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28 th Annual Entrepreneurship Forum columbus , ohio – november 14, 2010. SEE Success in Hudson, Ohio or Entrepreneurship (by itself) is not enough or Preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21 st Century. Cleveland / northeast ohio.
28th Annual Entrepreneurship Forum columbus, ohio – november 14, 2010
SEE Success in Hudson, Ohio or Entrepreneurship (by itself) is not enough or Preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century
Cleveland / northeast ohio An illustrious entrepreneurial past 40+ years of decline Today, USA’s Best Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Cleveland / northeast ohio – an illustrious past 120 years ago, the entrepreneurial heart of America (John D. Rockefeller, Charles Brush, Harvey Firestone, Benjamin Goodrich & others) Cleveland, once the fifth largest city in the USA Once called “The Best Location in the Nation”
Cleveland / northeast ohio – 40+ years of decline Recent generations seem to have forgotten the entrepreneurial lessons of their ancestors Largely ceased to innovate, instead waited for jobs to come to them & most never came Apparently forgot how our economy works & creates jobs – ceased to act on their historic entrepreneurial spirit
Cleveland / northeast ohio – today, usa’s best entrepreneurial ecosystem The key role of resource providers and innovation facilitators like JumpStart, BioEnterprise & Nortech The critical importance of idea creators like the Cleveland Clinic, NASA & other research institutions
But, what about today’s students…How do they prepare themselves for the challenging future they face?
But, what about today’s students…How do they prepare themselves for the challenging future they face? Let’s take a peek at the challenge of the future for today’s students … http://mediasite.ashland.edu/mediasite/Viewer/?peid=f7816df4a60c48f4bec7ad7b0ebe4c92
What students can expect in the future What they can expect to see in their future: • Driven by accelerating technological advancement, instant communications, and the wants & needs of 7 billion people, every product, service & aspect of life will be reinvented during their lifetimes. • Driven by the rapidly growing economies of China, India, Brazil & others, the overall world economy will be vastly larger than it is today, creating great opportunities for those who are prepared to take advantage of it. Consequence for them and their generation: • 10 - 15 – 20 or more different jobs • Potentially 3 – 4 totally different careers • 3 out of 4 will likely start their own company someday You be the judge – does the education today’s students receive prepare them for this future?
What today’s students need to do to prepare themselves for the future! • Commit themselves to be life-long learners • Learn to think & act entrepreneurially, i.e. to think “outside the box” - to find solutions where there are problems & needs, see challenges as opportunities • Understand how our entrepreneurial economic system works so that they can be part of it in the future • Learn about the rest of the world. Understand the global economy so that they can take advantage by the opportunities presented by it.
EMBRACES the need for 21st century readiness advocated by the partnership for 21st century skillsframework for 21st century learning 21st Century Themes: Financial, economic, business & entrepreneurial literacy Learning & innovation skills: Creativity & innovation Critical thinking & problem solving Communication & collaboration
The Scholarship of Entrepreneurial Engagement (SEE) ProgramPlanting the seeds of entrepreneurship in our youth to help prepare them for the extraordinary change they will face during their lifetimes
What is the Scholarship of Entrepreneurial Engagement (SEE) Program all about? • The SEE Program endeavors to bring together (i.e. engage) the high school, university, business, science & philanthropic communities to help prepare today’s youth for the lifetime of change they will face. • SEE strives to help create a “culture of entrepreneurship” within the community that can be a catalyst for its future economic growth and development.
What the SEE program provides: • Complete, flexible, turn-key program for integration into existing business, econ & other classes • Offers teachers a deep-well of researched, up-to-date, real world content that they can utilize to fit the character & personality of their classes, including: • All student reading materials, supporting research and business plan instructions & examples are available to students on the Ashland University website • An extensive portfolio of student “engagement activities”, PowerPoint presentations and teacher materials are available on Ashland University’s Angel Learning systems with hundreds of interactive links to websites, videos, etc.
see Segment a – how our economic system creates jobs & prosperity Key points: • We explain and provide perspective on how our free enterprise system works • We explains that the free market is the cornerstone of American prosperity • We explain that profits are good & capital investment & profits are the fuels that make our economy run • Helps students get to know the business community of NE Ohio Introducing the NE Ohio Business Community to our students: • We profile 80 of the largest public, private & non-profit companies. • We introduce students to the 100 recent startup companies supported by BioEnterprise • We introduce students to the 50 recent startup companies supported by JumpStart • Lets take a look! http://www.jumpstartinc.org/Communications/EntrepreneurialStories/
see Segment b – the importance of entrepreneurship & innovation Key points we introduce to students: • The critical importance of entrepreneurship • That entrepreneurship begins with imagination • That risk, reward, return & responsibility go hand in hand We introduce students to the real world through optional business plan competitions: • Through both local high schools and regional competitions
see Segment C – the challenge & opportunity of the global economy Little known to students, we explain: • How our country compares to the rest of the world • The challenge & opportunity of the world market – they must come to understand & embrace the global economy • That continuing the American success story is the challenge of their generation We also provide a special look at China
see Segment D – optional current issues discussion forum We offer students a series of factual, non-political discussion articles to help them understand the issues of our day: • A need for introspection (a discussion about honesty & integrity) • How much debt is too much for the United States? • How much taxation is too much for the United States? • Does the United States enjoy the highest standard of living in the world?
see Segment E – optional Science & forums & science Concept plan competitions We introduce students to the real world of Northeast Ohio: • Annual forum at Hudson HS includes: • A major keynote speaker • 14 visionary science speakers • Mentor-guided entrepreneurial brainstorming sessions • We can also re-create the program on-site at high schools We also introduce students to the real world through optional Science Concept Plan competitions
Fall 2010 see science & technology Forumlist of speakers Keynote speaker: • Mr. John Dearborn, President, JumpStart Inc. BioScience speakers: • Ms. Elizabeth Sump, Cleveland Clinic. Executive Director of the Clinical Tissue Engineering Center • Dr. Brian Davis, Austen BioInnovation Institute, Vice President, Director, Medical Device Development Center • Dr. Eddie Sloter, WIL Research Labs, Research Scientist & Senior Toxicologist Physics, engineering & robotics: • Dr. John West, Kent State University, Vice President for Research & Professor of Chemistry • Mr. Ken Vaughan, Polymer Ohio, Executive Director of the Nano-Network • Dr. Kurt Sacksteder, NASA Glenn Research Center, Space Processes & Experiments Division Advanced chemistry and materials : • Dr. Mark Foster, University of Akron, Associate Dean, Department of Polymer Science • Mr. Paul Hoogenboom, RPM International, Inc., Senior VP for Manufacturing, Operations & Chief Information Officer
Fall 2010 see science & technology Forumlist of speakers (Continued) Advanced energy and environmental science speakers: • Dr. Valerie Lyons, NASA Glenn Research Center, Chief of the Power and In-Space Propulsion Division • Dr. Parwinder Grewal, Ohio State University, Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center, Professor of Environmental Science • Dr. Paul Edmiston, College of Wooster, Associate Professor of Chemistry, ABS Materials Bio-product and natural science speakers: • Mr. Michael Dungan, President, BeeDance LLC (Biomimicry) • Mr. Rocky Black, Director, Bio Product Utilization, Ohio Soybean Council • Dr. Katrina Cornish, The Ohio State University, Ohio Research Scholar
about hudson high school & hudson, ohio Hudson High School: • Approx. 1750 students • Consistently ranked in top 1% in Ohio, top 3% nationally • National Blue Ribbon High School (2008) City of Hudson: • Est. population 23,000 • Suburb located mid-way between Akron & Cleveland • One of the “100 Best Communities for Youth”
about the burton d. morgan foundation: A legacy of successful Hudson entrepreneur Burton D. Morgan: • Dedicated to the “preservation of the free enterprise system • Grants in areas of youth, collegiate & adult entrepreneurship • Has made Hudson the entrepreneurial center of Northeast Ohio.
how hudson high school participates in the see program SEE Economics & Entrepreneurship Program: • Participant since 2007/2008 school year • Has become key component of “Intro to Business” classes • Students fully engaged with all the main segments of the SEE program • All students participate in SEE business plan competition • Great scholarship award ($1,000) & mentor support of Hudson Chamber SEE Science & Technology Program: • Hosts the annual NE Science & Technology Forum. SEE takes over the entire school for a day • Most all AP Biology & Chemistry students participate in annual Forum • All AP Biology & Chemistry students participate in SEE science concept plan competitions. • Business Club members serve as Forum host speakers
HUDSON high school northeast ohio business plan winners NE Ohio Business Plan 1st Place Winners (2009 & 2010): • “Play it Safe” – helping parents keep track of kids & keeping them safe • “Navicane” – helping visually impaired navigate to different destinations • “Locker Liners” – decorating school lockers without damaging the lockers • “Party in the Bag” – all one needs for a party in a bag
don’t take it from us – listen to what A former hudson “See” student has to saY: Nicole Gartland • 2010 Hudson HS Graduate • Miami U Business student • 2nd Place Bus Plan Winner
HUDSON high school northeast ohio science concept plan winners NE Ohio Science Concept Plan 1st Place Winners (2010): • “Application of Graphite infused Carbon Drug Delivering Nanocapsules to Eradicate Cancer Cells” • “Kinetodor” – harnessing kinetic energy • “Photo Sensitive Pesticides to Ensure Safety of Beehives” • “Super Bee” – addressing the Colony Collapse Disorder problem
HUDSON high school’s participation in the see science & technology program Please join Hudson High School science teachers Christina Wooley and Sue Conroy to discuss “Science Concept Plan & Entrepreneurship” Monday, November 15 Session B – 12:15-1:00pm
the see program led to the development of other business programs at hudsonhs Hudson High School Business Club: • Formed in 2009, it now includes ~50 members • Sponsors the “Day in Business” Program • Sponsors “Be Entrepreneurial” • Sponsors HHS “Apprentice” program
the see program led to the development of other business programs at hudsonhs “A Day in Business Program” • First held in 2009, it’s grown in its 2nd year • Local business trade show with 25 vendors open to all HHS students • Students pay 99 cents to attend, get free goodies from local merchants • The goal is to educate the HHS student body about entrepreneurship
the see program led to the development of other business programs at hudsonhs “Be Entrepreneurial” • Is a customized one day program in collaboration with Junior Achievement to complement the SEE program (started in 2009) • One full day of local business speakers held in the offices of a local company • SEE Program Director John Klipfell is the lunchtime keynote speaker
the see program led to the development of other business programs at hudsonhs JA “Titan” Competition • Is a business strategy tournament & scholarship opportunity that complements the SEE program (started in 2009) • In 2010, HHS won first place among North Central Ohio schools • Team participants won college scholarships, HHS won a trophy & cash award
the see program led to the development of other business programs at hudsonhs Ashland University Stock Market Competition: • Coming this Winter to Hudson HS • An online investing competition sponsored by Ashland University • Scholarship & monetary prizes to be awarded
The see program led to the development of other business program at hudsonhs Hudson High School “Apprentice”: • Coming this spring to Hudson HS • All HHS Clubs can participate. HHS Business Club will teach other clubs about marketing. • Each club sells a local product to their target market • Winning club gets a share of the profits
Again, let’s listen to what another former hudson “see” student has to say: Natalie Stadelman • 2010 Hudson HS Graduate • Miami U Business student • 1st Place Bus Plan Winner • Hudson Bus Club Founder
Why the see program is important to students: Nobody else offers students & teachers what we do! We go well beyond others to help students address the range of challenges & opportunities they will face in the future: • We explain how our economic system works • We introduce students to the regional business community • We explain the importance of entrepreneurship & innovation • We introduce students to the real world through business plan and science concept plan competitions • We introduce students to the challenge & opportunity of the global economy • We engage students in discussion of important issues of the day • We introduce students to the wide range of research & innovation & economic development that exists in our region
Why the see program is important to the education community: We address the practical realities of the education community! • We provide instruction/content to meet student future challenges in areas in which many teachers don’t understand or are unaware of • Our “mini course of study”, “cafeteria style” approach addresses the reality that schools have little space in their curriculum for new programs. • The annually up-to-date content that we develop & compile provides teachers and students with a resource they can’t find elsewhere. • While the SEE program is available to all, it is especially targeted to the vast middle range of high schools that typically have few resources and programs of this type available to them. • The SEE program meets the financial literacy requirement in Ohio.
Why the see program is important to the education community: While available to all, the SEE program is especially targeted to the large middle range of high schools that usually have few resources & programs of this type available to them: • Programs such as E-City are available to help inner-city schools meet their special challenges. • On the other end of the spectrum, Northeast Ohio’s Independent Schools frequently have significant programs & resources available to them. High School profile for 16 counties of NE Ohio: (Schools with at least 100 students) • # of inner city schools & students: 30 schools 25,730 students • # of Independent schools & students 10 schools 4,514 students • # of other high schools & students 244 schools 195,763 students • Total number of schools & students 284 schools 216,957 students
Why the see program is important to the economic development community: A critically important part of Northeast Ohio’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem is the education of our youth • Our region needs a large cohort of 20 and 30 year old up-in-coming entrepreneurs to lead the economic redevelopment of our region. While this group has spurred economic development in other regions of the country, in the past those people have been largely lost to Northeast Ohio as a consequence of “brain drain”. • We need to plant the entrepreneurial seed in our students while they are still in high school, as well as introduce them to the entrepreneurial ecosystem that is developing in Northeast Ohio so that they are prepared and conditioned to return to Northeast Ohio after college.
Why the see program is important to the work force development community: Development and retention of talent in Northeast Ohio is critical to the future of this region, initiatives, however, need to begin in high school • If students don’t learn what is in the SEE program, they will be unprepared for their future. • It is much more effective to make students aware of all the opportunities that exist in Northeast Ohio while they are still in high school, then after they leave to go off to college, never to return. • Resources invested in the development and retention of high school talent before they leave for college would seem to make a whole lot more economic sense than resources invested in recruiting them to come back once they leave.
The Scholarship of Entrepreneurial Engagement (SEE) ProgramPlanting the seeds of entrepreneurship in our youth to help prepare them for the extraordinary change they will face during their lifetimes