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Accessible learning in accessible buildings

Accessible learning in accessible buildings. Alistair McNaught – Senior advisor, JISC TechDis Service. A bit of background…. So how do you do it?. In threes or fours describe inclusive teaching resources inclusive learning experiences. Home factors. E-learning and value added.

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Accessible learning in accessible buildings

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  1. Accessible learning in accessible buildings Alistair McNaught – Senior advisor, JISC TechDis Service

  2. A bit of background…

  3. So how do you do it? In threes or fours describe • inclusive teaching resources • inclusive learning experiences

  4. Home factors E-learning and value added • John Hattie summary of effect sizes • 1.13 Feedback • 0.82 Direct instruction: Active learning in class, student's work is marked in class and there are regular reviews of learning. • 0.72 Acceleration (ability to personalise pace) • 0.61 Motivation • 0.5 Peer tutoring • 0.5 Mastery learning 1.0 = +2 grades at GCSE O.5 = +1 grade at GCSE • 0.31 CBI

  5. E-learning and accessibility Comparative checklist Paper OHT Video E-resource Personalise text size Personalise colours Personalise fonts Image magnification Personalise pacing Ease of cross referencing Post-lesson access

  6. What TechDis promote VLEs & E-portfolios –personalisation, learner-centred models (eg alternative evidence and assessments). Resource creation – Xerte wizard Web 2.0 as teacher toolkits. M-Learning – MoleNet advice and guidance Good practice case studies Alternative formats – Publishers Association guidance for librarians. Inbuilt assistive technologies – Benevolent Bill staff pack, Accessibility essentials Joined up strategies – E-learning, inclusion, disability, personalisation. Free/OSS assistive technologies – www.techdis.ac.uk/getfreesoftware

  7. What we gave you

  8. Hardware Software Liveware New build – old wine in new wineskins? Changing constraints in the embedding of e-learning. Limiting factors >>>>>>>>>> Time >>>>>>>>>>>>

  9. Supporting evidence • 'When teachers adopt technological innovations these changes typically maintain rather than alter existing classroom practices' Cuban, L. Oversold And Underused: Computers In The Classroom. Harvard University Press. 2001. • “major change can only be achieved through changes in people and their behaviours, the application of technology, and the design and configuration of the estate” – JISC InfoKit planning and designing technology rich learning spaces.

  10. Bad dream or nightmare? • Inaccessible learning in expensive accessible buildings– photocopies, OHTs, whiteboards, passive learning. • Expensive inaccessible learning – • VLE with no content, • VLE with inaccessible content, • VLE with uninspiring content, • IWBs used for dataprojection, • Assistive technology that nobody knows about, • Assistive technology that nobody uses.

  11. Starting points • Hardware – invest to support collaboration, rich media, wireless, mobile • Software - metamorphose from • expensive “Assistive Technology for disabled people in particular rooms” to “Free Tools to support learners anywhere they want”. • “sophisticated software for technophile teachers” to “cheap and cheerful tools ordinary teachers can use with learners”. • Liveware - staff development in accessible mainstream practice… see examples

  12. Staff development Making better use of what they already use. Eg embedding audio or screentips in Office based resources. Word/Ppt/Word Introducing them to the potential of free, simple software eg Camstudio, Xerte, Wink.

  13. Learner tools and training • www.techdis.ac.uk/getfreesoftware • Text to speech – DSpeech; robobraille. • Memos, planning, organisation – Stickies. • Mindmapping – Freemind, Mindmeister. • Word prediction – LetMeType. • Collaboration – GoogleDocs, Vyew.com.

  14. Conclusions • New build creates new opportunities to integrate hardware, software and liveware issues. • In terms of an inclusive culture and inclusive resources, good provision may be less expensive than bad provision. • A wealth of guidance and resources on inclusive teaching and learning is available from the JISC services – see TechDis, InfoNet, JISC elearning program, Xtensis (NLN), Excellence Gateway etc.

  15. Key TechDis links • www.techdis.ac.uk/getbriefings - for managers • www.techdis.ac.uk/accessibilityessentials - for staff development • www.techdis.ac.uk/getfreesoftware - for learning support and IT teams • www.techdis.ac.uk/gettechnical - for IT teams

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