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The Loose Speak Project James Fan Knowledge-Based Systems Research Group University of Texas at Austin May 8, 2002. Outline. Loose speak overview Two types of LS: Complex nominal interpretation Metonymy Future work on LS. Loose Speak.
The Loose Speak ProjectJames FanKnowledge-Based Systems Research GroupUniversity of Texas at AustinMay 8, 2002
Outline • Loose speak overview • Two types of LS: • Complex nominal interpretation • Metonymy • Future work on LS
Loose Speak • Loose speak(LS) : the phenomenon that human listeners are able to correctly interpret a speaker's imprecise utterance. • Relevance: • LS common in human communication, but rarely supported in human-computer-interaction. • Lack of LS requires SMEs talk in precise terms to KB, makes KA tedious and error prone, and contributes to the brittleness of KB. Here's a KA example without LS ...
Loose Speak Project • Task: given an imprecise expression, correctly form an interpretation consistent with the existing KB. • Goal: • To show that (semi)-automatic interpretation of imprecise terms is possible. • It can accelerate KA. Here's how the previous example works with LS ...
KA With LS After clicking on the “See CMAP” link …
Outline • Loose speak overview • Two types of LS: • Complex nominal interpretation • Metonymy • Future work on LS
Complex Nominal Interpretations • Complex nominal is an expression that has a head noun proceeded by a modifying element. [Levi '78] the semantic relation between the two is implicit. • Marble statue = statue made of marble • Animal cell = cell that is the basic structural unit of an animal • Metal detection = detecting metal. • Complex nominal interpretation task: given a complex nominal, return the semantic relation between the head noun and it's modifying element.
Related Work • A set of rules that includes most of the semantic relations in complex nominals [Levi '78]. • Hand coded rules [Leonard '84]. • Statistically learned rules [Lauer '95]. • Learned rules under the user's guidance [Barker '98].
Our Approach • Given a complex nominal made of two concepts H & M, • Search KB up to certain depth, return any relations between H & any of M's super/subclasses, or vice-versa. • If no relation is returned, select from a set of templates based on domain/range match. Let's see what the templates are ...
Templates • Templates: A set of 32 relations, which includes most of the common semantic relations occur in complex nominals. • Example: • (a H with (element-type ((a M)))) • (a H with (is-part-of ((a M)))) • ... • Zero, one, or multiple relations may be returned. Let's step through a few examples ...
M = Animal & H = Cell Example 1 • Given a complex nominal made of two concepts H & M, • Search KB up to certain depth, return any relations between H & any of M's super/subclasses, or vice-versa. • If no relation is returned, select from a set of templates based on domain/range match. • Do breadth-first KB search, and found the following in KB: • (every Cell has • (is-basic-structural-unit-of ((a Organism))) • Return: • (a Cell with • (is-basic-structural-unit-of ((a Animal)))
M = Cell & H = Locomotion Example 2 • Given a complex nominal made of two concepts H & M, • Search KB up to certain depth, return any relations between H & any of M's super/subclasses, or vice-versa. • If no relation is returned, select from a set of templates based on domain/range match. • Do breadth-first KB search, and found the following in KB: • (every Locomotion has • (object ((a Tangible-Entity)))) • Return: • (a Locomotion has • (object ((a Cell))))
M = Bond & H = Energy. Example 3 • Given a complex nominal made of two concepts H & M, • Search KB up to certain depth, return any relations between H & any of M's super/subclasses, or vice-versa. • If no relation is returned, select from a set of templates based on domain/range match. • Do breadth-first KB search, and found the nothing in KB: • Select from the templates: • (a Create with (raw-material ((a Bond))) (result ((a Energy)))) -- match. • (a Create with (result ((a Bond))) (agent ((a Energy))) -- match. • (a Energy with (element-type ((a Bond)))) -- mismatch. ... ...
Performance Measurements • Precision = C / A, where C = number of instances in which a correct answer is returned, A = number of instances in which an answer is returned. • Recall = C / T, where C = number of instances in which a correct answer is returned, T = the total number of test instances. • Avg. ans. length = L / A, where L = total lengths of all the answers returned, A = number of instances in which an answer is returned.
Evaluation • Tested on 2 sets of data from Alberts [Alberts, el] with a total of 184 test examples. • Our approach has similar precision and recall values as the templates method does. • Our approach has much shorter average answer length. • The distribution of answer lengths is bi-modal: 65% answers have 1 or 2 choices; 19% have 9 or 10 choices.
Evaluation (Continued) • Our approach is compared to a templates based method because the templates resemble the hand-coded rules approach. • Mistakes from data set 2 are caused by • invalid data entries (e.g. phosphate residue -> phosphate substance translation) • incomplete KB (e.g. topic slot missing from KB).
Future Work for Complex Nominal Interpretation • Gather more data for further evaluation. • Integrate the KB search with the templates.
KB Search And Templates Integration • KB search is bounded by a certain depth. • The selections from the templates can direct deeper searches. • Example: • Cell Ribosome. • KB search: found nothing. • Templates: • (a Ribosome with (is-part-of ((a Cell)))) • (a Ribosome with (material ((a Cell)))) • … … • Deeper search reveals: • (a Ribosome with (element-type-of ((a Aggregate with (is-part-of ((a Cytoplasm with (is-part-of ((a Cell))))))))))
Outline • Loose Speak Overview • Two types of LS: • Complex Nominal interpretation • Metonymy • Future work on LS
Metonymy • Metonymy: a figurative speech in which "one entity [the metonym] is used to refer to another [the referent] that is related to it". [Lakoff & Johnson '80] • Example: • Joe read Shakespeare. It was good. • Metonymy resolution task: given an input expression denoting a piece of knowledge, identify any occurrence of metonymy, uncover the referent, and returned the paraphrased version of the input expression.
Traditional Approaches [Fass '91][Hobbs '93][Markert & Hahn '97][Harabagiu '98] • Given an input (often in the form of sentences in natural language): • Detect metonymy based on detection of type constraints, • Resolve metonymy based on a search in metonymy space. • Anaphora is used to validate the result of the metonymy resolution. Let's what the metonymy space is ...
Metonymy Space • Metonymy space: the set of entities related to the metonym. • Metonymy space construction: • given the metonym A, return set S = {X | exists A-r1-A1-r2-A2- ...-rn-X} where r1, r2, ..., rn are members of a fixed set of slots, such as has-part, material, agent, result, etc., and A1, A2, ..., X are frames. • Given A = Shakespeare, S = {Shakespeare, His Head, His Text, ...} because • Shakespeare, r1= self • Shakespeare-has-part-His Head, r1= has-part • Shakespeare-agent-of-Write-result-His Text, r1 = agent-of, A1= Write, r2= result Let's step through a few examples ...
Given: “Joe read Shakespeare. It was good.” Metonymy Example 1 (Traditional Approach) • Given an input (often in the form of sentences in natural language): • Detect metonymy based on detection of type constraints, • Resolve metonymy based on a search in metonymy space. • Anaphora is used to validate the result of the metonymy resolution. • Type constraints: • agent-of-read: Person. • object-of-read: Text • MetonymySpace = {Shakespeare, His Head, His Text ... }. • Selects His Text • Anaphora It confirms His Text fits better than Shakespeare.
Given: “electrons are removed from water molecules.” Metonymy Example 2 (Traditional Approach) • Given an input (often in the form of sentences in natural language): • Detect metonymy based on detection of type constraints, • Resolve metonymy based on a search in metonymy space. • Anaphora is used to validate the result of the metonymy resolution. • Type Constraints: • object-of-remove: Entity. • base-of-remove: Entity. • No violation found, no metonymy resolution needed.
Metonymy Example 2 (Continued) • However the input, “Electrons are removed from water molecules”, does need metonymy resolution in our representation because: • Remove requires the base have the object as its part, e.g. water molecule should have a part called electron. • Water molecule does not have a part called electron. It has a hydrogen atom part, which has a electron part, and it has an oxygen atom part, which has a electron part. • Therefore the literal translation of the input does NOT work, and the traditional approach does NOT give the correct answer either.
Given (a Read with (object (Shakespeare))), translate it into: Read-object-Shakespeare Our Approach • Given KM expression that can be translated into X-r-Y, where X, Y are frames, and r is a slot: Do X' = X, Y' = Y I = Ideal(X, r) M = MetonymySpace(Y) Y = m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) < distance(m', I) for all m' Î M I = Ideal(Y, rinverse) M = MetonymySpace(X) X = m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) < distance(m', I) for all m' Î M Until (X = X' and Y = Y') Return X'-r-Y' • 1st iteration • X’ = Read, Y’ = Shakespeare • I = (a Text with (purpose ((a Role with (in-event ((a Read)))))) • M = {Shakespeare, His Head, His Text, …} • Y = His Text • I = (a Event) • M = {Read} • X = Read 2nd iteration … ReturnRead-object-His Text
Ideal and Metonymy Space • Ideal: • Type constraints. • Add/delete/precondition list of the action. • Teleological constraints. • Metonymy Space: given the metonym A, return set S: {X | exists A-r1-A1-r2-A2- … -rn-X} where r1, r2, … , rn are members of a fixed set of slots, such as has-part, material, agent, result, etc., and A1, A2, … , X are frames. • Search depth: the n in the A-r1-A1-r2-A2- … -rn-X path mentioned above. For example, search depth of A = 0, search depth of A1= 1, etc.
Distance Measurement and Comparison • Distance - (p, n, t): the similarity between an element from the metonymy space and the ideal. • p: number of shared properties between the element and the ideal. • n: search depth of the element in the metonymy space. • t: taxonomical distance between the element and the ideal. • Given (p1, n1, t1) and (p2, n2, t2), then. • (p1, n1, t1) < (p2, n2, t2) if: • p1 > p2 or. • p1 = p2 and n1 < n2 or. • p1 = p2 and n1 = n2 and t1 < t2.
Given (a Remove with (object ((a Electron))) (base ((a Water-Molecule)))), translate into Remove-object-Electron and Remove-base-Water-Molecule. Let’s consider Remove-base-Water-Molecule: Metonymy Example 2 (Continued) • Given KM expression that can be translated into X-r-Y, where X, Y are frames, and r is a slot: Do X' = X, Y' = Y I = Ideal(X, r) M = MetonymySpace(Y) Y = m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) < distance(m', I) for all m' Î M I = Ideal(Y, rinverse) M = MetonymySpace(X) X = m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) < distance(m', I) for all m' Î M Until (X = X' and Y = Y') Return X'-r-Y' • 1st iteration: • X’ = Remove, Y’ = Water-Molecule • I=(a Tangible-Entity;;type constraint • with • (purpose ((a Role with (in-event ((a Remove)))) ;;teleological constraint • (has-part ((a Electron)))) ;; del-list • M = {Water-Molecule, Oxygen-Atom, Hydrogen-Atom, Electron, …} • Y = Oxygen-Atom • I = (an Event} • M = {Remove} • X = Remove • 2nd iteration: • … • Return: (a Remove with (object ((a Electron))) (base ((a Oxygen-Atom with (is-part-of ((a Water-Molecule)))))))
Given (a Nucleus with (content ((a Object)))), translate it into Nucleus-content-Object. Metonymy Example 3 • Given KM expression that can be translated into X-r-Y, where X, Y are frames, and r is a slot: Do X' = X, Y' = Y I = Ideal(X, r) M = MetonymySpace(Y) Y = m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) < distance(m', I) for all m' Î M I = Ideal(Y, rinverse) M = MetonymySpace(X) X = m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) < distance(m', I) for all m' Î M Until (X = X' and Y = Y') Return X'-r-Y' 1st iteration. X' = Nucleus, Y' = Object I = (a Tangible-Entity) M = {Object } Y = Object I = (a Container) M = {Nucleus, Container, Nucleoplasm, ...} X = Container 2nd iteration: … Return: (a Nucleus with (purpose ((a Container with (content ((a Object)))))))
Given (a Catalyze with (instrument ((a Mitochondrion)))), translate it into Catalyze-instrument-Mitochondrion. Metonymy Example 4 • Given KM expression that can be translated into X-r-Y, where X, Y are frames, and r is a slot: Do X' = X, Y' = Y I = Ideal(X, r) M = MetonymySpace(Y) Y = m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) < distance(m', I) for all m' Î M I = Ideal(Y, rinverse) M = MetonymySpace(X) X = m such that m Î M and distance(m, I) < distance(m', I) for all m' Î M Until (X = X' and Y = Y') Return X'-r-Y' • 1st iteration: • X' = Catalyze, Y' = Mitochondrion • I = (a Chemical-Object with (purpose ((a Catalyst)))) • M = {Mitochondrion, Container, Aggregate, Oxido-Reductase, ...} • Y = Oxido-Reductase • I = (a Event) • M = {Catalyze} • X = Catalyze • 2nd iteration: • ... • Return:(a Catalyze with (instrument ((a Oxido-Reductase with (element-type-of ((a Aggregate with (content-of ((a Be-Contained with (in-event-of ((a Container with (purpose-of ((a Mitochondrion)).
Future Work on Metonymy • Test data bounded by KB. More data needed for evaluation. • Other applications of the metonymy resolution algorithm.
Other Applications of Metonymy Resolution • Shields SMEs from the idiosyncrasy of the representation: • roles, • spatial representations, • aggregates, • properties. • E.g. instead of (a Car with (color ((a Color-Value with (value (:pair *red Object)))))), do (a Car with (color (*red))) directly • LS generation for concise display of the knowledge to users.
Outline • Loose speak overview • Two types of LS: • Complex nominal interpretation • Metonymy • Future work on LS
Future Work on LS Project • Discover more patterns of LS. • Overly general speak: stating knowledge in an overly general way, often using a general concept in the place of a specific one. • Example: "there may be 15 [RNA] polymerases speeding along the same stretch of DNA ..". • More extensive evaluations. • Explore the process of theory and validation.