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Test your knowledge of IT with this quiz. Learn about computer history, famous personalities, and tech trivia. See how much you know about e-mail, browsers, and programming languages.
When was the first e-mail sent? The first The was sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971
Which of the below is not a type of computer battery? • 1. BIOS2. CMOS • 3.Li-ion4. NiMH BIOS(Basic Input Output System)
Which of the following is not or was not a Internet browser? • Internet Explorer • Hotmail • Netscape • Opera Hotmail
Karmic Koala,Lucid Lynx,Maverick Meerkat What are these? List of Ubuntu releases
Identify the Personality Nandan M Nilekeni(UIDAI Charman)
The Man who devoloped Computer Mouse? Douglas Engelbart
Who is known as the 'Human Computer'? Sakunthala Devi
World Computer Literacy Day December 2
CEO of an Indian IT Company having roots in Kannur Ajith Balakrishnan(Rediff.com)
It's the emblem of a world famous programming language.Identify Java
'POWERED BY INTELLECT,DRIVEN BY VALUES' This is the motto of an IT Company.Which is the company? INFOSYS
EXPAND THE ACRONYM C-DIT Centre for the Development of Imaging Technology
The Team constituted by The Central Government to look into the matters of Cyber Security CERT-IN(Cyber Emergency Response Team-India)
The maximum distance a blue tooth can connect without any amplification 10 meters
Father of the first lady programmer ,Ada lovelace was a famous poet.Who was he? LORD BYRON
The district where the popular E-Service programme- AKSHAYA was launched in Kerala MALAPPURAM
The name of the web magazine published regularly by Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam Billion beats
Mark Shuttleworth leads the Ubuntu Innovation project.His Canonical limited develop and support Ubuntu.But Shuttle worth is well known to the public in another venture.What is it? the second self-funded space tourist
'Rewriting the Future ' The logo of a computer accessories making company.Which is the company? moserbaer
The website address of it@school project http://itschool.gov.in/
Expansion of COBOL (Grace Murray Hopper) Common Business Oriented Language
Identify the Personality Jimmy Wales
The man who developed linux kernal is Linus Tornwalds.He belongs to which country? Finland
This Search Engine is introduced by which company? Microsoft
THANKS • Girishmohan.p.k • pkgmohan@gmail.com • www.spandanam1.blogspot.com