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Heat Seal Tester | Perfectgroupindia

A precise tool with numerous uses in the flexible film and packaging industries is the heat seal tester or heat sealer. This reliable instrument aids in supplying the flexible film maker with information on the laminate and flexible film seal strength or heat seal strength. With the aid of the pneumatic functioning of the instrument's jaws, sealing can be done more quickly and precisely. Additionally, the instrument incorporates temperature controllers for both jaws and a PID digital controller.<br>FOR MORE INFO:- https://www.perfectgroupindia.co.in/heat-seal-tester.php<br>

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Heat Seal Tester | Perfectgroupindia

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  1. HEAT SEAL TESTER A precise tool with numerous uses in the flexible film and packaging industries is the heat seal tester or heat sealer. This reliable instrument aids in supplying the flexible film maker with information on the laminate and flexible film seal strength or heat seal strength. www.perfectgroupindia.co.in

  2. www.perfectgroupindia.co.in

  3. With the aid of the pneumatic functioning of the instrument's jaws, sealing can be done more quickly and precisely. Additionally, the instrument incorporates temperature controllers for both jaws and a PID digital controller. -Sealing temperature range: 0-220°Celsius. -Accuracy: ±0.5°Celsius (PID controlled for high accuracy). -Least count: 0.1°Celsius. -Sensor: Pt-100 RTD. -Sealing area: 300mmX15mm/150mmX15mm (other on request). -Sealing Jaw material: EN 31. -Timer: Digital 4 digit with range 0.1 to 99.9 seconds. -Sealing pressure: 2 to 6 Bar. -Power supply: 230 Volts, 50Hz, single phase. C O N T A C T : + 9 1 - 9 6 5 0 4 8 0 7 7 7 M A I L I D : S A L E S @ P E R F E C T G R O U P I N D I A . C O . I N W E B S I T E : W W W . P E R F E C T G R O U P I N D I A . C O . I N

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