty Focus Group #1 • Changing a system would have negative feedback --- faculty don't have time • Want to better know the system that they have • Want Blackboard to function reliably • Generally satisfied with Blackboard • Need more user support • Need additional training 

  11. What are we finding? • Many options for enterprise level system • Blackboard • Canvas by Instructure • Desire2Learn • Moodle • Sakai • Open Class (new) • Not necessarily replacing Blackboard

  12. RFP: Features and Tools • Facilitating Communication and Collaboration • Facilitating the creation, dissemination and consumption of instructional content in a web environment • Assessment • Analytic Capabilities to Support Academic and Administrative Needs • Functionality Outside of Direct Instructional Support • Go to http://sites.jmu.edu/lms/category/lms-features/

  13. Competition • Free and easily accessible tools in the “public web” • LMS “bundled” with textbook

  14. Next Steps • Establish an official RFP committee • Complete the RFP and issue it mid-January • Review proposals and select vendors for demonstration • Invite faculty to demonstrations • Recommend a solution by July 2012

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