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The Age of Exploration from 1400-1800 led to colonization, mercantilism, and the triangular trade. European countries conquered large areas of the New World, joined by British, French, and Russian traders. This resulted in a world map shaped by colonization. This text explores the different colonizers, their reasons for colonization, exports, and the effects of exploration.
Colonization, Mercantilism and Triangular Trade The Age of Exploration 1400-1800 resulted in a world map that looks
Colonization of the Americas European countries were exploring and conquering large areas of the eastern Pacific Basin and the Americas - the so-called New World. They were later joined by British, French and Russian traders and colonizers.
What is a colony? a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country. Examples: -before the United States won independence from the British Empire in the American Revolution, it was 13 colonies controlled by Great Britain.
Portugal Where : South America(Brazil) Reason: Gold and Treasures Exports: Brazilwood to Portugal
Spain Where: North and South America Reasons: Gold and Spreading Christianity Export: Gold, Silver, Sugar Cane
Dutch(Holland, Netherlands) Where: Caribbean Islands Reasons: Sugar Cane Export: Sugar cane
French Where: North America(Canada) Reason: Fishing and Spreading Christianity Exports: Fur
British(England) Where: North America Reason: Gold Export: Tobacco
Mercantilism Economic system of the European countries after the 1500’s. Idea is to export (sell) more goods than importing( buying) in order to increase gold
Columbian ExchangeThe movement of plants and animals between the Eastern and Western hemisphere after the voyages of Columbus
Effects of Exploration • Columbian Exchange-The exchange of food, materials and diseases between the Old and New World. • Overseas expansion led to increased power and wealth for European powers • Christianity and the culture of Western Europe spread throughout the world. • The ethnocentric attitudes of Europeans led to the mistreatment of native peoples. Millions of Native Americans were wiped out by warfare and disease. European colonization contributed to the spread of disease to the new worlds.90% of the Native American population died soon after the explorers arrived in the Americas
Effects of exploration • TRANS-ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE: 1600—1800 • Europeans captured West African slaves (c. 12 million total) (in exchange for guns, alcohol, tobacco, etc.) • Shipped slaves to the Americas and Caribbean Islands to work on plantations (sugar, cotton, tobacco, coffee) • Beginning of the Global Plantation Economy • PREJUDICE Devaluing a group because of assumed behavior, values, capabilities, DISCRIMINATION Policies and practices that harm a group and its members RACISM Discrimination against a group assumed to have biological commonality
Effects of Exploration-Colonization Colonies bring wealth and new products to the mother country. There were different types of colonies: Trading Posts Settlements Plantations Plantations
Trading Post Colony • Trade items along an established trade route • The French established these to trade with native Americans • The French were KIND to the Native Americans
Plantation Colonies • Large areas of land used to grow CASH CROPS: Tobacco, Cotton, Sugar Cane • The British established these colonies in the South
Settlement Colony • Settlements build a town, but are linked to the mother country • BRITISH COLONISTS