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In this presentation you will: Identify the stages of the carbon and nitrogen cycles

ClassAct SRS enabled. In this presentation you will: Identify the stages of the carbon and nitrogen cycles Investigate the causes of rising carbon dioxide levels Explore the impact of the over-use of nitrogen based fertilizers.

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In this presentation you will: Identify the stages of the carbon and nitrogen cycles

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  1. ClassAct SRS enabled. • In this presentation you will: • Identify the stages of the carbon and nitrogen cycles • Investigate the causes of rising carbon dioxide levels • Explore the impact of the over-use of nitrogen based fertilizers

  2. Nutrient cycles summarize the movement of certain elements through ecosystems. In this presentation you will study the carbon and nitrogen cycles. You will identify the different stages of these cycles and investigate their importance. You will also investigate how human activity can disturb the natural balance of these cycles and cause pollution. Next >

  3. Nutrient Cycles Nutrient cycles summarize the movement of certain elements through ecosystems. Elements may be combined to form complex organic molecules. These later decompose to form simpler organic and inorganic molecules. These simpler molecules can be used again to become incorporated into living things. This is called the cycling pool. Next >

  4. Upsetting the Balance As well as the cycling pool of an element, all cycles have a larger reservoir pool. This is usually abiotic, that is, not made up of living things. Exchanges between the reservoir and the biotic cycling pools usually happen slowly. Human activity often speeds up the movement of molecules through the cycles. This may upset the natural balance, cause build up of substances at one point and cause pollution. Next >

  5. Question 1 Which part of a nutrient cycle involves living organisms? A) The cycling pool B) The reservoir pool C) Both the cycling and the reservoir pool D) Neither the cycling nor the reservoir pool

  6. Flow of carbon in thousands of Tg/year Tg = Terragram 1 Tg = 1 million metric tons1 metric ton = 1000kg Photosynthesis CO2 in atmosphere Respiration Diffusion Animals Combustion Death,Excretion Death C in detritus Animals Respiration CO2 in water (HCO3- ions) Photosynthesis Detrivores,Decomposers Death,Excretion Respiration by detrivores and decomposers Rocks in the Earth C in algae C in humus Death Fossil fuels eg coal, oil C in detritus The Carbon Cycle – An Overview C = Carbon HCO3- = Hydrogen Carbonate Next >

  7. Fossil fuels eg coal, oil CO2 in water (HCO3- ions) Rocks in the Earth There are 4 large reservoirs of carbon: , the oceans , limestone rocks and fossil fuels. the atmosphere Flow of carbon in thousands of Tg/year Tg = Terragram 1 Tg = 1 million metric tons1 metric ton = 1000kg Photosynthesis CO2 in atmosphere Respiration Diffusion Animals Combustion Death,Excretion Death C in detritus Animals Respiration CO2 in water (HCO3 - ions) Photosynthesis Detrivores,Decomposers Death,Excretion Respiration by detrivores and decomposers Rocks in the Earth C in algae C in humus Death Next > Fossil fuels eg coal, oil C in detritus

  8. Respiration Respiration Diffusion Combustion Respiration The processes that put carbon dioxide into the atmosphere are: , combustion and diffusion. respiration Flow of carbon in thousands of Tg/year Tg = Terragram 1 Tg = 1 million metric tons1 metric ton = 1000kg Photosynthesis CO2 in atmosphere Respiration Diffusion Animals Combustion Death,Excretion Death C in detritus Animals Respiration CO2 in water (HCO3- ions) Photosynthesis Detrivores,Decomposers Death,Excretion Respiration by detrivores and decomposers Rocks in the Earth C in algae C in humus Death Next > Fossil fuels eg coal, oil C in detritus

  9. Photosynthesis Diffusion The processes that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere are: photosynthesis and diffusion. Flow of carbon in thousands of Tg/year TG = Terra Ton 1 Tg = 1 million metric tons1 metric ton = 1000kg Photosynthesis CO2 in atmosphere Respiration Diffusion Animals Combustion Death,Excretion Death C in detritus Animals Respiration CO2 in water (HCO3- ions) Photosynthesis Detrivores,Decomposers Death,Excretion Respiration by detrivores and decomposers Rocks in the Earth C in algae C in humus Death Next > Fossil fuels eg coal, oil C in detritus

  10. Question 2 Which of the following processes does not put carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere? A) Photosynthesis B) Combustion C) Respiration D) Decomposition

  11. The Carbon Dioxide Balance There is a balance between the carbon (in carbon dioxide) stored in the atmosphere and the amount of carbon (in hydrogen carbonate ions) stored in the sea. There is also a fine balance between the amount of carbon dioxide removed from the air by photosynthesis and the amount replaced by respiration. Next >

  12. Upsetting the CO2 Balance Despite the fact that these processes maintain a natural balance, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is still rising. This is because the burning of fossil fuels and wood releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In addition to this, deforestation removes large areas of trees that would have absorbed large quantities of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. Next >

  13. Question 3 Why does deforestation result in increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere? A) It results in fewer trees taking up nutrients from the soil B) It results in fewer trees being burnt C) It results in fewer trees respiring D) It results in fewer trees photosynthesizing

  14. The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming Around 1850, the atmosphere contained about 270ppm (parts per million) of carbon dioxide. In 2004, it contained around 360 ppm, and is rising at a rate of 1 to 2 ppm per year. Atmospheric CO2 levels (ppm) The worst possible long term effect of increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere is the 'greenhouse effect', which in turn leads to global warming. Time (Years) Next >

  15. The Nitrogen Cycle – An Overview The atmosphere is made up of 79% nitrogen. A shortage of nitrogen based compounds in ecosystems can reduce plant growth, and animal growth. Next >

  16. Nitrogen fixation by lightning Fertilizer manufacture (Nitrogen fixation byHaber-Bosch process) The abiotic outer cycle consists of nitrogen from the air being 'fixed' by: lightning and the Haber-Bosch process. Nitrogen fixation by lightning Nitrogen gases in atmosphere Denitrification: denitrifying bacteria Nitrogen in animals e.g. Protein Feeding Nitrogen in plantse.g. protein Fertilizer manufacture (Nitrogen fixation byHaber-Bosch process) Death and excretion Uptake of nitratesand ammonium Nitrogen Fixation Nitrogen in detritus and humus e.g. as protein Bacteria in legume root nodules Free-living bacteria Nitrification = oxidation of ammonium to nitrate Invertebrates Microorganisms: Bacteria and fungi NH4+ NO3- Bacteria NO2- NO3-, NH4+ toxic Next > Leaching to ground water

  17. Nitrogen can also be fixed by bacteria in the root nodules of legumes and by bacteria living freely in the soil. Nitrogen fixation by lightning Nitrogen gases in atmosphere Denitrification: denitrifying bacteria Nitrogen in animals e.g. Protein Feeding Nitrogen in plantse.g. protein Fertilizer manufacture (Nitrogen fixation byHaber-Bosch process) Death and excretion Uptake of nitratesand ammonium Nitrogen Fixation Nitrogen in detritus and humus e.g. as protein Bacteria in legume root nodules Free-living bacteria Nitrification = oxidation of ammonium to nitrate Invertebrates Microorganisms: Bacteria and fungi NH4+ NO3- Bacteria NO2- NO3-, NH4+ toxic Next > Leaching to ground water

  18. Root nodule Leguminous Plants Leguminous plants are plants that produce peas or beans. They contain nodules on their roots that are full of nitrogen fixing bacteria. Farmers often rotate crop plants with leguminous (pea or bean) plants. This is because crop plants take nitrogen from the soil and leguminous plants put nitrogen back into the soil. Next >

  19. Rhizobium bacterium Rhizobium One of the most common bacteria that produce nodules on legumes is Rhizobium. The relationship between the bacterium and the plant is mutualistic, that is, both organisms benefit. The plant obtains some nitrogen from the bacterium and the bacterium obtains other nutrients, in particular, sugars, made by the plant. Next >

  20. Nitrogen in plantse.g. protein Uptake of nitratesand ammonium In the central cycle, plants absorb nitrates or ammonium ions from the soil. The nitrogen forms amino acids and proteins. Nitrogen fixation by lightning Nitrogen gases in atmosphere Denitrification: denitrifying bacteria Nitrogen in animals e.g. Protein Feeding Nitrogen in plantse.g. protein Fertilizer manufacture (Nitrogen fixation byHaber-Bosch process) Death and excretion Uptake of nitratesand ammonium Nitrogen Fixation Nitrogen in detritus and humus e.g. as protein Bacteria in legume root nodules Free-living bacteria Nitrification = oxidation of ammonium to nitrate Invertebrates Microorganisms: Bacteria and fungi NH4+ NO3- Bacteria NO2- NO3-, NH4+ toxic Next > Leaching to ground water

  21. Nitrogen in detritusand humus e.g. as protein Death and excretion Nitrogen in animals e.g. Protein These compounds may or may not be eaten by animals. However, they are all eventually turned into detritus (rotting organic matter). Nitrogen fixation by lightning Nitrogen gases in atmosphere Denitrification: denitrifying bacteria Nitrogen in animals e.g. Protein Feeding Nitrogen in plantse.g. protein Fertilizer manufacture (Nitrogen fixation byHaber-Bosch process) Death and excretion Uptake of nitratesand ammonium Nitrogen Fixation Nitrogen in detritusand humus e.g. as protein Bacteria in legume root nodules Free-living bacteria Nitrification = oxidation of ammonium to nitrate Invertebrates Microorganisms: Bacteria and fungi NH4+ NO3- Bacteria NO2- NO3-, NH4+ toxic Next > Leaching to ground water

  22. Microorganisms: Bacteria and fungi Invertebrates NH4+ NO3- Detritus is attacked by detrivores and decomposers. The nitrogen is released as ammonium ions that are converted to nitrates. Nitrogen fixation by lightning Nitrogen gases in atmosphere Denitrification: denitrifying bacteria Nitrogen in animals e.g. Protein Feeding Nitrogen in plantse.g. protein Fertilizer manufacture (Nitrogen fixation byHaber-Bosch process) Death and excretion Uptake of nitratesand ammonium Nitrogen Fixation Nitrogen in detritusand humus e.g. as protein Bacteria in legume root nodules Free-living bacteria Nitrification = oxidation of ammonium to nitrate Invertebrates Microorganisms: Bacteria and fungi NH4+ NO3- Bacteria NO2- NO2- NO3-, NH4+ toxic Next > Leaching to ground water

  23. Nitrification = oxidation of ammonium to nitrate NO3- NH4+ Bacteria NO2- toxic Nitrification The conversion of ammonium ions to nitrites and then to nitrates is known as nitrification. The bacteria that carry out nitrification are called nitrifying bacteria. They are chemoautotrophic, that is, they obtain their energy from oxidation of inorganic ions. Next >

  24. Question 4 Nitrogen fixing bacteria put nitrogen back into the soil. Answer True or False.

  25. Question 5 Nitrification is: A) The conversion of ammonium to nitrite B) The conversion of nitrate to nitrite C) The conversion of ammonium to nitrate D) The conversion of nitrite to nitrate

  26. Upsetting the Nitrogen Balance Most nitrogen-based fertilizers are made by the Haber-Bosch process. This accounts for about one third of the total nitrogen fixation each year. Normally, natural nitrogen fixation would be balanced by denitrification. This is the process whereby bacteria take up inorganic nitrogen compounds and release nitrogen gas into the atmosphere. However, because there is more nitrogen being put into the soil than put back into the atmosphere, by the use of fertilizers, the balance is being disrupted. Next >

  27. Question 6 Which of the following does not put nitrogen back into the ground? A) Lightning B) Denitrification C) Nitrification D) The Haber-Bosch process

  28. Question 7 Which of the following is the most harmful way of putting nitrogen back into ecosystems? A) Lightning B) The Haber-Bosch process C) Nitrogen fixing bacteria D) Death and excretion

  29. Eutrophication Nitrogen-based fertilizers lead to a type of pollution called eutrophication. The nitrates are washed by rainfall into ground water streams. Water supplies become enriched with nitrates. As a result of eutrophication, the algae at the water's edge grow rapidly. They prevent light from reaching aquatic plants. These plants, and the invertebrates that feed on them, then die. The algae also block water supplies, including drinking water. Next >

  30. Hypoxia When the algae die, plants and invertebrates die and they are decomposed by bacteria. These bacteria deoxygenate, that is, remove oxygen from, the water. This is known as hypoxia. The bacteria also produce hydrogen sulphide gas, which is toxic. The fish and invertebrates that require high levels of oxygen die. This affects food webs and subsequently the entire ecosystem. Next >

  31. Question 8 Which of the following is likely to be the best long-term solution for the problem of eutrophication? A) Re-stocking water systems with fish and invertebrates B) Removing pond weed and algae from water systems C) Supplying people with free bottled water D) Reducing the use of artificial fertilizers

  32. Summary After completing this presentation you should be able to: • Identify the stages of the carbon cycle • Identify the stages of the nitrogen cycle • Show knowledge of the causes of increasing carbon dioxide levels • Show knowledge and understanding of the consequences of the over-use of nitrogen based fertilizers End >

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