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Trail to Eagle

Trail to Eagle. 15 -- Yeah! I am a Life Scout High School Driving AP Classes SATs Girls College Applications 17 1/2 Arrgh ! I need to find an Eagle Project and finish my merit badges. We want each scout to reach his goal. This presentation is designed to help scouts

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Trail to Eagle

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  1. Trail to Eagle

    15 -- Yeah! I am a Life Scout High School Driving AP Classes SATs Girls College Applications 171/2Arrgh! I need to find an Eagle Project and finish my merit badges
  2. We want each scout to reach his goal This presentation is designed to help scouts Understand ALL the requirements Map out the steps to meet the requirements Find resources to help him along the way
  3. What can the Eagle Scout expect to gain from the journey? Common Sense Education and Skills Civic Responsibilities Employment Opportunities Academic Opportunities Leadership Opportunities A lifetime of Pride in your achievement of Scouting’s highest honor
  4. Eagle Scout Rank Eagle Scout is the highest advancement rank in Boy Scouting In 2012, 57,976 Scouts earned the rank of Eagle Scout Around 7 percent of all Boy Scouts earned the Eagle Scout rank in 2012 From 1912 to 2012, more than 2 million Boy Scouts have earned the Eagle Scout rank
  5. Beyond 1st Class rank Trail to First Class teaches core skills and BSA values Trail to Eagle focuses on Growth and Development while reinforcing scouting values Merit Badges Leadership Service For Star: minimum 4 months leadership and 6 Merit Badges (4 Eagle-Required) For Life: minimum 6 months leadership and 5 Merit Badges (3 Eagle-Required) For Eagle: minimum 6 months leadership and 10 Merit Badges (5 Eagle-Required) All requirements must be completed before the scout’s 18th birthday Stay current on Requirement changes Cooking was added as an Eagle-required badge as of 2014.
  6. General reminder about changes in requirements Rank & Merit Badge requirements change frequently Updates are announced at the end of the year, effective the following calendar year. Available on line at www.scouting.org For Merit Badges A scout who has already started may continue under the old requirements, or he may elect to switch to the new ones, but he may not mix and match A scout who is just beginning the badge should use the new requirements. For Rank Requirements A scout who has already started may continue under the old requirements until he has completed the current rank, then he must use the new requirements for subsequent ranks. A Scout starting a rank after the requirements become effective must fulfill the new requirements, regardless of what is in his handbook. 2010 had changes at all ranks, and 2011 adds updates to some.
  7. Eagle Rank Requirements Be active in your troop, team, crew, or ship for a period of at least 6 months after you have achieved the rank of Life Scout.
  8. Eagle Rank Requirements Life to Eagle Scout Agreement Once you have attained the rank of Life Scout you need to have a meeting with your Scoutmaster You and your Scoutmaster will review the Life to Eagle Scout Agreement You and your Scoutmaster will both sign the agreement This agreement outlines what is required of you to fulfill the “Be active in your troop, team, or crew” requirement Life to Eagle Scout Agreement (1).pdf
  9. Demonstrate Scout Spirit by living the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life
  10. Scout Handbook, p. 47 What is Scout Spirit? What difference does it make what reason I have for getting Eagle? If you are trying to get Eagle for a bad reason, it’s less likely you will have good Scout Spirit If you are getting Eagle for a good reason, having Scout Spirit is almost automatic So what is Scout Spirit? “Scout Spirit” means putting the Oath, Law, motto and slogan into action in your everyday life At meetings During our service projects During our treks In school In church At home When you’re with friends When you’re all alone …wherever and whenever Tip for parentsGet familiar withthe Oath and Lawand catch your sonfollowing them
  11. Scout Spirit – Part 2 List the names of individuals who know you personally and would be willing to provide a recommendation on your behalf, including Parents/guardians Religious Educational Employer Other They will be asked to write a letter of recommendation telling how you demonstrate that you live by the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life
  12. Earn a total of 21 merit badges including: Camping Citizenship in the Community Citizenship in the Nation Citizenship in the World Communications Cooking Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving Environmental Science OR Sustainability Family Life First Aid Personal Fitness Personal Management Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling 14-21: Eight badges of your choice Choose only one merit badge listed in items (7), (8) and (12) for the 13 Eagle Required badges. Additional badges earned in those groups can be included in the “8 of your choice,” usually listed chronologically on the application.
  13. Plan ahead ! 3 Include 90-day projects Family Life Personal Fitness Personal Management Often offered at Summer Camp Camping (plus 20 nights of camping) Citizenship in the World Communications (partial?) Cooking Environmental Science & Sustainability First Aid Lifesaving/ Emergency Preparedness Others needing planning Citizenship in the Community – 8 hours service Hiking/Cycling – long treks
  14. While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period of 6 months in one or more of the following positions of responsibility in a Troop
  15. Leadership Service Requirements Serving as a junior leader is a very important part of advancement on the Trail to Eagle Troops depend on junior leaders to function smoothly While you were on the Trail to First Class, the troop served you Now is the time for you to serve the troop—to give back what others gave you Many things about leadership you can only learn by doing—the Trail to Eagle is the trail to leadership Being a leader doesn’t mean sewing a patch on your arm—it means taking on a significant task and doing your best to help the troop, using everything you’ve learned about leadership Your performance as a junior leader determines what kind of troop you have—what you do affects everyone
  16. Leadership Positions in a Troop Patrol leader Assistant Senior Patrol leader Senior Patrol Leader Venture Patrol Leader Troop guide Order of the Arrow Troop representative Den chief Scribe Librarian Historian Quartermaster Junior Assistant Scoutmaster Chaplain Aide Instructor Troop Webmaster Leave No Trace Trainer* Bugler counts for Star or Life, but not for Eagle *Must take approved training course to qualify
  17. While a life scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project The project should benefit an organization other than Boy Scouts and be helpful to any religious organization any school or your community The project proposal must be approved before you start by the organization benefiting from the effort your Scoutmaster your troop committee and the council or district advancement representative You must use the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, No. 512-927 to download a writeable PDF of the workbook go to: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/boyscouts/advancementandawards/resources.aspx 512-927_fillable.pdf The project must be signed by the benefiting organization and Scoutmaster when completed
  18. Now that you are a Life Scout Start thinking about your project now! Don’t wait until you are 17 ¾ to start. It takes longer than you think! Idea Proposal Development  Review  4 Approvals  Plan Development  Project Execution  Final Report Remember your P’s: Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Projects Get the Workbook now and read though all the instructions
  19. How do I find a Project? Start with what you know and careabout Religious Organization School – all levels Community -- does not have to be local Parks Service Organizations Public Institutions National or International service organizations …and many others
  20. An Eagle Project is a Leadership Project An Eagle Project is not Free Labor! An Eagle Project does not require you to build something, but it cannot be a fund-raiser An Eagle project is something you envision, create, coordinate and lead others to complete
  21. The Proposal Workbook specifies information be provided: Description and Benefit Giving Leadership Materials, Supplies, Tools Permits and Permissions Preliminary Cost Estimate Project Phases Logistics Safety Issues Further Planning Attach Photos/sketches or other materials as needed
  22. Evaluation of the Proposal Your proposal is the overview and beginning of planning For your proposal to be approved, it must show the following: It provides sufficient opportunity to meet the requirement, “…plan, develop and give leadership to others in a service project….” It appears to be feasible Safety issues will be addressed Actions steps for further detailed planning are included You on the right track with a reasonable chance for a positive experience
  23. Approvals When your Proposal is ready, obtain approvals from all of the following: Unit Leader Unit Committee Beneficiary District (must be last) The Proposal must be approved before work or fundraising can start
  24. Fundraising Fundraising is permitted only for securing materials and otherwise facilitating a project It must be clear to all donors that the money is being raised on behalf of the project beneficiary (not BSA) Receipts for gifts or donations are provided by the beneficiary Any funds raised should be deposited to an account of the beneficiary or the unit Excess funds are released to the beneficiary Funding for the project may come from The beneficiary organization The candidate, or his parents and relatives The candidate’s unit, the unit’s chartering organization, or parents or members of his unit Fundraising from any other source requires Council approvalusing the worksheet included in the workbook
  25. The Final Plan After the Proposal is approved, the Scout fully develops the Plan for the project Space is included in the Workbook for comments received in the review process The Workbook specifies information be provided Description and Benefit – changes from proposal Present Condition or Situation Project Phases Work Processes Permits and Permissions Materials, Supplies, Tools (higher level of detail than Proposal) Expenses and Revenue Giving Leadership Logistics Safety Contingency Plans Comments from your Coach It is highly recommended you work with a project coach, in addition to consulting any experts, to develop your plan
  26. Project Coach The Scout is highly encouraged, but not required, to work with a coach to develop his Final Plan The coach may, or may not, have been part of the approval cycle of the Proposal The coach has no veto power over the Final Plan. Design issues are between the Scout and Beneficiary The coach helps the Scout improve plan by discussing plan strengths, weaknesses and risks Consulting experts in the project area is also encouraged
  27. Implementing your project Integrate comments from review process into your plan Have one final review of your project plan Buy/Collect your materials Schedule your volunteers and make it happen! Don’t forget to Keep a list of volunteers and their hours Take pictures Write good notes about how it goes You will need them for your Final Report
  28. The Project Report The Final Report is a required part of the project and an important element in the Board of Review The Workbook specifies area to be covered: Summary Changes Leadership Materials, Supplies, Tools Service Project Data (hours and volunteers) Funding Photos & Documentation Candidate’s Promise Completion Approval (Beneficiary and Unit Leader)
  29. Final Project Evaluation The Project is evaluated at the Eagle Board of Review based on The impact to the beneficiary organization Leadership provided by the candidate Evidence of Planning and Development
  30. And Finally… Take part in a Scoutmaster conference All requirements and SM conference must be completed before18th birthday! Successfully complete an Eagle Scout Board of Review Submit completed Eagle Rank Application to Council Office Have troop request recommendation letters ASAP District Advancement schedules BOR with troop as soon as application has been reviewed by Council and letters are available BOR Must be completed before you are 18 + 3 months old; after that date requires an appeals process
  31. Start Planning your Court of Honor Becoming and Eagle Scout is a tremendous achievement worth celebrating !
  32. Threethings to take away from Trail to Eagle Eagle is a huge task Eagle is worth it Eagle is not something you get—it’s something you become Tip for parentsLet your sonearn Eagle
  33. The End Questions??? Want to schedule consultation to plan your path?
  34. Mike Rowe – Dirty Jobs Mike,I'm not sure where I heard that you are an Eagle Scout, which brings me to my question. Could you PLEASE take a moment & post to my 13 year old son Kelby & encourage him to finish scouting (& anything else that will help with this?) Reason I'm asking is that he only lacks 1 1/2 – 2 years in reaching Eagle, but some of his buddies have got him to thinking scouting isn't cool at his age.Thanks much, Gary Kelby, Your Dad asked me to drop you a line and say something inspirational that might persuade you to dig down deep and find the determination to make the rank of Eagle Scout. It's a reasonable request, from a father who obviously wants to see his son succeed. But here’s the thing – The Eagle Award is not really meant for people who need to be dragged across the finish line. It’s meant for a select few, and I have no idea if you have the guts to see it through. Statistically, I suspect you do not. Only one out of a hundred Scouts make Eagle, so if you fail, there will be lots of other people with whom you can share excuses. Quitting now might disappoint your Dad, but I doubt that he or anyone else will be overly surprised. Anytime 99 out of 100 people do the same thing, it’s not exactly a shock. I’m not trying to be cute with a bunch of reverse psychology. When I was 15, there was nothing that anyone could have said to me that would have inspired me to do something I didn't want to do, especially a stranger with a TV show. So I’m not going to assume you’re any different, or pretend that I have some influence or insight that you haven’t already heard from a dozen other people who actually know and care about you. I’ll just tell you straight up, that doing something extraordinary can be very lonely, and most people simply aren’t cut out for it.Being an Eagle Scout requires you to be different than most everyone around you, and being different is really, really hard. That’s why the award is called “an accomplishment.” Personally, and for whatever it’s worth, the best decisions I've made in my own life, are those decisions that put me on the outside of being cool. Singing in the Opera, working in home shopping, staring in the school play when the entire football team laughed at me, and especially earning my Eagle, were all choices that required sacrifice, hard work, and delayed gratification. I have no idea if you possess those qualities, or even envy them. But I can tell you for certain, that NOT getting your Eagle, will be one of the easiest things you’ve ever done. Anyway, I have no idea if you would prefer an easy life of predictability and mediocrity, or if have the passion to follow the road less traveled. Only you get to decide that. Good Luck, Mike
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