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CE240 Young Children with Special Needs

CE240 Young Children with Special Needs. Sarah Barrett SBarrett@kaplan.edu. Allow me to Introduce Myself. Let’s chat…. Where are you joining us from tonight?. Class Survey:. How many of you have worked with children who have special needs?

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CE240 Young Children with Special Needs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CE240 Young Children with Special Needs Sarah Barrett SBarrett@kaplan.edu

  2. Allow me to Introduce Myself

  3. Let’s chat….. Where are you joining us from tonight?

  4. Class Survey: How many of you have worked with children who have special needs? How many of you are working with young infants or toddlers right now?

  5. CE 240 Early Identification of Disabilities Characteristics of Young Children with Special Needs

  6. Class Syllabus and Expectations Readings and Web Searches Discussion Boards Projects Graded Reviews Seminars

  7. Readings and Web Resources These are valuable tools for your class discussions as well as projects. Use them to help make citations and references in your DB posts and projects.

  8. Discussion Boards You must post an original answer to each discussion question. You must respond to 2 classmates in EACH discussion question. For each week you will have at least 4 total responses to classmates. I look for content, references, thoughtful insights, and helpful responses to classmates.

  9. Projects We will go over each project as it comes up in our term. Be aware of the grading rubric and what the expectations are for each project. I look at research, references, connections to class material, and original work.

  10. Seminars Monday’s at 10 PM with me (Sarah Barrett) Or Wednesday’s at 8 PM with Professor Sarah O’Leary Option 2’s turn in to our “dropbox”

  11. Late Work Please don’t turn in late discussion boards! I would like if each of you took time to get on the discussion board at least a few times each week. If you all post on the last day of the unit, the quality of our discussion is greatly diminished. 25% of your grade will be deducted for late discussion board posts. If you have circumstances out of your control and have to turn something in late, please contact me as soon as possible. 

  12. What is CE 240 all about? Identifying “special needs” How to apply “early intervention” Roles of an early childhood educator

  13. Can we make a difference? Thurman and Widerstrom (1990) advise:“To improve the development of children with special needs we must understand normal development, including the problems that may occur in normal developmental patterns” (p. 11). (Allen & Cowdery, 2009, p. 95).

  14. Personal experience: Class discussion time : What can I do for you to make this course relevant to your future career? How will this course relate to your career?

  15. Terminology Exceptional children: children with differences that alter their development in some way as identified by developmentalists, teachers, administrators, and policymakers Atypical development: growth that does not follow the usual pathway of children of like age Developmental continuum: predictable patterns of growth for most children at that age

  16. Cerebral Palsy A condition caused by injury to certain parts of the brain; usually results in paralysis and uncontrollable muscle movements in parts of the body CP can be classified as hypertonic, hypotonic, athetosis, ataxia, or mixed CP can be classified as diplegia, hemiplegia, paraplegia, or quadriplegia (Allen & Cowdery, 2009, p. 178-179).

  17. Autism Qualitative impairment in social interaction Qualitative impairment in communication Restrictive, repetitive and sterotyped patterns of behaviors, interests, and activities Delays or abnormal function in at least one of the following before 3 yrs of age: social interaction, social communication, symbolic or imaginative play (Allen & Cowdery, 2009, p.139, 236-238).

  18. Unit 1 Web Resources 1. You explored our texts book companion website for future use in Unit 2!  2. You visited the website for The Accept Autism Project and view a video on Autism. 3. You viewed a video clip about Cerebral Palsy and Physical Therapy.

  19. Field Trip : Video of Autism Acceptance Project http://taaproject.com/media/the-taap-video/

  20. Cerebral Palsy and Physical Therapy Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=new_r23Y22c

  21. Please share! Accept AutismProject and Cerebral Palsy videos 1. What stood out in your mind most after watching these videos? 2. Did you learn anything new? 3. What do you think is most important for children with special needs?

  22. More sharing! How do you think these videos might affect the delivery of your instruction to children with special needs?

  23. Unit 1 Readings and Web Resources Complete discussion board Seminar (check that off your list ) Graded Review Don’t forget to introduce yourself to the class!

  24. References K.E. Allen, G.E. Edwards, (2005). The Exceptional Child, Inclusion in Early Childhood Education, 5e. Clifton Park, N.Y.: Thompson Delmar Learning C. Pasche, L. Gorrill, B. Strom, (2004). Children With Special Needs in Early Childhood Settings. Clifton Park, N.Y.: Thompson Delmar Learning

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