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The Community Readiness Model was developed to support community efforts in addressing issues such as alcohol and drug abuse prevention, intimate partner violence, child abuse, HIV/AIDS, and other diverse concerns. It offers dimensions and stages of readiness assessment to identify resources, obstacles, and suitable strategies based on the community's readiness level. The process involves developing questions, identifying key informants, conducting interviews, scoring, and interpreting results to inform capacity building and planning.
Community Readiness Model Developed by Tri-Ethnic Center for Prevention Research (Colorado State University) Originally developed for community alcohol and drug abuse prevention efforts Since then, has also been used for issues as varied as: Intimate partner violence Child abuse Transportation issues HIV/AIDS Head injury Suicide Animal control issues
Assumptions About “Readiness” • Not intended as a judgment – informs decisions on strategies to meet the community where it is • Issue-specific and multi-dimensional • May vary across dimensions and in different segments of a community
Dimensions & Stages of Readiness Dimensions Community Efforts Knowledge of Efforts Leadership Community Climate Knowledge of Issue Resources
What Readiness Assessment Can (& Can’t) Do What it Can Do: • Help identify resources – and obstacles • Identify types of efforts best suited to stage of readiness What it Can’t Do: • Make people do what they don’t believe in • Tell you exactly what you should do
Steps in the Process • Develop list of questions • Identify “key informants” to interview • Schedule and conduct interviews • Decide who will conduct scoring • Use scoring tool to score each dimension • Share and discuss results • Use results to inform capacity building and strategic planning
1. Develop list of questions • Start with questions created by Tri-Ethnic Center • Adapt to fit community’s needs • Make changes carefully – questions are closely tied to scoring tool • Pilot test questions
Step 1: Group Exercise • Determine issue to focus on for youth-related interviews (10 minutes) • Go through interview questions: • Are there any (non-bold) you would get rid of? (10 minutes) • Are there any for which you would revise the wording? (10 minutes) • Are there any you don’t see, that you would like to add? Which dimension do they best fit under? (10 minutes)
2. Identify Key Respondents • Minimum of 4-6 individuals (per focus area) • Key Respondents: • Knowledgeable about a community but not necessarily leaders or decision makers • Involved in community / know what’s going on • Aim for diverse representation, such as: • Schools • Local/tribal governments • Youth, elders • Law enforcement • Faith-based community • Community at large • Industry representative • Health/medical field, including mental health
Step 2: Group Exercise Select 4-6 key respondents each for: Focus 1: Youth alcohol use Focus 2: Adult heavy and binge drinking
3. Conduct Interviews • Contact in advance to make sure those identified are willing to discuss the issue • Each interview will take 30-60 minutes • Can ask for clarification when needed, and use prompts provided • But avoid discussion with interviewee • Record or write responses as they are given • Don’t add your own interpretation or second-guess what you think interviewee “meant”
4. Decide who will conduct scoring Ideally two people: • Independently go through scoring process • Both scorers meet to discuss, working toward consensus
Step 4: Group Exercise Decision: Who will your scorers be?
5. Use scoring tool for each dimension Working independently: • Both scorers read through each interview in its entirety before beginning to score it • Read through applicable score sheets for each dimension • Go through each dimension, highlighting interviewee statements that correlate to scoring sheet statements • Select scoring sheet statement that scorer believes best reflects what was stated during interview (doesn’t have to be a whole number) • Complete “Individual Scores” section of scoring sheet
5. Use scoring tool for each dimension Working together: • Discuss scores, with goal of achieving consensus • Consider items missed, or differing interpretations of interviewee statements’ fit on scoring sheet • Once consensus reached, complete “Combined Scores” section of scoring sheet • Complete remainder of scoring sheet: “Calculated Scores” and “Overall Stage of Readiness” • Write down any impressions or qualifying statements that may relate to your community’s score.
Step 5: Group Exercise Individually (20-30 minutes): • Read through sample interview • Read through scoring sheets for each dimension • Score the interview As a group (however long it takes!): • Share scores; identify differences • Discuss to reach a consensus
6. Share and discuss results • Are the scores across dimensions all about the same? • If not, which dimensions need to be raised so that readiness is at about the same level across the board? • Consider the broad types of appropriate strategies for increasing readiness levels • Use this information, along with needs assessment findings, to inform next phases in SPF (Capacity Building, Strategic Planning)
Appropriate Strategies Level 1 – No Awareness Goal: Raise awareness of the issue Possible Strategies: • One-on-one visits with others • Visit existing small groups • Phone calls to friends and potential supporters
Appropriate Strategies Level 2 – Denial / Resistance Goal: Recognition that this issue exists in this community. Possible Strategies: • Continue strategies from previous stage • Distribute fliers and brochures • Put information in church bulletins, club newsletters, etc. • Low intensity but visible media (“media” as defined in your community)
Appropriate Strategies Level 3 – Vague Awareness Goal: Community knows it can make positive changes Possible Strategies: • Continue strategies from previous stage • Hold special events: potlucks, dances, etc. • Conduct informal surveys to see how people feel about the issue (ex: perceptions survey) • Publish editorials/articles and creative media consistent with community visibility
Appropriate Strategies Level 4 - Preplanning Goal: Develop concrete strategies Possible Strategies: • Continue strategies from previous stage • Continue using media: newspaper articles, posters • Conduct assessment of what’s already going on in the community (i.e., resources assessment) • Hold focus groups and listen to ideas
Appropriate Strategies Level 5 - Preparation Goal: Gather pertinent information Possible Strategies: • Continue strategies from previous stage • Gather and present local data (tell the story) • Conduct informal surveys to see how people feel about the issue • Increase media exposure (radio, newspaper, etc.)
Appropriate Strategies Level 6 – Initiation Goal: Provide community-specific information Possible Strategies: • Continue strategies from previous stage • Begin training community providers / people • Conduct public forums to gather ideas • Sponsor larger community events
Appropriate Strategies Level 7 - Stabilization Goal: Stabilize efforts or establish programs Possible Strategies: • Continue strategies from previous stage • Maintain business/other support for efforts • Introduce new programs and identify support • Increase/further develop media exposure • Utilize evaluation to improve efforts
Appropriate Strategies Level 8 – Confirmation and Expansion Goal: Expand and enhance services Possible Strategies: • Continue strategies from previous stage • Expand community awareness through speaker bureaus, events, media, etc. • Track and report trends from data analysis • Continue to survey and solicit public opinion • Use evaluation to improve efforts and provide feedback to community and partners
Appropriate Strategies Level 9 – High Level of Community Ownership Goal: Maintain momentum, grow and use what’s learned Possible Strategies: • Continue strategies from previous stage • Diversify funding resources, identify new resources • Maintain and expand local business support • Continue to track data trends for grant writing • Begin work on related issues