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Bellringer. Write down why teenagers drink alcohol. CHAPTER 25 ALCOHOL. What is Alcohol?. ethanol-type of alcohol found in beverages produced synthetically or by fermentation (adding yeast & sugars)
Bellringer • Write down why teenagers drink alcohol
What is Alcohol? • ethanol-type of alcohol found in beverages • produced synthetically or by fermentation (adding yeast & sugars) • depressant- although it may give a certain “buzz” it slows down the Central Nervous System. • Intoxication- physical & mental impairment resulting from alcohol use. • range from inability to walk to unconsciousness
Alcohol and Teens • 80% of teens have had a alcoholic drink • ½ of teens who die each year die because of alcohol or drugs. • Why young people drink? • to escape pressures • deal with stress or relax • excitement • friends are doing it • fit in
Trends • The average age when youth first try alcohol is 11 years for boys and 13 years for girls. The average age at which Americans begin drinking regularly is 15.9 years old. • According to research by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, adolescents who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcohol dependence than those who begin drinking at age 21.
Parents Role • Parents' drinking behavior and favorable attitudes about drinking have been positively associated with adolescents' initiating and continuing drinking. Children who were warned about alcohol by their parents and children who reported being closer to their parents were less likely to start drinking. • Lack of parental support, monitoring, and communication have been significantly related to frequency of drinking, heavy drinking, and drunkenness among adolescents. Harsh, inconsistent discipline and hostility or rejection toward children have also been found to significantly predict adolescent drinking and alcohol-related problems
LESSON 2:What Alcohol Does to the Body? • Brain- enters immediately-slows down activity of the CNS- person becomes disorganized and memory & concentration are dulled. • Liver- changes alcohol to water, carbon dioxide, and energy (oxidation) • oxidize 1/3 to ½ of an oz. in an hour • no way to speed up the process ( shower, coffee) • until liver can oxidize all alcohol it circulates through all body parts. - Blood Vessels-dilate (widen) for an increase in blood flow to the skin. Causes the body to lose warmth
Heart- • 1. increase in heart rate • 2. increase in blood pressure • 3. lead to arrhythmias or abnormal beating • cause scar tissue to build up in the heart • increase the risk of heart attack & stroke Kidneys • 1. produce more urine • 2. dehydrated! Stomach • food slows down the absorption process • increase flow of gastric juices from the stomach lining-repeated high levels & irritation can cause internal bleeding.
Driving Under the Influence DWI- driving while intoxicated – blood level exceeds legal limit. (.08) **Consequences for DWI • 50% of all crashes where the passenger dies the driver was intoxicated • 38% of all traffic deaths were alcohol related • could be the victim of drunk drivers • **Efforts to reduce DWI’s • open container law – inside the car • tests for alcohol- blood, urine, breath- refusal is automatic suspension of license. • Organization- MADD and SADD • Designated Drivers- people who chose not to drink to safely get themselves and others home.
The three leading causes of death for 15- to 24-year-olds are automobile crashes, homicides and suicides -- alcohol is a leading factor in all three
BAC-blood alcohol concentration- amount of alcohol in a person’s blood. • Signs can begin to appear as little as .02% • **Factors affecting your BAC • age • weight/metabolism • gender • amt. of alcohol • food consumed and when • concentration of drinks • amt. drinking
Long Term Effects • Brain Damage • decrease in brain size • destroys brain cells • loss of memory and difficulty with problem solving. Liver Problems • 1. inability to breakdown fats- build up of fat interferes with the growth of new liver cells, by blocking blood flow. • reduced oxygen to cells causing cell death • Cirrhosis- is a build up of scar tissue. • Hepatitis – inflammation or infection of liver. a. weakness, fever, and jaundice b. can cause liver failure
Tolerance andDependence • Tolerance- need to drink more and more to produce the same effects. • drinks more but may not appear intoxicated • Dependence- (physiologically) body develops a chemical need for alcohol. • marked by tolerance and withdrawal (jumpiness, sleeplessness, sweating, tremors and hallucinations). • Withdrawal symptoms become so severe, person drinks more to avoid symptoms-result tolerance increases. • Synergistic effect- two or more meds are taken simultaneously.
Alcohol and Pregnancy • FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)-leading cause of mental retardation in US- condition where fetus has been affected mentally and physically by mothers use of alcohol during pregnancy. • Baby’s experience: • low birth weight • impaired speech (clef palate) • slow body growth • poor coordination • alcohol moves through the blood, passes through the placenta and umbilical cord to the blood of the unborn child. • alcohol remains in the baby’s body longer • FAS is 100% preventable
Lesson 3:Patterns of Alcohol Abuse • Binge drinking- periodic excessive drinking. • popular among high school and college students • risk of alcohol poisoning – toxic condition that occurs when a person drinks a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time. • Alcoholism • alcoholism- physical and psychological dependence of the drug ethanol. • Traits of the Alcoholic • preoccupied with alcohol • after one drink- unpredictable behavior and amount going to drink. • cannot manage tension with out drinking • personality changes and memory lapses.
Binge Drinking • Binge drinking, often beginning around age 13, tends to increase during adolescence, peak in young adulthood (ages 18-22), then gradually decrease. Individuals who increase their binge drinking from age 18 to 24 and those who consistently binge drink at least once a week during this period may have problems attaining the goals typical of the transition from adolescence to young adulthood (e.g., marriage, educational attainment, employment, and financial independence).
Stages of Alcoholism (3 stages) • Stage One • begins with social drinking- relax, relieve stress, or depression. Begin to use to manage stress. • a physical and psychological dependence develops. • begins to drink and be come intoxicated regularly • makes excuses and tries to rationalize his or her drinking behavior. • tolerance increases • associated a problem drinker
Stages of Alcoholism (3 stages) • Stage Two • reaches point where they can’t stop drinking-physically dependent • drink everyday- craves a drink earlier and earlier in the day • excuses for drinking and blame others for what happens • defensive behaviors are evident- denies or tries to hide the problem • drinking becomes the central event in the person’s life. • performance of job, at home, or school decreases. Absences become more frequent
Stages of Alcoholism (3 stages) • Stage three • drinking becomes the most important thing in the person’s life. • problem can no longer be denied and is uncontrolled. • becomes aggressive and is isolated from friends and family
A child who reaches age 21 without smoking, abusing alcohol or using drugs is virtually certain never to do so. • - Joseph A. Califano, Jr., Chairman and President, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University