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Atmospheric Optics: Reflection and Refraction Phenomena

Explore the fascinating world of reflection and refraction in atmospheric optics, including mirages, halos, and the beautiful phenomena of the green flash and glories. Learn about the intricate optics of ice crystals and water droplets through enchanting imagery.

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Atmospheric Optics: Reflection and Refraction Phenomena

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ATMOSPHERIC OPTICS (Chapter 20)

  2. REFLECTION “Normal”=perpendicular to the plane θ1=θ2

  3. REFRACTION Less dense to more dense (light slows down) = bend toward normal More dense to less dense (light speeds up) = bend away from normal

  4. Key Facts to Remember: • Cold air is denser than warm air • Longwaves slow down/speed up less than shortwaves • Red = longwave; Blue/Violet = shortwave

  5. Starlight Refraction less dense more dense

  6. Sunlight Refraction

  7. Refraction Red (longwave) bends less Blue (shortwave) bends more

  8. DIFFRACTION bright dark

  9. Inferior Mirage cool hot Inferior: image is below actual object Cooler (denser) air is on the INSIDE of the curve. Image can be inverted if light from the top of the tree is bent more than light from the bottom.

  10. Inferior Mirage

  11. Inferior Mirage

  12. Superior Mirage Superior: image is above actual object

  13. Superior Mirage sky warm air horizon refracted cold air actual horizon Photograph by Carlos Santos

  14. SUPERIOR MIRAGE (FATA MORGANA) Photograph by David Cartier


  16. GREEN FLASH Rayliegh Scattered

  17. GREEN FLASH (Authoritative green flash info: http://aty.sdsu.edu)

  18. ICE CRYSTAL OPTICS Refraction of light through hexagonal plates or columns

  19. 22-degree and 46-degree Halos

  20. 22-degree Halo (Lunar)

  21. 22-degree Halo (Solar)

  22. 22-degree Halo (Bryan Jones)

  23. Parhelion or Sundog

  24. Sundogs (Parhelia)

  25. Parhelia

  26. Two Sundogs, Partial 22° Halo, and Parhelic Circle

  27. Sun Pillar

  28. Sun Pillar Formation

  29. Sun Pillar (Dean Leatherman)


  31. (Ezekiel 1:16–18) As for the appearance of the wheels and their construction: their appearance was like the gleaming of beryl. And the four had the same likeness, their appearance and construction being as it were a wheel within a wheel. When they went, they went in any of their four directions without turning as they went. And their rims were tall and awesome, and the rims of all four were full of eyes all around. (Authoritative atmosheric opitics info: http://www.atoptics.co.uk/index.htm)


  33. Primary Rainbow Formation

  34. Primary Rainbow refraction reflection refraction violet inside red outside

  35. Secondary Rainbow red inside violet outside

  36. Rare photograph of “end” of rainbow How did this happen? PhotoShop!

  37. CORONA water or aerosol droplet

  38. Diffraction Rings (Glory, Heiligenschein) Surface wave (diffraction)

  39. GLORY

  40. GLORY

  41. GLORY

  42. Heiligenschein

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