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ANIMALS TEAM. Paula Ballester Adrià Moratalla Gorka Mujica. Animals problems. Hunting animals for sport and for cl othing . Neglection of animals. Mistreatment of animals. Cruel purposes Circuses Bullfights Dogfights Cockfights Violation. Possible solutions.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ANIMALSTEAM Paula Ballester Adrià Moratalla Gorka Mujica

  2. Animals problems • Hunting animals for sport and for clothing. • Neglection of animals. • Mistreatment of animals. • Cruel purposes • Circuses • Bullfights • Dogfights • Cockfights • Violation

  3. Possiblesolutions • Organize a protest against hunting as a sport. • Do meetings where kennel assistants explain the stories of animals so that people adopt them. • Fining or putting abusers in jail. • Organize a protest against circuses, bullfights, dogfights, cockfights and violations.

  4. Javanrhino Snow Leopard Tiger EndangeredAnimals

  5. webgrafia • http://www.monografias.com/trabajos89/maltrato-animales/maltrato-animales.shtml • http://www.sostenibilidad.com/top-10-animales-en-peligro-de-extincion#2

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