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ASSOCIATION OF REGINA REALTORS 2013 MEMBERSHIP SURVEY. APRIL 19, 2013. Report Outline. Executive summary. Key Findings. General Satisfaction.
Key Findings • General Satisfaction. • Overall satisfaction is rated at 71%. On a scale of 1 to 5, overall satisfaction receives an average rating of 3.9, down 0.2 points from 2012 and 2011 (4.1 points). • Satisfaction with all member services presented is greater than 60%. The service generating the highest satisfaction is the ‘extent to which communication efforts keep you informed of Association activities’ (84%). • Association Services and Activities. • The MLS® System computer service, Electronic Lockbox System and WebForms® have each received a 98% importance rating with 88% - 90% being “very important”. • The Electronic Lockbox System (86%) and the MLS® System Computer Service (81%) rate in the top three for satisfaction as well as importance while WebForms® drops to fourth place (80%) for satisfaction. • Usage of Mobile Devices. • Most commonly members use the iPhone (57%) and the Apple iPad (59%) for their real estate business. • When asked about the option to upgrade their mobile phone, the majority of respondents (69%) would choose an upgraded version of their current phone. iPhone owners tend to be more loyal to their brand than Android and BlackBerry owners. • The Matrix – browser based is accessed by 67% of Smartphone users and over half (59%) access the Supra eKey.
Key Findings • Interest in Internet Fax Services. • Eight out of ten (82%) members report sending and receiving fewer than 50 pages via fax each month, the majority (61%) being from zero to 25 pages. • Three quarters of respondents report they would take advantage of a no cost Internet Fax Service and nearly one half (43%) of those would be willing to pay for the service. • Profile of respondents compared to previous years. • The number of respondents who have been a member of ARR for five years or less has dropped from 52% in 2012 to 42% in 2013 while those who have been a member for 21 years or more has risen by 8% to 22%. • The proportion of respondents who specialize in residential property has shown a slight increase to a high of 95% in 2013. • Consistent with previous research, the primary occupation reported is salesperson (87%). • Continuing with the previous trend, two thirds (67%) of respondents report working in an office with 31 or more members.
INTRODUCTION & OBJECTIVES • In February, 2013, the Association of Regina REALTORS® (ARR) contracted Insightrix Research Inc. to conduct a satisfaction survey of its membership. Overarching objectives of this research are to: • Identify trends in the demographic make-up of the membership; • Measure the importance of and members’ satisfaction with the Association’s services and activities, as well as possible new services; • Gain insight into the issues that members believe to be critical issues to the organization; • Provide a forum for members to suggest ways that the Association can improve its service offerings.
METHODOLOGY The Association of Regina REALTORS® contracted Insightrix Research Services to conduct a survey of its members and assist in the following tasks: Development of survey instrument: Insightrix worked closely with the Association of Regina REALTORS® to finalize the questionnaire by ensuring proper wording and flow of survey questions and suggesting survey improvements for data collection and analysis. Survey programming: Insightrix programmed the surveys online and emailed members a link to fill out the survey. Quantitative data collection: The Association of Regina Realtors provided the list of members to Insightrix. Of the total 455 members, Insightrix collected data from 129 members for a response rate of 28.4%. Results were collected from March 11th, 2013 to April 4th, 2013 and an email with a link to the survey was sent to all members. To achieve a higher response rate, email reminders were also sent to those members who had not responded by a pre-determined date. Survey Monitoring: The Association of Regina REALTORS® and Insightrix monitored the real-time results of the survey during the data collection process. Access was provided to the Association of Regina REALTORS® to monitor the completed surveys by day, the overall response rate, and the results for each question in the survey. Survey Analysis and Reporting: Insightrix provided this summary report, which includes frequencies, cross-tabulations and key findings. Where possible, results have been compared with results from previous waves of research since 2006.
Satisfaction with all member services presented is greater than 60% while overall satisfaction is rated 71%. Satisfaction with Member Services 5. On a scale of 1 to 5 with "1" being very dissatisfied and "5" being very satisfied, please rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following: Base: All respondents, excluding “don’t know”, n =118-129
On a scale of 1 to 5, overall satisfaction receives an average rating of 3.9, down 0.2 points from 2012 and 2011 (4.1 points). Overall Satisfaction - Trend 5. On a scale of 1 to 5 with "1" being very dissatisfied and "5" being very satisfied, please rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following: Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of Association services? Base: All respondents excluding “don’t know”, n=129
While still relatively high (3.6 – 3.9), the average satisfaction ratings for all services presented have dropped slightly from 2012. Due to space restrictions, the graph for “Satisfaction with Key Areas – Trend” is presented on two slides. Satisfaction with Key Areas - Trend 5. On a scale of 1 to 5 with "1" being very dissatisfied and "5" being very satisfied, please rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following: Base: All respondents excluding “don’t know”, n=118-129
While still relatively high (4.0 – 4.3), the average satisfaction ratings for all services presented have dropped slightly from 2012. Due to space restrictions, the graph for “Satisfaction with Key Areas – Trend” is presented on two slides Satisfaction with Key Areas - Trend 5. On a scale of 1 to 5 with "1" being very dissatisfied and "5" being very satisfied, please rate your level of satisfaction with each of the following: Base: All respondents excluding “don’t know”, n=118-129
76 respondents offered suggestions for Association actions to enhance value for members, most commonly (16%) in the area of technology/internet issues and training. Suggestions for Improvement Q6. What is the one thing that the Association could do, or change, to ensure that members are receiving the most value from membership? Base: All respondents, n=129
The MLS® System computer service, Electronic Lockbox System and WebForms® have each received a 98% importance rating with 88% - 90% for each rated as “very important”. Importance Ratings 7. For the following services, please rate both the level of importance and your level of satisfaction with each: : Base: All respondents, excluding “don’t know”, n=104-129
The three services mentioned have remained at the top of the importance scale throughout all waves of research. Average Importance Ratings - Trend 7. For the following services, please rate both the level of importance and your level of satisfaction with each: : Base: All respondents, excluding don’t know, n=104-129
The Electronic Lockbox System (86%) and the MLS® System Computer Service (81%) rate in the top three for satisfaction as well as importance while WebForms® drops to fourth place (80%) for satisfaction. Satisfaction Ratings 7. For the following services, please rate both the level of importance and your level of satisfaction with each: : Base: All respondents, excluding don’t know and do not use, n=84-129
Theaveragesatisfaction ratings for all services has remained relatively stable through all waves of research. Average Satisfaction Ratings - Trend 7. For the following services, please rate both the level of importance and your level of satisfaction with each: : Base: All respondents, excluding “don’t know”, n=84-129
Quadrant Analysis Critical Strengths Critical Weakness Latent Weakness Latent Strengths 7. For the following services, please rate both the level of importance and your level of satisfaction with each: : Base: All respondents, excluding “don’t know”, n=84-129
Professional standards (96%), promotion of REALTOR® services to the public (92%) and promotion of MLS® system to the public (92%) all receive importance ratings above 90%. Importance of Association Activities 8. For each of the following activities, please rate both the level of importance and your level of satisfaction with each: Base: All respondents, excluding “don’t know”, n=95-129
These same three activities have remained at the top of the importance scale through all waves of research. Importance of Association Activities - Trend 8. For each of the following activities, please rate both the level of importance and your level of satisfaction with each: Base: All respondents, excluding “don’t know”, n=95-129
The majority of the Association Activities receive a satisfaction rating of 60% (promotion of REALTOR® services to the public)to 69% (Arbitration Service). Satisfaction with Association Activities 8. For each of the following activities, please rate both the level of importance and your level of satisfaction with each: Base: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and “do not use”, n=62-124
Though all rate 3.5 or greater, several services have seen a slight drop in satisfaction levels compared with 2012 results, most notably political lobbying moving from 4.0 in 2012 to 3.7 in 2013. Satisfaction with Association Activities - Trend 8. For each of the following activities, please rate both the level of importance and your level of satisfaction with each: Base: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and “do not use”, n=62-124
Quadrant Analysis Critical Strengths Critical Weakness Latent Weakness Latent Strengths 8. For each of the following activities, please rate both the level of importance and your level of satisfaction with each: Base: All respondents, excluding “don’t know” and “do not use”, n=62-124
The majority of members use the Apple iPhone (57%) and the Apple iPad (59%) for their real estate business. Mobile Device Usage 9. Which mobile data device(s)* do you use in your real estate business? Only include those devices for which you have purchased a data plan through your service provider. Check all that apply. Base: All respondents, n=129
When asked about the option to upgrade their mobile phone, the majority of respondents (69%) would choose an upgraded version of their current phone. Mobile Phone Upgrade Choice 10. If you could upgrade your mobile phone today, to which mobile phone would you be inclined to upgrade? Base: Those respondents who have a mobile device, n=128
iPhone owners tend to be more loyal to their brand than Android and BlackBerry owners. Mobile Phone Upgrade Choice by type of Mobile Phone 9. Which mobile data device(s)* do you use in your real estate business? Only include those devices for which you have purchased a data plan through your service provider. Check all that apply. Base: All respondents, n=129 10. If you could upgrade your mobile phone today, to which mobile phone would you be inclined to upgrade? Base: Those respondents who have a mobile device, n=128
The Matrix – browser based is accessed by 67% of Smartphone users and over half (59%) access the Supra eKey. Association Services Accessed on Mobile Device - Smartphone 11. Which Association services do you access or use on your device? Check all that apply.Base: Those who use a Smartphone for their business, n=125
The Matrix – browser based (83%) and WEBForms® (75%) are the Association services most commonly accessed by Tablet users. Association Services Accessed on Mobile Device - Tablet 11. Which Association services do you access or use on your device? Check all that apply.Base: Those who use a Tablet for their business, n=97
Responses were split equally (50%) between those who use eKey and those who do not. A common reason for not using eKey is not wanting to carry a FOB or adapter (37%). Usage of eKey 12. Are you currently using eKey on your mobile device?Base: Those who use a Smartphone for their business, n=125 13. If you do not use eKey (i.e., the app on your smartphone or tablet) as your lockbox key, please indicate the reasons why: Base: Those who are not using eKey, n=62
The Matrix – browser based and the Matrix Mobile are the online sources most often used to acquire data or agent information. Data/Agent Information Source Preference 14. If you needed to acquire MLS® data or agent information on your mobile device, which online source(s) would you use? (Check all that apply) Base: Those who use a Smartphone for their business, n=125
The majority of respondents believe (84%) that the Association should develop online/mobile based services to aid members’ businesses. Services reported to be most valuable are Integration of Regina assessment data with the MLS® database (88%) and a direct link to title search for MLS® properties (85%). Online/mobile Technology Based Services Development 15. Do you believe the Association should pursue development of online and/or mobile technology-based services to further aid members’ businesses? Base: All respondents, n=129 16. If yes, what type of online or mobile services would you find valuable? Please check all that apply. Base: Those who believe the Association should pursue development of online/mobile technology based services, n=108
Eight out of ten (82%) members report sending and receiving fewer than 50 pages via fax each month, the majority (61%) being from zero to 25 pages. Fax Usage 17. Approximately how many pages do you send and receive every month via fax to conduct your real estate business? Base: All respondents, n=129
Three quarters of respondents report they would take advantage of a no cost Internet Fax Service and nearly one half (43%) of those would be willing to pay for the service. Internet Fax Service 18. If the Association were to offer a voluntary Internet Fax Service, at no cost to the member, which offered a maximum of 100 pages per member, per month, would you take advantage of the service? Base: All respondents, n=129 19. If yes, what would be your willingness to pay for an enhanced service of an additional 100 pages, on a monthly basis? Base: Those who would take advantage of a voluntary Internet Fax Service, n=97
Just over one in ten (12%) each feel that “technical help/education” and “more or improved services” would be options for existing member services to be improved. 50 respondents gave suggestions. Options for Improving Existing Member Services 20. Are there any ways in which you think existing member services could be improved? Base: All respondents, n=129 *Note: 61% of respondents gave “don’t know/no comment” response
A small portion of respondents (5%) feel that the Association should consider providing services regarding “other technological issues”. An equal number state that they are satisfied with services already provided. 24 respondents gave suggestions. Options for Additional Services 21. Are there any additional services you feel the Association should consider providing to its members? Base: All respondents, n=129 *Note: 81% of respondents gave “don’t know/no comment” response
Seventeen members gave suggestions regarding other topics. A common suggestion is “member regulations issues” cited by 5% or 7 respondents. Further Suggestions • 22. Do you have any other suggestions regarding any other topic not already covered? Base: All respondents, n=129 • *Note: 87% of respondents gave a “none/no comment” response
The number of respondents who have been a member of ARR for five years or less has dropped from 52% in 2012 to 42% in 2013 while those who have been a member for 21 years or more has risen by 8% to 22%. Membership Tenure 1. How many years have you been a member of ARR? Base: All respondents, n=129
Four out of ten (41%) ARR respondents are in the 35 – 54 age range and a nearly equal number (36%) are aged 55 or older. Age Into which age range do you fall? Base: All respondents, 129
The proportion of respondents who specialize in residential property has shown a slight increase to a high of 95% in 2013. Primary Specialty 2. What is your primary real estate specialty? Base: All respondents, n=129
Consistent with previous research, the primary occupation reported is salesperson (87%). Primary Occupation 3. Are you primarily a: Base: All respondents, n=129
Continuing with the previous trend, two thirds (67%) of respondents report working in an office with 31 or more members. Member Office Size 4. What is the size of your member office? Base: All respondents, n=129