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P rocess I ndustry LE arning U nit P roject Manfred van de Kreeke Brussels, 4 October 2012

P rocess I ndustry LE arning U nit P roject Manfred van de Kreeke Brussels, 4 October 2012. Today’s story about Pile Up 1. What? 2. Who? 3. Why? 4. How? - ECVET - activities 5. What about a skills council?. What is Pile Up about?

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P rocess I ndustry LE arning U nit P roject Manfred van de Kreeke Brussels, 4 October 2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Process Industry LEarning Unit Project Manfred van de Kreeke Brussels, 4 October 2012

  2. Today’s story about Pile Up 1. What? 2. Who? 3. Why? 4. How? - ECVET - activities 5. What about a skills council?

  3. What is Pile Up about? • mobility of workers in the chemical industry in Europe • a common European competence profile for Maintenance technician & Process Operator • based on ECVET methodology • assessment and validation of worker’s competences • Pile Up competences to reach a higher qualification

  4. Core partners (Steering group) • ROC West-Brabant (project coordinator) NL • Kenteq Centre of Expertise NL • SBG für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe DE • Belgian Maintenance Association (BEMAS) BE • Instytut Technologii (ITeE-PIB) PL • National Agency for VET (NAVET) BG • Wear Management CH

  5. Associated partners/subcontractors • Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIB) DE • PMLF Centre of Expertise NL • Voka-KvKAW BE • Bulgarian Chamber of Chemical industry BG • Maintenance Education Consortium (MEC) NL • Czech Maintenance Society CZ • Dr. Kolb and other companies NL • University of Dresden DE

  6. Why did we start Pile Up? • Need for skilled workers (All round Operators & Maintenance Technicians) on EQF level 4 • Need to understand the levels and content of qualifications of foreign workers • Necessity to upgrade skilled workers towards level 4 by assessing their skills and offering them flexible learning possibilities

  7. The main aim of Pile Up To develop and implement units of learning outcomes, (competence profiles) based on ECVET* methodology which can be used for: • The recognition and validation of competences of foreign workers • Piling up (accumulate) the competences of workers to reach a higher level of qualification * ECVET: European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training

  8. ECVET basics Learning outcomes Unit based Mutual trust

  9. Project activities PILE UP • Compare existing job profiles (all partners) • Create a common job profiles for All-round ProcessOperator and Maintenance Technician: • Learning outcomes: knowledge, skills and competences related to work tasks • Units of LO; smaller components of qualifications that can be assessed, validated and recognised

  10. Project activities PILE UP • Compare common profiles to national qualifications • Testing: • Theoretical feedback from industry (ESSC) • In practice: assessments in companies • Evaluation of test results • Recommendations for the use of units of learning outcomes and the implementation of ECVET (ESSC) • Implementation in practice by the sector

  11. What about a European SSC? • Success of Pile Up depends on support and accessibility of the sector • European SSC could provide an organised structure to: • … get the necessary feedback from the sector • … to present projects or other initiatives to the sector • … reach the target group / end users of project results • … realize mutual trust between interested parties Note: very important to include the right people!

  12. Industry • Profession • Description learning outcomes (skills) • Assessment • Training Training providers How can these 2 worlds communicate better? • European SSC?!

  13. For more information: www.pile-up.eu Contact details: Annejet Goede a.goede@rocwb.nl +31651391019 Manfred van de Kreeke m.vandekreeke@rocwb.nl +31613165466

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