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By K.B.Nanda FACAO

Indian Railway Accounts Service is of more than 80 years vintageIs the oldest service other than the IA

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By K.B.Nanda FACAO

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Presentation Transcript

    1. by K.B.Nanda FA&CAO/NWR

    2. Indian Railway Accounts Service is of more than 80 years vintage Is the oldest service other than the IA&AS through which it branched off

    3. OBJECTIVES To throw up burning issues affecting the fraternity To provide a listening post for issues agitating the minds of officers To invite ideas & suggestions for improving career prospects To draw a road map for the future

    4. IRAS comprises the biggest Accounts service after IA&AS:


    7. IRAS officers with working spouse should be accommodated at the same station as far as possible Inter-station transfers should be minimum in SG/SAG due to childrens education Compassionate postings should be allowed twice in a career for 3 years each On promotion, junior-most officer will move out in case no vacancy exists in the same station NORMS FOR POSTINGS

    8. Each IRAS officer to receive professional/management/specialised training for at least 2 weeks every 2 years Every officer should be exposed to training in railway working abroad at least once in his /her career preferably within the first 15 years of service Officers must acquire a degree in ICWAI/ICAI or MBA/Fin or in Public Policy conducted by reputed institutions like NIFM, IIMs, IIPA,MDI etc. before attaining SG VALUE ADDITION- PROPOSED

    9. Training schedule for IRAS probationers being revised (Details in the next slide) 2. Foreign training has been made a composite part of AMP being conducted by Railway Staff College VALUE ADDITIONS



    13. TIME-BOUND PROMOTIONS: HOW TO IMPLEMENT? In order to clear the backlog in SAG/HAG promotions,deputations to be encouraged to PSUs/General Branches in SAG All posts of FA&CAOs (co-ordinating) on the Zonal Railways to be in HAG More posts in General branch to be attempted for cadre balancing Deputation to NTPC/SEBs to be pursued Exchange programme with the IA&AS and IP F&AS to be pursued Cadre-management to be handled entirely by IRAS without interference from non stake holders Posting as Joint Secy. Cum FA in other Ministries to be pursued with FM



    16. C-TARA (Centralised Training Academy for Railway Accounts) The training institute at Secunderabad has been in existence since the last 3 years The Institute is at present being utilised only for holding weekly courses for Group B & C personnel The institute needs to be equipped with manpower and proper training programmes so as to enable it to train IRAS officers The institute needs to be developed as a centre of excellence in Finance Management on the lines of similar institutions set up by sister departments

    17. CONCLUSION The IRAS may be an 80 year old service but it is not aged There are many areas where work needs to be done There is no room for despondency All of us need to work together to take the service to greater heights IRAS promises a bright future


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