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How the World Works

How the World Works. Survivor!. Central Idea: The climate of a region determines its plant life. Who Am I?. By Adrian and Jake. http://www.kbs.ku.edu/people/staff_www/billings/Pix/grassland-large.gif. Grasslands. Deserts.

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How the World Works

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How the World Works Survivor! Central Idea: The climate of a region determines its plant life.

  2. Who Am I? By Adrian and Jake http://www.kbs.ku.edu/people/staff_www/billings/Pix/grassland-large.gif

  3. Grasslands Deserts I am in North America. I have big open spaces. What biome do I live in? http://www.reflectiveimages.com/BrokenKettleGrasslands.htm http://www.kbears.com/climates/printdesert.html

  4. Right! • I have trees by the river. • I don’t have many bushes.

  5. Wrong!!! • I have lots and lots of grass. • Listen to the sound:

  6. save lots of water. get less sunlight. I am tall and skinny to…

  7. Right answer • My leaves are hairy to save water. • My roots go deep underground to get water.

  8. Sorry! • I am tall so the wind doesn’t blow me over.

  9. Guess Plant?? • I need lots of water. • I need lots of sunlight. • My name is Big B_ _ _ _ _ _ m. • My growing points are underground so, if I get trampled by an animal, I grow back up.

  10. Big Blue Stem • My name is Big Blue Stem even though I look red. • Picture from: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.uky.edu/Ag/Forestry/TBarnes/Assets/images/big%2520bluestem%2520in%2520fall%2520color.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.uky.edu/Ag/Forestry/TBarnes/Web%2520pages/how_to_NWSG.htm&h=423&w=280&sz=100&hl=en&start=14&um=1&tbnid=Bbu7FUuWMZ_FpM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=83&prev=

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