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TODAY – starting P3. LO: Describe some different types of renewable energy [C] Know how energy is generated in power stations [B]. STARTER List as many renewable energy sources that you can think of!. Renewable vs Non-Renewable.
TODAY – starting P3 • LO: Describe some different types of renewable energy [C] Know how energy is generated in power stations [B] STARTER List as many renewable energy sources that you can think of!
Renewable vs Non-Renewable • Fossil fuels are non-renewable, once they have been burnt they cannot be used again and it will take millions of years for them to re-form. • Solar Power • Wind Power • Tidal/Wave power • Hydroelectric power • Geothermal energy • Renewable energy sources do not run out and can be used over and over again. • Examples are
Fossil Fuels • The three fossil fuels are coal, oil and gas. • They can be burnt in a power station to generate electricity. • Because the electricity has to be produced from another energy form we call it a secondary energy source. • Electricity cannot be stored, so it has to be generated all the time.
How a power station works The turbine drives the generator which creates electricity The steam turns a turbine Fuel is burnt to heat water which produces steam A transformer is two coils of wire on an iron core. It changes electricity into a higher voltage so it can be sent around the national grid at 400000v
Task • Using the templates and the information sheets create fact files for at least 4 different energy types. • HINT: It is a good idea to do Nuclear as one • Things to include: • How does it generate electricity (C) (include a diagram if necessary) • Advantages (B) • Disadvantages (B)
Extension Task (A) • You are a local politician and have been asked to help decide which type of power station you will have in your local area. • Which one will you choose and why?? • Things to think about: What is the area you live in like? Does it have many people? Does it have much space? What is the weather like?
TITLE - efficiency • LO: how to calculate the efficiency of appliances [B] how to represent energy transfer using a Sankey diagram [C] how we can make buildings more energy efficient [D] STARTER When you eat a burger what does your body use the energy for? Make a list!
Energy efficiency efficiency = energy usefully transferred × 100% total energy supplied • Energy efficiency is a measure of how much useful energy an appliance makes compared to how much initial energy is put into it • The more efficient it is the better as it saves money and resources • We can show efficiency using a diagram
Efficiency questions 60 % • Kettle – Input energy: 250j Useful output: 150j • Toaster - Input energy: 150j Useful output: 120j • Microwave - Input energy: 500j Useful output: 190j • Television - Input energy: 250j Useful output: 200j • Hairdryer - Input energy: 150j Useful output: 80j • Bulb – Input energy: 200j Useful output: 10j 80 % 38 % 80 % 53 % 5 %
Sankey Diagrams Show how one type of energy can be converted into other types of energy. LAW Energy can not be created or destroyed it can only be transformed from one form to another. Sankey Diagrams show the FLOW of ENERGY
Normal Light Bulb Energy Saving Light Bulb
Task Produce an informative leaflet that gives advice on how to make your home more energy efficient • Grade D – Give at least 3 examples of ways to make your home more energy efficient • Grade C – Explain how each method makes your home more efficient • Grade B – Discuss why some methods are better than others and why (think about cost vs what you will save)
EXAM QUESTION • 5 minutes
Thinking Task • Mr Green is worried that his energy bills are really high and he cant afford to pay them, what advice would you give him of how to save money on his bills??
Wasted Energy Pick an object from the kitchen and draw an energy flow diagram for that item. Then explain which is the wasted and which is the useful energy output.
TITLE – Electrical Energy • LO: know how and when to use ‘electrical energy’ equations • STARTER • Use the efficiency equation: efficiency = useful energy X100 • total energy • A light bulb is supplied with 20 000 J of energy. 19 000 is wasted as heat. How efficient is the bulb? • 5 %
Power (W) Voltage (V) Current (A) X
Energy Transferred (J) Power (W) Time (s) X
Energy Transferred (Kilowatt-Hours) Power (kW) Time (hrs) X
Cost Number of kWh X Cost per kWh
Energy Usefully Transferred X 100 Efficiency = Total Energy Supplied
Task Produce a revision guide page that include the ‘Electrical Energy’ equations. D – include information on power, electricity and energy C – include all 4 formula triangles B – create your own worked examples for each formula triangle Extension – write some quiz questions on this topic
An exam question gives you information that includes Power is 600W and the Voltage is 30V what is the current? 20 A
An exam question gives you information that includes You use 40kWh of electricity at a cost of 2 p per kWh, what is the cost? 80p
An exam question gives you information that includes Work out the power. 600kWh of energy is transferred in 3 hours. 200 kW
An exam question gives you information that includes 400 J of energy is transferred at a power of 80 W. How long does this take? 5 s
Objectives • Describe how energy is produced from fossil fuels
Starter Activity • List 2 non-renewable and 2 renewable energy sources • Give one advantage and one disadvantage for each type
Objectives • Describe how energy is produced from nuclear sources
Nuclear Power • Certain radioactive materials can be used to produce electricity in a power station instead of using fossil fuels. • The nuclear fuel is not burned though like fossil fuels. It is put into a nuclear reactor and nuclear fission occurs. • Nuclear fission releases huge amounts of heat energy that is used to heat water, creating steam to turn a turbine.
Nuclear power generator Control rods control the speed of the nuclear reaction (Uranium fuel rods)
What is Ionising Radiation? • Ionising radiation is given off by radioactive particles. • It is called ionising because it has enough energy to collide with atoms and knock electrons off it causing it to become a positively charged particle called an ion. • Ionised atoms have more energy so are more likely to react chemically and damage cells in the human body, causing cancer.
Uses of Ionising Radiation • Ionising radiation can be useful as it can be used to sterilise surgical equipment, kill cancer cells, as radioactive tracers and to preserve fruit. • Generally however it is harmful and causes cancer so we must limit the doses we are exposed to e.g. X rays. • We can protect ourselves by using lead and concrete to stop it and monitoring how much we are exposed to.
Task: Using pages 234-235 of the textbook and the internet create an informative poster or PowerPoint explaining: • How a nuclear power station works and include a diagram of the nuclear reactor (C) • How the nuclear waste from the power station is dealt with (B) • What nuclear fission is and how the chain reaction occurs (A)
Geiger-Müller Counter • Radioactivity can be detected using a Geiger-Müller Counter. • When radiation enters the tube, atoms inside are ionised by the radiation. • These ions are counted and shown as counts per second or counts per minute.
Nuclear Debate • In pairs you need to come up with arguments for and against having a nuclear power station built in Leeds.
Energy resources, Generators and the National Grid • LO: Consider environmental impacts of energy sources as well as cost [D] know that electricity is distributed by the national grid [C] know how generators use magnets to make electricity [B] What is ionising radiation and why is it dangerous?
electron photon of ionizing radiation positively charged atom Ionization happens when a photon with enough energy hits an atom or molecule inside a material.
How a Generator Works You can make electricity by moving a magnet in or near a coil of wire. This diagram is one of a small dynamo to power a bicycle light but works on the same principle as large power station generators.
Answer the Questions • What 4 things would the best energy source be? • Give 2 cost related issues on energy sources • Give 2 environmental issues of energy sources • Using the table on 97 compare the good and bad points of each energy source • Explain how a generator works • Why does the National Grid distribute electricity at a high voltage rather than at a high current? EXTENSION – construct a mind map using ‘electricity’ as your centre word