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It’s Been 5 ½ Years Since the 2007 Head Start Reauthorization….

It’s Been 5 ½ Years Since the 2007 Head Start Reauthorization…. Khari M. Garvin, M.Ed. Director NC Head Start Collaboration Office Office of Early Learning / DPI khari.garvin@dpi.nc.gov. Head Start Act 2007. Children experiencing homelessness are

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It’s Been 5 ½ Years Since the 2007 Head Start Reauthorization….

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  1. It’s Been 5 ½ Years Since the 2007 Head Start Reauthorization…. Khari M. Garvin, M.Ed. Director NC Head Start Collaboration Office Office of Early Learning / DPI khari.garvin@dpi.nc.gov

  2. Head Start Act 2007 • Children experiencing homelessness are Categorically Eligible for enrollment* • Head Start programs must use the McKinney-Vento definition of homelessness • Families lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence • Children experiencing homelessness must be identified and prioritized for enrollment

  3. The state of things….Children Experiencing Homelessness Served by Head Start and Early Head Start National Data Source: Head Start National PIR Data

  4. The state of things….(cont’d) National Data Source: Head Start National PIR Data Compared to “over-income” children

  5. The state of things….(cont’d) National Data Source: Head Start National PIR Data Compared to children with special needs

  6. The Landscape…. • Approx. 42% of children experiencing homelessness are under age 6 Source: National Center on Family Homelessness (2010) • Approx. 52% of children living in shelters are under age 6 Source: Homeless Children and Youth (Child Trends Data Bank, 2013) • Other data show significant increases in the identification of homeless children & youth in public schools (esp. in the last 3-4 years) Source: A Critical Moment: Child and Youth Homelessness in Our Nation's Schools (NAEHCY, 2010)


  8. Identification & Prioritizing

  9. Where do homeless families live? Source: 2011-2012 SY, U.S. Department of Education Doubled-Up 75% Shelters 15% Unsheltered 4% Hotels / Motels 6%

  10. Identifying MUST MUST MUST SHOULD use non-traditional sources for recruitment • Shelters • Faith community • M-V Liaisons • Motels utilize enhancedCommunity Assessments amend your screening protocol (i.e. types of questions asked of prospective enrollees) pay attention to children & families already enrolled

  11. SAMPLE Enrollment Application Questions 1. Check the following living situations that apply: __ Living in own home, rented home, or apartment __ Living with friends or relatives temporarily __ Living in a shelter __ Living in a hotel or motel __ Living in other circumstances (explain) 2. Have you moved in the last 12 months? If so, how many times? What were the circumstances?

  12. Prioritizing • Selection Criteria

  13. COMPUTERIZED & MANUAL SELECTION CRITERIA RATINGS Children are selected for Center-Based enrollment, in Head Start and Early Head Start, whose family income meets the current Head Start Family Income Guidelines or whose family is categorically eligible and have the greatest number of points in the following categories (select only one item from each category): Age 4 year old next school year 25 3 year old next school year 15 Income/ Categorically Eligible Homeless 50 Foster Care 40 Public Assistance 40 Below Income Guidelines 40 Working low income (Up to 130%) 05 Over Income 00 Disability Disability diagnosed, multiple 25 Disability diagnosed, single 20 Disability suspected 05 No Disability 00 Parental Status Single Parent 25 Other Family Type or Relative(s) 15 Two Parent 05 Other Transition from the EHS Program 25 Referral from Protect Service/Emrg. Asst. 15

  14. Prioritizing • Selection Criteria • Reserving slots* • Enrolling immediately (even w/o req’d paperwork)* • Strategically placing and/or delivering services in ways that favor the population • Partnering w/ shelters for classroom space (but not for self-contained classrooms) • Home-based services to address doubled-up • Mobile classrooms • Work to change State policies re: “homelessness” (e.g. Childcare Subsidy laws and policies)

  15. Program Impacts • Attendance / Enrollment • Family Partnerships & Goals • MH Supports • Transportation • Enhanced communication /monitoring-tracking system in place with families

  16. Resources Office of Head Start http://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov National Center for Homeless Education http://www.serve.org/nche U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development http://www.hud.gov U.S. Dept. of Education http://www.ed.gov Horizons for Homeless Children http://www.horizonsforhomelesschildren.org The National Center on Family Homelessness http://www.familyhomelessness.org

  17. Questions?

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