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MILITARY SYMBOLOGY. NEXT. Today you will receive a class on military symbology. At the end of this class you will be able to properly identify five basic symbols. NEXT. First, some basic instructions on how the program works. This button will take you to the previous slide.
Today you will receive a class on military symbology. At the end of this class you will be able to properly identify five basic symbols. NEXT
First, some basic instructions on how the program works. This button will take you to the previous slide. This button will take you to the next slide. NEXT PREVIOUS
First, let’s identify why military symbology is used. One use for Military symbols is to track unit locations on maps. Without a standard way of tracking unit locations, maps would become cluttered with information, written in a random fashion.
A unit is here and I don’t know who it is, it might be Friendly or it might be enemy, but I’m not sure… No report of anything going on here…maybe We should check it out… Three vehicles here doing something… Something is going on here, enemy unit Located here doing Something… Unidentified unit located here Infantry unit Here, I think it’s an enemy unit Friendly unit located here For example…
See what I mean? Not very pretty, is it? Let’s start with the basics. When plotting unit locations on a map, friendly units are in blue boxes, while enemy units are shown in red diamonds. Friendly Enemy
Friendly Enemy In the center of the symbols is where we put what type of unit we are plotting, for example a tank unit or infantry unit. This is where our lesson begins. What do we put in the center for each unit?
This class will teach you five basic unit symbols. The unit symbols you will learn are: • Infantry • Armor • Mechanized Infantry • Artillery • Air Defense
Student Check #1: What color is used for a friendly unit? Red Yellow Blue Black Press the box next to the correct answer
I’m sorry, this is not the correct answer. Back to Student Check 1. Review of Symbol Colors
Infantry When we talk about infantry, we mean the “Grunts.” No vehicles – they walk where ever they go!
Infantry The symbol for infantry is an “X” in the middle of the box or triangle, as shown here. A good way to remember this is that the “X” resembles crossed rifles, the universally accepted symbol for infantry.
Armor (Tank) Tanks are used to close with the enemy and defeat him through applying overwhelming fire power at the decisive point. Tanks generally have a large main gun and are well protected with armor plating.
Armor (Tank) The next symbol is for armored or tank units. It is an oval in the center of the box or triangle, as shown here. The oval represents the tracks the vehicles move on.
Student Check #2: What is the symbol for a enemy infantry unit? Press the box next to the correct answer
This is not correct. While this is an enemy unit, it is an armored unit. Review Infantry Lesson Back to Student Check 2.
This is not correct. While this is an infantry unit, it is a friendly infantryunit. Review Infantry Lesson Back to Student Check 2.
Correct! This is an enemy infantry unit. Continue with Lesson
This is not correct. This is a friendly armored unit. Review Infantry Lesson Back to Student Check 2.
Infantry When we talk about infantry, we mean the “Grunts.” No vehicles – they walk where ever they go!
Infantry The symbol for infantry is an “X” in the middle of the box or diamond, as shown here. A good way to remember this is that the “X” resembles crossed rifles, the universally accepted symbol for infantry. Back to Student Check 2.
Mechanized Infantry The next symbol we need to learn is mechanized infantry. To keep infantry as safe as possible, they ride in vehicles called Armored Personnel Carriers (APC). Since these vehicles combine the protection of tanks with the lethality of infantry, the symbol is the combination of the previous two symbols.
Artillery Artillery assists infantry and armor units by providing fire support. Artillery comes in all shapes and sizes, from little 105mm guns…
Artillery …to larger pieces that can lob shells over 20 miles!
Artillery The symbol for artillery is a round circle in the center of the box or diamond. The circle represents the cannon balls fired by old artillery pieces.
Air Defense The final symbol we will learn today is Air Defense. Air Defense units protect the infantry, armor and artillery units from enemy air attack. Their mission is simple – shoot down enemy planes! Shoulder Fired Air Defense System Self Propelled Air Defense System
Air Defense The symbol for air defense is a curved half circle, representing the umbrella of protection they provide.
Student Check #3: What is the symbol for a friendly artillery unit? Press the box next to the correct answer
This is not correct. While this is a friendly unit, it is a friendly infantry unit. Review Artillery Lesson Back to Student Check 3.
This is not correct. This is a enemy infantry unit. Review Artillery Lesson Back to Student Check 3.
This is not correct. This is a enemy armored unit. Review Artillery Lesson Back to Student Check 3.
Correct! This is a friendly artillery unit. Continue with Lesson
Artillery Artillery assists infantry and armor units by providing fire support. Artillery comes in all shapes and sizes, from little 105mm guns…
Artillery …to larger pieces that can lob shells over 20 miles!
Artillery The symbol for artillery is a round circle in the center of the box or diamond. The circle represents the cannon balls fired by old artillery pieces. Back to Student Check 3.
That concludes the lesson on symbology. You can either review the lesson for each symbol again or start the multiple choice quiz. Which would you like to do? Review the Lesson Again Start the quiz
1) What is the correct symbol for a friendly infantry unit? Press the box under the correct answer
I’m sorry, this is not correct. While this is a friendly unit as designated by the blue box, this is the symbol for Air Defense. Back to question #1 Review of Infantry Symbol
I’m sorry, this is not correct. This is an enemy unit as designated by the red diamond, and this is the symbol for Mechanized Infantry. Back to question #1 Review of Infantry Symbol
Correct! This is the symbol for a friendly infantry unit. Proceed to question #2
I’m sorry, this is not correct. While this is an infantry unit, the red diamond indicates it is an enemy infantry unit. Back to question #1 Review of Infantry Symbol
Infantry When we talk about infantry, we mean the “Grunts.” No vehicles – they walk where ever they go!
Infantry The symbol for infantry is an “X” in the middle of the box or triangle, as shown here. A good way to remember this is that the “X” resembles crossed rifles, the universally accepted symbol for infantry. Back to question #1
2) What is the correct symbol for an enemy armored unit? Press the letter of the correct answer
I’m sorry, this is not correct. While this is an enemy unit, it is an enemy mechanized infantry unit. Back to question #2 Review of Armored Symbol
Correct! This is the symbol for a enemy armored unit. Proceed to question #3