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España, una mezcla de culturas Spain, a blend of cultures

España, una mezcla de culturas Spain, a blend of cultures. Rasgos de nuestra historia Features of our history. Hispania Commencement. 1.- Prehistoric men inhabited the peninsula 2.- Iberians and Celts arrive. 3.- Phoenicians arrived to trade and founded factories .

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España, una mezcla de culturas Spain, a blend of cultures

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Presentation Transcript

  1. España, una mezcla de culturasSpain, a blend of cultures Rasgos de nuestra historia Features of our history

  2. Hispania Commencement 1.- Prehistoric men inhabited the peninsula 2.- Iberians and Celts arrive. 3.- Phoenicians arrived to trade and founded factories . 4.- The Greeks founded coastal cities . 5.- The Carthaginians attempt to defeat the Romans from the Iberian Peninsula.

  3. ROMAN SPAIN In 218 A.C. until the V century takes place the Romanization of Spain.

  4. Between 476 and 711

  5. From 711, Battle of the Guadalete, to 1492, conquest of Granada by the Catholic Monarchs.

  6. Christopher Columbus arrived from Portugal to present the RRCC his idea of seeking a new route to the Indies. • The Catholic Monarchs placed three ships under his command "La Pinta, Niña and Santa Maria. • On October 12, 1492 reaches the Earth and the island is called the "Spanish“, today Dominican Republic and Haiti


  8. quiz • What do people come to Spain in ancient times? • What does battle take place in 711? • How many centuries were the Arabs in Spain? • What date did Columbus reach the island, "The Spanish"? • The Catholic Monarchs get the unit of Spain in the same year as Columbus arrives in America. Do you remember that year? • What century belongs? • How many autonomous communities are there in Spain today? • "Name 5 of these communities. • Research over the kings of the House of Habsburg and the Bourbons (XVI to XXI)

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