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This article provides an overview of spam, including its definition, history, how it works, categories, laws, and the ongoing battle against it. It also discusses phishing and scam techniques used in spam, as well as the different platforms where spam can be found. Stay informed and learn how to protect yourself against spam.
BCM E-Business Technologies SPAM Rafael Quiroz Vázquez ProfessorEduardHeindl
Agenda • Definition • History • Howdoesspamwork? • Categories • Laws • Whereisspam? • Battleagainstspam • Spameveryday Rafael Quiroz Vázquez
Definition • Spam is the abuse of sending unauthorized and inappropriate bulk messages • It is sent to a lot of people • It is normally advertisement or promotional • It is not requested by the addresser. Rafael Quiroz Vázquez
History • Thename comes from USA (30’s). • Itwasthename of a can whichcontainsmeat. • British Band popularizedthetermspam. • Thespambecame popular in the 90’s. • Nowadays, spamcontinuesincreasing. Rafael Quiroz Vázquez
How does spam work • Spammersneedthe e-mail addresses • There are severalwaystogettheaddresses • Theyhavetoolsthatallowthemcreate virus and control thecomputers of the web-users. • They are hiredbybigcompaniestomakeadvertisements of theirproducts Rafael Quiroz Vázquez
Phising and scam • Phisingistype of deception designed to steal your valuable personal data: • 1.- Fake web site that accepts donations for charity. • 2.- Social network site of the web-user • 3.- Fake e-mail message of the co-workers or web-user. • These kind of spam comes from fake reliable web-sites for the web-user, they are called scam. Rafael Quiroz Vázquez
Categories Rafael Quiroz Vázquez
Categories • Example Rafael Quiroz Vázquez
Laws Governmentsshouldorganize and decide whichisthebestwayto control theflow of theiformationthroughthe net. Everygovernmentstablishitsown rules, theproblemisthat once a spamiscreated in anypart of theworldit can betrasmitedtoany computer in another country. Thereforethegovernmentsshouldmakeanagreementto improvise the performance againstthespam. Rafael Quiroz Vázquez
Laws Rafael Quiroz Vázquez
Where is spam? • E-mail • Forums • Blog • Social networks • Mobile • Internet Relay Chat Rafael Quiroz Vázquez
Battle against spam • Fourgroups: • End-usertechnique • Automatedtechniquesfor e-mail administrator • Filteringtechniques • Automatedtechniquesfor e-mail senders Rafael Quiroz Vázquez
Spam every day Rafael Quiroz Vázquez
Reference Spam data (2009). Retrieved June 29, 2009 from http://www.barracudacentral.org/about Spam data (2009). Retrieved June 29, 2009 from http://www.barracudacentral.org/index.cgi?p=spam Peraldo Lorenzo, (2008). Anti-spam techniques Retrieved June 25, 2009 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spam_(electronic) “Obligaciones de información sobre la seguridad”. (2008) Retrieved June 21, 2009 from http://www.lssi.es/Secciones/Contenidos/Obligaciones/contprin2e.htm Harris David. (2003). Spam, the curse of the new millennium: an overview and white paper. The state of spam (n. d.) Retrieved June 28, 2009 from http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/reference/Symantec_Spam_Report_-_February_2007.pdf The definition of spam (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2009 from http://www.spamhaus.org/definition.html How does spam work (n. d.) Retrieved June 13, 2009 from http://www.nolo.com/article.cfm/objectId/A6F26AE8-C831-469E-81157FC4252D98CB/104/284/220/ART/ “Tipos de spam” (2009) Retrieved June 28, 2009 from http://www.viruslist.com/sp/spam/info?chapter=153350533 Recognize phishing scams and fraudulent e-mail (n. d.) Retrieved June 14, 2009 from http://www.microsoft.com/protect/yourself/phishing/identify.mspx Recognize phishing scams and fraudulent e-mail (n. d.) Retrieved June 14, 2009 from http://www.microsoft.com/spain/empresas/asesoria/scam.mspx