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AOU LMS. Integrating LMS with SIS. Outline. Introduction E-learning Arab Open University Policy Student Information System Learning Management System Integrating LMS with SIS LMS Modification and Enhancement Future Work. Introduction.

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  1. AOU LMS Integrating LMS with SIS Arab Open University - Jordan

  2. Outline • Introduction • E-learning • Arab Open University Policy • Student Information System • Learning Management System • Integrating LMS with SIS • LMS Modification and Enhancement • Future Work Arab Open University - Jordan

  3. Introduction • Arab Open University was established in 2002 in the Arabic region, and adopted the open learning approach. • An open learning system is defined as "a program offering access to individuals without the traditional constraints related to location, timetabling, entry qualifications.“. • With new Internet-Based technologies a new methodologies to education and teaching in • E-learning • Online learning • Distance learning • Open learning Arab Open University - Jordan

  4. E-learning • Any learning experience or environment that relies upon the Internet/WWW as the primary delivery mode of communication and presentation. Arab Open University - Jordan

  5. Arab Open University Policy • AOU adopted the open learning approach. • AOU has partnerships with the United Kingdom Open University (UKOU). • The aim of AOU is to attract large number of students who can not attend traditional universities because of • Work • Age • Financial reasons • Other circumstances Arab Open University - Jordan

  6. Student Information System • What is Student Information System (SIS) ?Student Information System is an Oracle based system which was designed to Manage Students information from Accepting to Graduating . It enable us to Electronically handle any transactions and issues related to the students. • Why do we need SIS ?The system to be built aims at creating a comprehensive and strong basis for all projects in order to come up with an integral comprehensive system which will meet all desired goals. AOUSIS is a complete solution to monitor And control any information related to student Arab Open University - Jordan

  7. Learning Management System • Learning management system (LMS) is a software that automates the administration of training events. • The term LMS is now used to describe a wide range of applications that track student training and may include functions to • manage user logs, course catalogs, and activity reports. • provide basic communication tools (email, chat, whiteboard, video conferencing, …) • manage competency (e-Tests, e-Assignments, …) • allow personalization (user profiles, custom news, recent activity, RSS, …) • Enable monitoring activities (QA, accreditation, external assessment, …) Arab Open University - Jordan

  8. Learning Management System • AOU use Moodle nowadays as an electronic platform. • Moodle is an open-source course management system (CMS) • Both students and tutors can access the system from anywhere with an Internet connection. • Moodle provides many learning tools and activities such as • Forums • Chats • Quizzes • Surveys • Gather and review assignments • Recording grades and more... Arab Open University - Jordan

  9. Integrating LMS with SIS • LMS integration with SIS (or LMS-SIS) is a system used inside the university to • Reducing accessing time • Automatically generating accounts • Minimizing faults, mistakes and errors to null • Obtaining availability of requirements and simplifying registering, entering and filling process. Arab Open University - Jordan

  10. Integrating LMS with SIS • AOU AdministrationFrom this screen you access all integration processes, it categorized to a set of operations. Arab Open University - Jordan

  11. Integrating LMS with SISGeneral Operations • Import CategoriesCreate category for each department Arab Open University - Jordan

  12. Integrating LMS with SISGeneral Operations • Import CoursesCreate course with it’s basic information, also handle two parts course Arab Open University - Jordan

  13. Integrating LMS with SISSemester Operations • Import Userscreate account for new students and tutors Arab Open University - Jordan

  14. Integrating LMS with SISSemester Operations • Import Time TableCreate time table for the current semester includes (course, groups, tutors). Arab Open University - Jordan

  15. Integrating LMS with SISSemester Operations • Enroll Studentsenroll students according to their schedule. We can do this process as many as required Arab Open University - Jordan

  16. Integrating LMS with SISSemester Operations • Tutor MapUsed when tutor assigned to another course or group during the semester. Arab Open University - Jordan

  17. Integrating LMS with SISPlacement Test Operations • Import PT UsersImport Placement Test Students, this operation fully automated which mean no need to visit this page. Arab Open University - Jordan

  18. Integrating LMS with SISPlacement Test Operations • Upload PT Gradesupload PT grades to SIS after the student finish the exams, this operation fully automated which mean no need to visit this page. Arab Open University - Jordan

  19. LMS Modification and EnhancementTheme & Login Page • New Theme created and redesign the login page Arab Open University - Jordan

  20. LMS Modification and EnhancementQuestionnaire • Questionnaire SettingsSet the visibility of the questionnaire and determine the open & close date to force users filling the questionnaire. Arab Open University - Jordan

  21. Quality Assurance (Student views of tutor and course) Arab Open University - Jordan

  22. Quality Assurance (Student views of the University) Arab Open University - Jordan

  23. Quality Assurance (Tutor Views) Arab Open University - Jordan

  24. Peer-to-Peer Monitoring A tutor monitoring a tutorial by a peer colleague Writing notes Sending a copy to the program chair Sending a copy to the Tutor Arab Open University - Jordan

  25. LMS Modification and EnhancementQuestionnaire • Questionnaire ReportsSave questionnaire result as Excel sheet format which can be used in other statistical applications Arab Open University - Jordan

  26. LMS Modification and EnhancementRandom Assignments • Random AssignmentsDownload a zipped file contains three assignments selected randomly for each group in each course for quality assurance purpose. Arab Open University - Jordan

  27. LMS Modification and EnhancementAttendance • AttendanceSheet for group students which enables the tutor to track student attendance and allow the student to view his attendance Arab Open University - Jordan

  28. Student’s Attendance (Student View) Arab Open University - Jordan

  29. LMS Modification and EnhancementZipped TMA • Zipped TMADownload all students submissions as one file, it is helpful especially when there is too many students. Arab Open University - Jordan

  30. LMS Modification and EnhancementAssignment Feedback File • Assignment Feedback FileTutor may return a feedback file to the student which contains tutor notes about TMA submission Arab Open University - Jordan

  31. LMS Modification and EnhancementDialogue Attachment • Dialogue AttachmentTutor & student can attach files when using dialogues Arab Open University - Jordan

  32. LMS Modification and EnhancementDownload Tutor Notes • Download Tutor Notes Tutor can download Excel sheet contains (student id, Name, Grade and comments) which used for archiving purpose. Arab Open University - Jordan

  33. LMS Modification and EnhancementTutor One-Account • Tutor One-AccountTutor have one account to access all his groups and courses to manage its student activities (dialogue, assignment…). Arab Open University - Jordan

  34. AOU Learning Environment Arab Open University - Jordan

  35. Delivering Packages Arab Open University - Jordan

  36. TMA Monitoring Samples are sent to another tutor for monitoring. Tutor reads them and remarks them Three samples are selected of each TMA for each course the tutor teaches. Samples selected should be high, average and poor from the ACES TMA monitoring form are filled out TMA monitoring forms and TMAs are sent to staff tutor in charge The staff tutor writes his/her comments concerning the correcting and monitoring of TMAs Arab Open University - Jordan

  37. Final Exam and group marking for it Final exams are grouped marked A communal final exam is sent by HQ in Kuwait. Students in all branches take the exam simultaneously. Group 2 Group 3 Group 1 Each tutor sends exam to staff tutor Each tutor of a particular course will mark specific questions for all students ACES (internet) Sending data to SIS After the marking process has been completed, each tutor receives his/her students’ exam papers, adds up the marks and enters the marks into the ACES. Arab Open University - Jordan

  38. SIS Databases Access authentication Feedback/progress Digital Libraries Off-line Learning Resources Quality Assurance Procedures Intranet Administration and Authentication System External – Internet Access Requests e-Learning platform: Closer look e-Learning platform Learning Object Repository (courses) CMC (conferencing, email, chat, WB) e-Competency (scheduling, archiving, grading, monitoring) Learning Management System e-Tutoring (Live tutorials, on-line AV, etc.) Other features (tools, templates, etc.) Arab Open University - Jordan

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