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Report from MT22. Peter Hauge Madsen Convenor MT22. Scope.
Report from MT22 Peter Hauge Madsen Convenor MT22
Scope This standard defines rules and procedures for a certification system for wind turbines (WT) that comprises both type certification and certification of wind turbine projects installed on land or off-shore. This system specifies rules for procedures and management for carrying out conformity evaluation of WT and wind farms, with respect to specific standards and other technical requirements, relating to safety, reliability, performance, testing and interaction with electrical power networks. It provides: • definitions of the elements in a wind turbine certification process; • procedures for conformity evaluation in a wind turbine certification system; • procedures for conformity surveillance; • rules for the documentation that is to be supplied by an applicant for the conformity evaluation; and • requirements for certification and inspection bodies and testing laboratories. The rules and procedures are not limited to WT of any particular size or type. However, special rules and procedures apply for small wind turbines (SWT). Some elements of certification are mandatory, ... The purpose of the rules and procedures is to provide a common basis for certification of wind turbines and wind turbine projects, including a basis for acceptance of operating bodies (i.e. certification bodies, inspection bodies and testing laboratories) and mutual recognition of certificates. Title of the presentation
Scope of revision To prepare the second edition of IEC WT01 taking into account: • Experiences with the use and requirements in national type approval schemes in Denmark, USA and Germany and India, • Developments in the normative standards, in particular IEC 61400-1, -2 and -3, and • The intended use of the scheme for certification of offshore wind turbines and wind farm projects. In addition, the maintenance team shall investigate the needs for, the consequences of as well as a proposal for an active international wind turbine certification scheme under the auspices of IEC CAB. Title of the presentation
Acceptance of Operating Bodies WT01 61400-22 General Accreditation Recognition Arrangements AdvisoryCommittee harmonization of requirements for documentation for certification; mutual recognition; need for amendments to procedures and requirements; interpretation of procedures and requirements for documentation for conformity assessment; and interpretation of technical requirements. General Accreditation Recognition Arrangements
Management of the Certification system WT01 61400-22 General Guide 65 + 17020 Agreement on Certification Issue of Certificates and Conformity Statements Security of Relevant Documentation Validity, Maintenance and Expiration of Certificates Type Certificate 5 years; Prototype Certificate 3 years; Provisional Certificate 1 year; Project Certificate valid at date of issue Corrective Actions General Agreement on Certification Issue of Certificates and Conformity Statements Security of Relevant Documentation Maintenance and Expiration of Certificates Corrective Actions
The Extent of Certification WT01 61400-22 General Type Certification Project Certification Component Certification Prototype Certification basic design evaluation; prototype test plan evaluation; and safety and function test. General Type Certification Project Certification Component Certification
Type Certification WT01 61400-22
Type Certificate Site Assessment Foundation design evaluation Installation Evaluation (optional) Project Certificate O&M surveillance (optional) Project Certification WT01 61400-22
Component Certification WT01 61400-22 • design evaluation; • type testing; • manufacturing evaluation; and • final evaluation.
Evaluation of Control and Protect. System Evaluation of Design Control Evaluation of Loads and Load Cases Evaluation of Manufacturing Plan Evaluation of Installation Plan Evaluation of Structural ,Mech. andElect. Comp. Evaluation of MaintenancePlan Evaluation of Component Tests Evaluation of Personnel Safety Evaluation of Foundation Design Req. Design Evaluation Conformity Statement TC – Design Evaluation WT01 61400-22
TC – Other changes Design Basis • codes and standards; • design parameters, assumptions, methodologies and principles, and • other requirements, e.g. for manufacture, transportation, installation and commissioning as well as for operation and maintenance. Foundation Manufacturing Evaluation • quality system evaluation; and • manufacturing inspection.
Project Certification General Site Conditions Evaluation Design Basis Evaluation Integrated Load Analysis Site Specific Wind Turbine/RNA Design Evaluation Site Specific Support Structure Design Evaluation Other Installations Design Evaluation Wind Turbine/RNA Manufacturing Surveillance Support Structure Manufacturing Surveillance Other Installations Manufacturing Surveillance Project Characteristics Measurements Grid Connection Compatibility according to Grid Codes Verification of Power Performance Verification of Acoustic Noise Emission Transportation and Installation Surveillance Commissioning Surveillance Final Evaluation Project Certificate Operation and Maintenance Surveillance
Annexes WT01 61400-22 Design Documentation (I) Certificate Example Formats (I) Minimum Requirements for Load Measurements Requirements for Safety and Function testing Condition Monitoring Systems for Wind Turbines (I) • Design Documentation (I) • Certificate Example Formats (I) • Minimum Requirements for Load Measurements • Requirements for Safety and Function testing • Duration Tests for Small Wind Turbines
Status Since last meeting in TC88 in Beijing (China) on 2008-10-08 to 2008-10-09 the CDV was circulated as a DTS on 2008-12-05 and for parallel voting in Cenelec. It was approved on 2009-03-06. Following SMB decision 135/7 the document was to be circulated for approval as an FDIS. Following the decision the Convenor updated the document and the compilation of comments. The draft FDIS and the CC was circulated to MT22 members by email for comments and submitted the revised documents to the secretariat on 2009-07-28. A report on voting on CDV, 88/352/RVC, with a compilation of comments prepared before this decision was circulated 28-aug-2009. An updated Report on voting on CDV, 88/352A/RVC, was circulated on 30-Oct-2009. The FDIS has been circulated for voting on 2010-02-26. Title of the presentation
Technicalcommittees for CertificationBodies ISO/IEC Guide 65: ”Clause 4.2 Organization The structure of the certificationbodyshallbesuch as to foster confidence in itscertifications. In particular, the certificationbodyshall: • have a documentedstructurewhichsafeguardsimpartialityincluding provisions to ensure the impartiality of the operations of the certificationbody; thisstructureshallenable the participation of all parties significantlyconcerned in the development of policies and principlesregarding the content and functioning of the certification system;” EA-6/01 Guidelines: G.4.13 Clause 4.2.e) of ISO/IEC Guide 65, requires that the documented structure of the certification body has built into it provision for the participation of all the significantly concerned parties. This should normally be through some kind of committee. The structure established should be prescribed in the certification body’s written constitution and should not be subject to change without notification to the accreditation body. Title of the presentation
Advisory committee Certification Bodies operating type and project certification according to this standard shall seek to establish and participate in a joint Advisory Committee. The committee should establish by-laws and provide advice to the operating bodies on: • harmonization of requirements for documentation for certification; • mutual recognition; • need for amendments to procedures and requirements; • interpretation of procedures and requirements for documentation for conformity assessment; and • interpretation of technical requirements. The recommendations from meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be made available to accreditation institutes or other relevant boards. Title of the presentation
Recommended actions: • MT22 meets 2010-05 to prepareproposals for: • Advisorycommittee • Members (representation of stakeholders) • Meeting frequency (twice per year) • Organization (Chairman, secretariat, impartiality) • Funding (??) • By-laws (consensusrecommendations) • Communication plan • The proposalshallbesubmitted to TC88 by 2010-08 to becirculated for national comments. • TC88 (Chairman and secretariat) review national comments, reviseorganizartion, by-lawsetc and appointmembers and chairman • Advisorycommittee is launched ultimo 2010 Title of the presentation