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Research , Evaluation and Accountability Test Coordinator’s Training Series. Preparing Your School’s NRT – TO BE SCORED Answer Documents For Return. As You Receive NRT TEST MATERIALS From The Test Administrators, Do The Following:.
Research, Evaluation and AccountabilityTest Coordinator’s Training Series Preparing Your School’s NRT – TO BE SCORED Answer Documents For Return
As You Receive NRT TEST MATERIALS From The Test Administrators, Do The Following: ___1. Verify that all distributed secure materials have been returned and complete the SECURITY CHECKLIST(S). ___ 2. Verify that you have collected all required administration information (see page 22). Make a copy for your files. Notify the District Coordinator immediately if any secure test materials are missing. ___ 3. After administering the NRT Math Session for Grades 7-10, remove stray NRT Math reference sheets from the test books. ___ 4. Verify that each student has completed the required information (Student Name, School, District) in the upper left corner of the student grid sheet, even if the answer document is pre-identified. ___ 5. If a test is TO BE SCORED, verify that the DNS bubble has not been gridded. If a DNS bubble has been gridded by mistake, erase the DNS bubble and grid the corresponding UNDO bubble. ___6. If a test is NOT TO BE SCORED, verify that the correct DNS bubble has been gridded.
As You Receive NRT TEST MATERIALS From The Test Administrators, Do The Following: ___ 7. Separate the NRT test materials for your school into stacks as follows: Grade 3 NRT Reading & Mathematics Test & Answer Books Grade 4 NRT Reading & Mathematics Answer Sheets Grade 5 NRT Reading & Mathematics Answer Sheets Grade 6 NRT Reading & Mathematics Answer Sheets Grade 7 NRT Reading & Mathematics Answer Sheets Grade 8 NRT Reading & Mathematics Answer Sheets Grade 9 NRT Reading & Mathematics Answer Sheets Grade 10 NRT Reading & Mathematics Answer Sheets McKay Scholarship Program students enrolled in Public Schools will be processed by using the number for the school in which they are enrolled. Scores for these students will be returned to your school. To Be Scored materials for McKay Scholarship students enrolled in your school should be returned with your school’s To Be Scored materials.
As You Receive NRT TEST MATERIALS From The Test Administrators, Do The Following: ___8. Separate the NRT test materials into stacks as follows: Home Education Program Students answer sheets (49-9998) McKay Scholarship Program (Private School) Students answer sheets (49-3518) CTC Scholarship Program Students answer sheets (97-9999) Connections Academy (78-0700) Florida Virtual Academy (79-0801)
# 9 If A Session Is NOT TO BE SCORED ___ Verify that the correct DNS bubble has been gridded and student information has been recorded on the NRT FCAT Administration Record. If a DNS Bubble Has Been Gridded By Mistake ___ Verify that the DNS bubble has been erased AND the corresponding UNDO bubble has been gridded. ___ Make sure that the document is in the appropriate stack of TO BE SCORED materials.
# 10 ___ Complete the NRT DOCUMENT COUNT FORM. *A separate count form must be completed for each grade level. *Verify that you have included all documents from make-up sessions before you complete the form. *DO NOT combine documents for more than one grade level under the same Document Count Form. *The Count Form is scannable and must not be photocopied. Osceola Seashore Elem. 4 9 # # # # o o # # # # Adam Smith
# 11 ___ Complete the NRT PAPER BAND Each grade level must be paper banded separately. The DOCUMENT COUNT FORM must be on top of the answer documents in the banded stack which is to be labeled…. 1 of #, 2 of #, 3 of #, etc. # of documents # # # of stacks Bubble One # # 4 9 # # # # Supply Information Secure the NRT Paper Bands with tape. DO NOT use staples or paper clips.
# 12 Preparing Home Education Program TO BE SCORED Answer Documents for Return Points To Remember *Use the school code 49- 9998. *A separate count form must be completed for each grade level. *Scores are returned to the District Office. *Results will NOT be aggregated with district or school data. Osceola Home Education Program 4 9 o o o o o o # # # # Adam Smith
# 13 Preparing McKay Scholarship Program Students in Private Schools TO BE SCORED Answer Documents for Return Points To Remember *Use the school code 49-3518. *A separate count form must be completed for each grade level. *Scores are returned to the District Office *Results will NOT be aggregated with district or school data Osceola McKay Scholarship Program 4 9 3 5 1 8 o o o o o o # # # # Adam Smith
# 14 Preparing CTC Scholarship Program Students TO BE SCORED Answer Documents for Return Points To Remember *Use the school code 97-9999. *A separate count form must be completed for each grade level. *Scores are returned to the FDOE Office of Independent Education & Parental Choice. *Results will NOT be aggregated with district or school data. Osceola McKay Scholarship Program 4 9 o o o o o o # # # # Adam Smith
# 15 ___ Complete the NRT PAPER BAND For Home Ed., and McKay Scholarship Program, and CTC Scholarship. Each grade level must be paper banded separately. The DOCUMENT COUNT FORM must be on top of the answer documents in the banded stack labeled 1 of #, 2 of #, 3 of #, etc. # of documents # # # of stacks Bubble One # # 4 9 # # # # Supply Information Secure the NRT Paper Bands with tape. DO NOT use staples or paper clips.
# 16 Preparing Virtual School Program TO BE SCORED Answer Documents for Return Points To Remember Connections Academy *Place all TO BE SCORED answer documents in the envelope marked Connections Academy and seal it. Florida Virtual Academy *Place all TO BE SCORED answer documents in the envelope marked Florida Virtual Academy and seal it. *Results are returned to the FL Virtual Coordinator for distribution.
Packaging NRT Test Materials You will be preparing the following types of boxes for return to the District Coordinator: *Grade 3 TO BE SCORED Answer Documents - Neon Pink Labels *Grade 4-10 TO BE SCORED Answer Documents - Neon Orange Labels *VI Test Materials –Purple Labels * All NOT TO BE SCORED Materials – Neon Green Labels *District CoordinatorONLY Box – CREATE YOUR OWN LABEL
Grade 3 TO BE SCORED Answer Documents Neon Pink Labels See page 136 of the NRT Test Administration Manual • 6. Home Ed + Count Form • McKay + Count Form • 4. CTC + Count Form • 3. FL Connections Academy • 2. FL Virtual Academy • 1. Grade 3 Answer Documents + Count Form for your school Box #1
Grades 4-10 TO BE SCORED Answer Documents Neon Orange Labels Box 1 6. Home Ed + Count Form 5. McKay + Count Form 4.CTC + Count Form 3. Envelope with FL Connections Academy Answer Sheets 2. Envelope with FL Virtual Academy Answer Sheets 1. Grade 4-10 Answer Sheets by grade level and Count Forms for your school Box 2 2. Next Grade Level + Count Form 1. Another Grade Level + Count Form Please Note: Grade Levels may be mixed. See Page 138-139 of the NRT Test Administration Manual Box #2 Box #1
Return each student’s test documents to his or her envelope. Ensure that each envelope contains documents for only one student. Documents for more than one subject may be placed in the same envelope. The envelope should contain the following materials for each subject: Large Print *NRT Document Count Form *Large Print Reading & Math NRT Test & Answer Book Braille *NRT Document Count Form *Regular Print Reading & Math NRT Test & Answer Book (Grade 3) or Reading & Math NRT Answer Sheet (Grades 4-10) *Braille NRT Answer Sheets containing student responses *Braille NRT Reading Test Book and Braille NRT Math Test Book *Regular Print Reading & Math NRT Test Book (Grades 4-10) Place the envelope in the box in which they arrived. Place all unused NRT Large Print, Braille materials and NRT Braille notes into the same boxes. Do not place unused materials in the NRT Return Envelope. VI To Be Scored Documents
Seal The Boxes • Points To Remember • 1. Make sure the packing tape does not cover the label. • 2. Labels are scannable and should not be photocopied. • 3. Do not place labels over the meeting point of the two flaps. • DUE BY FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2008
Packaging NRT Test Materials You will be preparing the following types of boxes for return to the District Coordinator: *Grade 3 TO BE SCORED Answer Documents - Neon Pink Labels *Grade 4-10 TO BE SCORED Answer Documents - Neon Orange Labels *VI Test Materials –Purple Labels * All NOT TO BE SCORED Materials – Neon Green Labels *District CoordinatorONLY Box – CREATE YOUR OWN LABEL
Labeling The Boxes Place the CORRECT COLORED LABEL on the top of each box
Packaging NOT TO BE SCORED Materials • Place all NOT TO BE SCORED documents in the boxes. • This should include: • * Used and unused Test books • * Unused non-pre identified and pre identified answer documents • * Defective documents • *Answer documents with all DNS bubbles gridded • Seal the boxes and place a Neon Green label on the top of the box. • DUE BY APRIL 9, 2008
Packaging the DISTRICT COORDINATOR ONLY BOX Put the following in the box: * Original NRT Security Checklists * Original NRT FCAT Administration Record * Original Records of Attendance *Original NRT FCAT Security Logs * Original Seating Charts * NRT Mathematics Reference Sheets Seal the Box Write DISTRICT COORDINATOR ONLY on the side and top of the box. DUE WEEK OF APRIL 21-25, 2008
Returning Materials – March NRT Assessment Non-Secure Materials 1. Test administration Manuals (Store at your school site until NRT test results are received for all students). 2. Unused NRT paper bands (trash). 3. Unused NRT Document Count Forms (trash). 4. Plastic bags from the return materials kit (trash). 5. Unused return labels (trash). 6. NRT Rulers (may keep or trash). 7. Unused student labels (shred).
COMMENT FORM Go to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/FCAT_NRT_SCA_Comment And complete the school coordinator comment form
Questions Nereida Gonzalez - Testing Technician 407.518.2902 gonzalezn@osceola.k12.fl.us