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The SOLID Information System and other Supporting Documentation. Larkin Zahra, Diandra Pace and Bernardette Borg Funds and Programmes Division, MEAIM. Login Window. Log on to SIS with username & password as provided by the RA. User Programmes. Select the relevant project fund.
The SOLID Information System and other Supporting Documentation Larkin Zahra, Diandra Pace and Bernardette Borg Funds and Programmes Division, MEAIM General Programme Solidarity & Management of Migration Flows European Return Fund (RF), the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (EIF) and European Refugee Fund (ERF) Co-financing rate: 75% EU Fund; 25% Beneficiary Funds Sustainable Management of Migration Flows
Login Window Log on to SIS with username & password as provided by the RA
User Programmes Select the relevant project fund
Methods of payment • Two methods of payment: • 1. Reimbursement – The RA can make reimbursements of expenditure incurred by the Beneficiary. This method of payment should be utilised in cases when it is deemed more feasible, for the implementation of the project that the Beneficiary carries out immediate payment from the organisation’s funds. This is mostly applicable to the payment of salaries. • 2. Direct Payment - Payment can be effected directly by the RA to the service provider. In such case, the Beneficiary is to submit, along with the payment claim, the Financial Identification Form by which the bank details of the service provider are provided. • The co-financing rate under the European Refugee Fund, European Return Fund and the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals is 75%-25%. Therefore, at application stage the applicant organisation should provide proof of co-financing, that is, the financial controller/treasurer should make a declaration that the organisation is in a position to fork out the 25% of the expenditure incurred under the project.
Supporting Documentation • All documentation should be signed and certified correct by the Project Leader. • The supporting documentation should be uploaded on the SOLID Information System either under invoice documentation or contract documentation
Staff Costs • Invoice Status Certificate (ISC) • Reimbursement Letter • Employee Payslip (to be signed by the employee) • Staff Costs Calculator • Copy of Employment Contract/Appointment Letter • Letter of Assignment (If applicable) • Declaration of NI confirming that both Employer’s and Employee’s shares of National Insurance contribution were paid. • Detailed Timesheets • Monthly Report on the relative staff contribution to the project (This can be part and parcel of the timesheet if the description of activities is clear and sufficiently detailed) • Documentary evidence of fixed allowances if these are being included in the calculation of hourly rate
Travel (Flight) • Public Bodies and NGOs • Invoice Status Certificate (ISC) • Reimbursement Letter • Flight Invoice • Flight ticket • Original Boarding Passes • 3 Quotations (minimum) • Approval for travel (by Permanent Secretary, Head of Department/Organisation) • Statement of Expenditure • Agenda/Programme of visit of the event/activity • Invitation to the seminar/training/conference from the hosting agency (if applicable) • Travel Report • Public Bodies only • GA27
Travel (Subsistence) • Public Bodies and NGOs • Invoice Status Certificate (ISC) • Reimbursement Letter • Approval for travel (by Permanent Secretary, Head of Department/Organisation) • Hotel Booking, Confirmation and Original Receipt • Transport receipts (contingency money) • In case of invoices with a foreign currency exchange rate of the day the transaction is effected • Original Statement of Expenditure • Public Bodies only • GA27 (in case of public bodies) • SEPA (in case of public bodies) • Copy of Funds Transfer Report and copy of Debit Advice from CBM or other bank accounts • NGOs only • Declaration by the person confirming that subsistence allowance has been received.
Workshop The following supporting documentation is being provided covering Staff Costs and Travel. Fill in the table below by identifying under which heading (invoice or contract) should the following documents be uploaded on the sis: STAFF COSTS
Thank you for your attention Funds and Programmes Division, MEAIM Triq il-Kukkanja, Santa Venera SVR 1411 General Programme Solidarity & Management of Migration Flows European Return Fund (RF), the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (EIF) and European Refugee Fund (ERF) Co-financing rate: 75% EU Fund; 25% Beneficiary Funds Sustainable Management of Migration Flows