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Population and Water Issues

Population and Water Issues. Country Population Over Time. Country Population Over Time. Country Population Over Time. Megacities in 2007. Cairo 16.1 Kolkatta 15.7 Manila 15.6 Jakarta 15.1 Karachi 15.1 Canton 14.7 Buenos Aires 13.6 Moscow 13.5 Beijing 12.8 Dacca 12.6.

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Population and Water Issues

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Population and Water Issues

  2. Country Population Over Time

  3. Country Population Over Time

  4. Country Population Over Time

  5. Megacities in 2007 • Cairo 16.1 • Kolkatta 15.7 • Manila 15.6 • Jakarta 15.1 • Karachi 15.1 • Canton 14.7 • Buenos Aires 13.6 • Moscow 13.5 • Beijing 12.8 • Dacca 12.6 • Tokyo 33.6 • Seoul 23.4 • Mexico City 22.4 • New York 21.9 • Mumbai 21.6 • Delhi 21.4 • Sao Paulo 20.6 • Los Angeles 18 • Shanghai 17.4 • Osaka 16.7

  6. Lagos Bangalore Bangkok Hyderabad Lahore Madras Manila New Delhi Shenyang Yangon New Megacities in 2025:

  7. 5

  8. World Population Growth

  9. Specific Population Issues • Carrying Capacity • Water Resources • Food Production • Natural Disaster Susceptibility

  10. City Population Growth

  11. U.S. Water Use (USGS) • Americans use 183 gallons of water a day for cooking, washing, flushing, and watering purposes • 4,000 gallons of water are needed to grow one bushel of corn, 11,000 gallons to grow one bushel of wheat, and about 135,000 gallons to grow one ton of alfalfa • 1,400 gallons of water are used to produce a meal of a quarter- pound value meal • 1,800 gallons of water are needed to produce the cotton in a pair jeans, and 400 gallons to produce the cotton in a shirt

  12. Your Water Use and Water Footprint • USGS Water Use Calculator • Water Consumption Calculator • Water Footprint • H2O Conserve Water Footprint Calculator

  13. Water Stress and Water Scarcity • Water Stress = Less than 1700 m3 per person per year • Water Scarcity = Less than 1000 m3 per person per year • 1.5 billion people lack access to safe drinking water supplies (World Bank) • 2.5 billion people lack access to basic sanitation (World Bank) • Malarial and diarrheic diseases are leading causes of infant mortality


  15. Lake Meade Today

  16. World Population Density

  17. Populations Impacted by Water Stress

  18. Water Stress Plus Water Scarcity

  19. References 1Jesrami, R. & M., www.artisandevelopers.com/web/tokyo 2Gribbin, Insight on the News 3Asia Development, Population and Development 4Jacot, UNESCO Courier; Silber, Insight on the News 5Asia Development, Population and Development 6Gribbin, Insight on the News 7Jacot, UNESCO Courier; Konvitz, OECD Observer 8Silber, Insight on the News 9Jacot, UNESCO Courier 10Gribbin, Insight on the News 11Gribbin, Insight on the News 12Major, Environment; Cohen, Finance and Development 13Jacot, UNESCO Courier 14Major, Environment 15Major, Environment 16Asia Development, Population and Development 17www.city-scenes.com 18www.city-scenes.com 19Jesrami, www.artisandevelopers.com/web/tokyo 20Jesrami, www.artisandevelopers.com/web/tokyo 21Gribbin, Insight on the News 22Jesrami, www.artisandevelopers.com/web/tokyo

  20. Bibliography 1.“The Asia Development Bank on Asia’s Megacities.” Population andDevelopment Review 23:1997. 2.Cohen, M. “Megacities and the Environment.”Finance &Development 30:1993. 3.Gribin, A. “Overpopulated Megacities Face Frightening Future.” Insight on the News 16:2000. 4.Jacot, M. “Living with Leviathan.” UNESCO Courier June 1999. 5.Konvitz, J.W.”Global cities and economic growth.” OECD Observer Oct-Nov 1994. 6.Major, D.C., P. Brimblecombe, & M. Cohen. “Mexico City: Metaphor for the world’s urban future.” Environment 38: 1996. 7.Silber, K. “City Summit will stress local. Control.” Insight on the News 12:1996.

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