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Modals and semi-modals. Modals and semi-modals. Modals. Semi-modals. Be able to, have to They aren ’ t the same for all persons. You have to pay attention / She has to pay attention. They may need an auxiliary for questions and negatives: You don ’ t have to say you ’ re sorry.
Modals and semi-modals Modals Semi-modals Be able to, have to They aren’t the same for all persons. You have to pay attention / She has to pay attention. They may need an auxiliary for questions and negatives: You don’t have to say you’re sorry. Do we have to speak in English? They’re used when the modals can’t be used. I will be able to play again next month. • Can, may, must… • They are the same for all persons. • You must pay attention. • They don’t need an auxiliary verb for questions and negatives: • You shouldn’t swim when it’s windy. • Should I stay with you? • Two modal verbs can’t be used in the same phrase: • I will can play again next month (*).